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Everything posted by m-coon

  1. Where does one find the current poverty line income figures to use when doing AOS forms????? Scott
  2. Soooooooooo..... Are we all saying that if there is not a "A" number written on the I94 - that I should write "none" in this space??????/ Scott
  3. Hello, I guess I am just a bit confused... Could somebody tell me about the AOS applications? Are they all completed FOR MY IMMIGRATING WIFE..... Or are any of them asking for MY INFORMATION??? The "Bio" form has me most confused - is it for her or for me? I guess it would be simpler if you listed the form number (name) and WHO this form is asking for? ............ Yes? Thanks, Scott
  4. Welcome........ In my case I hired an attorney (in California - I'm in Florida) because in the beginning I did not know CFL existed - and I had been told by many people this was strongly advised. Anyway, I found that I seemed to know more about the process than he did! Plus he made one huge mistake that cost my wife and extra trip to GUZ and cost me about $500! Use an atorney if you do not feel comfortable with doing this yourself or if it makes you feel better having somebody else responsible. But check around and use one that has a good reputation and success rate. An attorney will be an asset if you run into problems - so keep this in mind also when you make the decision. You never know how your individual case will go in the later stages. And no matter how good CFL members are - they are not attorneys (except King) so they cannot give you legal advise. If you ever need the legal advise - it will be there for your asking. If I did this again - I think I still would use an attorney - just a different one!!! Scott
  5. My wife was also an exception to the rule on communication.... She speaks almost no english and I speak no chinese.... But she was not asked to prove our ability to communicate. So I think this comes up only (or mostly) when there are other issues - so the VO just tacks this request onto other requests he has. Again, just my two cents. Scott
  6. They are asking for your license to do business. You have to have some sort of license to do business. If you actaully do not have a license - then how else can you prove that you do have a business? The tax returns prove this - but I'm sure they expect to still see a license. Scott
  7. I also had this same concern - although I do not see any logical reason to go back to GUZ to do this since it is much cheaper and easier to do the AOS here in the sates. I am anxiously awaiting the comments on this thread. I also was wondering what the chance of being denied the CR1 visa at this interview? How many people actually fail this interview??? Scott
  8. Don't consider this "gospel" - but I have never heard of ever having to prove your intentions to return by holding a round trip ticket. I have never heard of a case where this was requested. Scott
  9. I think it should be clear to anybody reading CFL that ANY post should be considered the OPINION of the author! And it is up to the reader to read and evaluate EVERY comment - so that you can then draw your own conclusion as to what is the answer or fact you get out of the ENTIRE LOT of posts with that thread. Personally I think the information here is very accuate - but I would never base anything of importance one any single comment - But I feel I can trust an answer or fact that is told by several members. You must decide for yourself how much faith you have in what you read here and act on it accordingly. If you have little faith - go out and hire an attorney or go straight to the source of information (such as the government agency that it may pertain to). If you trust what you have read here - consider it a gift and a savings of your time and money! Scott
  10. Hello, Simple question: Exactly when can my wife apply for US citizenship? She said she heard 4 years after coming here - I had heard there was no time required.... What is the correct answer? Thanks, Scott
  11. My wife says they did not give her any copies of anything!! No booklet from the hospital or anything. She said they kept everything when she entered the country. All she got was her passport with the small form attached ( the I-94 I think it is called?) I called several civil surgeons in this area (actually all of them) and they all require a physical!!! Scott
  12. Hi, My local civil surgeon's office tells me we need the following: Blood tests: HIV & RPR...... Immunizations: TD, MMR, and Varicella (if never had chicken pox)...... Does this seem correct to you guys? This is about stupid!!! She had all these tests in China before leaving - but of course they do not give you any records - so you have to do it all again!!! I can't understand what would have been so hard to give copies of these tests so they don't have to be done again!!!??? Oh well - good old US government! Anyway - also - after we get this and the physical - I assume all that is left is to file for the AOS and work permit? Thanks, Scott
  13. She is K3......... All I know is there is a place for it on the form (one of the AOS forms) - and I know I have seen it somewhere here before...... I just don't remember what it is and where to find it? Scott
  14. I know I have seen this but now cannot find it.... What exactly is the "A" number need on the AOS documents???
  15. Mr Honest... I'm just curious to ask: What might be your opinion of the American people (both citizens and government officials) who not only allow but condone the Mexicans coming into the US - Because the Americans are too lazy to do the work that the Mexicans are happy to do. Turning the cheek to all these illegals not only being here but taking American jobs......... then actually granting them citizenship after they have come, worked, and lived here illegally for so many years? THis is ok with you?
