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Everything posted by m-coon

  1. Hi All, Can some of you help me with some of the questions on the visa application? I am torn between some answers........ I want to try and get the 2 year, multi entry, with up to 90 day stay type visa. So should I answer questions in an effort to help persuade them to issue this - or should the accompanying letter be what CONVINCES THEM to issue such a visa????? IE: Application askes: Length of longest anticipated stay? I'm only staying two weeks this time - but should I answer 90 DAYS? Plus - since the application does not have a place to TWO YEAR - How should that be handled? Written in? Do I put my wifes MOTHER as our inviter? We are staying with her. "other declaration"......... is there anything i should write in there? Any special info I need for writing the accompanying letter??? Thanks for any input! Scott
  2. Hello All, I know I have been posting under a different username lately - but felt this was big enough news to post under my original username - so anyone who chooses can go back and read the history of our case. IT IS FINALLY OVER - WE WON!!! MY WIFE RECEIVED HER 10 YEAR GREEN CARD IN THE MAIL TODAY!!! Besides the fact that I want to yell this great news at the top of my lungs for all to hear - I also want to thank every one of you who have helped me (us) so much over the last 5 years! THANKS EVERYONE!!! So it looks like we will be hopping on a plane very soon to finally get to go back to China for a long overdue visit to friends and family there. THE HAPPINESS I FEEL IN MY HEART IS INCREDIBLE. IT HAS BEEN SUCH A ROUGH ROAD FOR US. AND NOW WE CAN RELAX BECAUSE IT IS FINALLY OVER. Thanks, m-coon (Scott - Fortunecookie)
  3. Hi All, I have been away from Candle for some time - but now need to get some input from those of you who have stayed on top of your I-751 application timeframe. I filed our I-751 back in May of 2008 - The letter says it was recieved on May 22, 2008. We were given the date of June 6, 2008 for the ASC (biometrics) appointment. We have not heard a single word on our application (other than the standard letter they sent back to us saying that they were extending the expiration date of her 2 year green card by one more year). I thought this all seemed a bit slow. The wife had heard this process (for others) is not usually such a long wait. She has heard of it being done in 6 months as of lately from some friends. So my question to those of you who are staying on top of the 751 timeline - Is this typical? Or does it seem like our case is running slow? We live in Florida. The I-751 receipt says that if we need to send any other paperwork - that it should be sent to the Texas Service Center...... does this mean that Texas is processing her I-751 application? I ask this specifically because on the ICIS website, it does not show any I-751's being processed at the Texas Service Center. Does this mean that another office is handling the application? If so - which office should be doing the I-751's for Florida? And is the info available on the ICIS website accurate? I see that some service centers are turning these around very quickly and others are way far behind - like 2 years behind. I would really appreciate it if any of you can ease my worry some on this matter. I am really beginning to worry about the length of time this is taking. Plus my wife and I are planning a trip to China this year - and this delay is going to mess this trip up for us!!! She can't go to China with an expired green card - and I don't trust getting her back in the US based on a stupid letter saying the expiration date is extended one year.... I want her to be holding a valid green card before we leave the country - not just a letter. Thanks in advance! m-coon
  4. Hello and Welcome, By ALL MEANS..... Buy the ring in the USA - They are much cheaper here (At least from what I found). Hand carry (or wear the ring yourself - diamond side down, will look better) during all inspections at the airports. No need to do or say anything about it - they will not ask. There is NOTHING WRONG with buying it ahead of time - as you will most likely want to give it to her on your first visit!!! I did the same thing. If you change your mind - you should be able to get a refund or be able to sell it for the same price. Ask before buying it!!! Take all the paperwork with you so you can get it signed while you are there. Take marriage documents with you just in the event you decide to marry her on the first visit. These documents do not need her name on them - therefore you can choose to use them or not - but good to have with you in the event you do want to marry her this trip, instead of the engagement route. K3 is just about the same time as the K1 - maybe a few months longer - but being married to her will definately make her more secure and happy. Take plenty of photos - preferably with her family members. Save EVERY receipt and document you receive during the trip - no matter how small it is - even restaurant receipts, etc. Have a great time and good luck. Scott
  5. Is this for real? Why would the gov make such a ig deal out of fake purses?????
  6. I also agree.... My wife spoke almost no english words. No problem. I still think it all depends on the rest of your evidence (siuation) and the mood of the VO.
  7. I can only help with the taxes.... Yes, the copies you printed out and the actual w-2's are all you need. I did the same thing.
  8. I agree it would scare the hell out of my wife! But - you somehow have to figure out a way to educate her. Anybody got any idea how this can be done without scaring her to death?