  16. I may get "black balled" out of CFL for saying this but I feel a strong need to say this: This woman has been through a LOT! She has met and married an American who obviously has disappointed her and has probably broken her heart. She has endured the very hard and long visa process. She has given up everything she has ever known to come to America to be with the man she loves. Now she is (more or less) lost here and scared. I think we should give her a break! Although none of us want to do anything illegal or tell somebody else it is ok to do something illegal... but come on people... If all the other foreigners can come to the US and stay here illegally - why can't she attempt to stay here either legally or illegally??? Why can't we try to tell her things a bit more positive? Don't scare her into thinking she has "no options". She has plenty of options. We all know there is little to no chance the US will ever deport her. I just think we can be of more help to her than to say to find an attorney and if there is no legal way to stay - she must go home! Scott
  17. Hello, Are there any (filled out) EXAMPLE or REFERENCE forms on this website to use to help complete the forms needed to file AOS & EAD??? I'm assuming all that is necessary is the 485, 864, 325, and 765.....? It would be so much easier to see some forms that have already been completed (filled out) to use as a reference..... I have looked and can't seem to find any. Thanks, Scott
  18. I would ask him WHY he feels the need for the agreement? If he really does not trust you - you must ask yourself if this is what you really want. I'm sure it is designed primarily to protect him - not you. If you do agree to sign - it is very important that you find your own attorney to represent you and assure this is in your best interest. I would think he may be somewhat worried that you will leave him once you enter the USA - And if he really feels this way, is this the guy you want as your husband? It is of the most importance that you both LOVE and TRUST each other! If he does not trust you 100% - then you will most likely have problems down the road. From your words here - you seem to be a very sincere woman - He is very lucky to have you as a fiancee - just don't make the wrong decision now in haste. Think about it and talk about it until you feel more comfortable. Good luck on whatever you decide. Please remember to post updates of how this works out. Scott
  19. I agree with what has been said .............. NEVER send anything important via USPS!!!! Use the Fedex or the DHL. Obviously you now have learned a valuable lesson. But this doesn't help you out at this moment.... Sorry! Hope it turns up soon and all works out for you. Scott
  20. Thank you guys............. I feel much better now! I was really worried that there was something I was missing. Scott
  21. Hello, I am a bit confused by what (or lack of what) she was given when she entered the USA on her K3 visa: All they gave her was a stamp in her passport, and a peice of paper stapled to the passport that said she has 2 years to stay...... Then there were some form letters that describe how to get a SS card and something about how to file I-485 (by mail)...... I THOUGHT THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A DOCUMENT THAT THEY STAMP OR MARK IN SOME WAY AND GIVE THIS TO HER - AND THAT THIS IS USED IN SOME WAY WHEN SHE AOS??????? Can somebody tell me what SHE SHOULD HAVE GOT at the customs and/or immigrations counter when she entered??? Thanks, Scott
  22. A phone call is certainly not practical as there is no proof of who is making the call. It would be too easy to have somebody else to make the call for you to falsely administer "proof" of chinese verbal skills. The VO has no way of knowing who he is speaking with - this could never work!
  23. At DHL you can do a search by "form" (I-730). Then you can locate which package(s) could contain your papers by then choosing the date close (after) the date DOS gave you that it was shipped. Then you can ASSUME this is your package and watch it. But it is still a bit of a guessing game unless there is only one package anywhere near the date they told you it was shipped. Good Luck, Scott
  24. 174350[/snapback] How about her children and your children? For many Chinese families, children play an important role on deciding future action plans. Paul 174353[/snapback] Sorry - she only has 1 grown son who is staying in China - at least until we get a visa for him to come here as a perminant resident. My children are all grown and moved away - they should not be any factor in this. Scott
  25. I have read several threads that touch on this subject. Can we try to compile some good input of usable data that substanciates that it is (either) best for a Chinese SO to change citizenship to USA or not? In my case - my wife is a (near) 47 year old woman. I don't see any chance of her accumulating any retirement here in the US. So she may be better off staying a Chinese citizen and receiving what is due to her from China? Or am I mistaken - and that it will be best to change citizenship so she can obtain benefits from the US government? I don't particularly want her to change citizenship - but I would like to make the best decision for her future. We are fortunate enough that we stand to inherrit a "fair" amount of money when my father passes - So I don't really see a need to "pinch nickels". We will "more or less" be comfortable the rest of our lives. I am asking CFL members to post their opinions on the benefit or "draw back" to changing citizenship? I just want to do what is best for her. My largest concern is that (if I were to pass), perhaps she would like to take our money and go back to China... And be with her family... As she has only come here to be with me - she doesn't particualrly want to live out her life here. China would be very comfortable for her in her old age with the amount of money she will have. So remaining a Chinese citizen in this case would be a huge asset! I do appreciate any input any of you can provide. Scott
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