  9. Due to your expertise in NEGOTIATIONS.......... I certainly hope your job is one where your main objective is to "negotiate" matters.......... YOU SEEM TO BE AN EXPERT AT THIS!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha If not - you should consider changing jobs where you primary task is negotiations!!!!!! I have never heard of anybody being able to sway the VO's and get them to accomodate their needs so easily. Scott
  10. My SO and I had a good idea when her interview would be. We had carefully calculated it based on the data we got from here. I made my plans to go and visit her one last time about 3 to 4 months before when we expected the interview to be.......... I go and spend two wonderful weeks with her - come home - and the next day received the invitation for her interview!!! Although this was very good news - it sure screwed up my schedule, as there was no way I could turn around and go right back to China to be with her for the interview. Just goes to show that GUZ will try their best to throw you off guard by throwing you a "curve ball" and wreck havock to your plans and schedule - ha ha. But I can't complain - only 7 to 8 months from start to finish for us (don't know the exact date the appplication was sent in - can only guess), so this is why I can't say for sure how many months the process took for us for sure. Just be happy you got a date!!!!!!!!!!! Scott
  11. Hello, I cannot get over how when I was in China that there was absolutely no tipping permitted. It may have been discussed here before - but if not - I would sure love to read comments about tipping in China and other countries? I have never traveled to any country other than China - therefore I have no idea what it is like there. But in China my SO told me that tipping was not only not necesary but that it was more or less and insult to the person to give a tip. What do you guys and gals know about tipping in China and other countries? Thanks, Scott
  12. Nope - no visa at all is needed for Hong Kong. But if you cross the border into China more than once, or go to Hong Kong from China and try to return, you will need a multiple entry visa fo China. A Chinese citizen needs to make sure that they can enter Hong Kong, however. As mentioned here - be aware that she will have to have documents to enter Hong Kong. They are sometimes difficult to obtain - so you should get her working on researching this matter. Scott
  13. You can always request another packet be sent out. But you can also download all the forms on the internet and make your own packet up. If I remeber correctly - I was able to get all the forms right here at CFL. Good Luck! Scott
  14. Mike, I will call you tonight and we can go over all of this. Since my wife is also from Liuzhou - I can help you with most of this. If I don't call you - you call me..... I'm old and forget sometimes - ha ha. Scott
  15. There is no need to worry about what the VO will keep... as it is HIGHLY advised that you keep copies of EVERYTHING for your records. So no matter what he takes - you know you have more of them in your records... in the event you ever need them for something else. Plus it is also recommended that you also be sure to get several extra ORIGINALS of all the documents that you must obtain while in China. All Chinese documents have to be translated into English - these are the ones that are recommended to have several extras of, because you will need some of them later down the road. I made copies of everything before filing them. I also made sure I had at least 3 of each of all the original Chinese documents we had filed - because they are a pain in the butt to get later when you discover you need them and you are half way around the world. You will find that having all these copies and extra originals will come into good use later down the road.
  16. It is a good possibility that the post delivered one before the other. My wife has a friend who went through the latter part of the process together - and their mail was always a few days apart. But you never know - they may take a lot longer to process the other. Since you mentioned the possibility of the mail being late - I wanted to tell you we have seen this in our cases (wifes and friends). Scott
  17. Perhaps you should schedule a info appointment and ask them directly the status of the application/name check. If still not complete then perhaps they can provide better details as to how your wife can re-enter the country on what she is currently holding. It is such a shame that certain people have such a lengthy wait while others (like my wife and I) went through the process with absolutely no delays out of the ordinary. Good Luck!!! Scott
  18. MIke, If you cannot make the Liuzhou flight that same day - consider taking a flight to Guilin - and can get a car or bus ride from there to Liuzhou - only 2 hours away by car. There should be several flights from GZ to Guilin each day. Hope you figure it out. Scott
  19. No - as long as it is final (legal) before you guys marry or file for her visa. Scott
  20. Mike, I have sent you a "personal message" here on CFL. If you don't know how to receive it - please ask. Scott
  21. Something else to consider..... Be sure to read your e-mails and edit out any letters that do not convey the love and emotion you have for one-another. I know there were times my SO and I discussed matters that I would not consider good reading by the VO. Scott
  22. Kevin, I just made a reply to this in the other thread you started. Sorry I had not read any posts for several days before today - So I just now see it. Scott
  23. I was advised early on to make (get) several copies (certified and translated copies) of everything - I think I was told at least 3. I know it isn't cheap - but you will most likely need additional copies for other filings you will have to do. So YES get some more copies done. Scott
  24. Waiting for a visa number is a long term thing, but you get the paperwork in line, then when she becomes a USC it's a matter of notifying them of the change in her status and the process continues. This is the most recommended process. How Do I Bring My Child, Son or Daughter to Live in the United States? 239919[/snapback] So Lee, You are sure of this answer? If we begin an application now - and my wife becomes a citizen before a visa is issued - then all we have to do is notify them that she is now a citizen - and they will change their directions and issue the visa in a timely manner? What form will I have to file at the time she becomes a citizen? What fees will be connected with this filing? Thanks So Much For Your Help!!! Scott
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