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Everything posted by m-coon

  1. Hello, I have searched here and did find the forms needed to AOS......... But I cannot find the forms for the "work permit"......... Can anybody please point me in the right direction? Are there some good instructions posted somewhere for this process? All I know is that for my K3 wife - we need to file these forms together... Thanks, Scott
  2. I didn't have the time to decorate the bed - I was able to at least get red sheets and bed cover.......... of course, she loved that!
  3. Not much to worry about........ it seems all CFL members are passing as of lately. Good luck though........ let us all know the results.
  5. Hello All, I flew to LA to meet my wife coming from China - and she is now asleep in our bed - ha ha - the flight wore her out! This is just an update to let anybody know that YES she is finally here!!! I want to take this oppotunity to thank everybody who has offered so much valuable information AND SUPPORT! We now begin our new life together. I guess future postings will be in the other section where I can now ask questions about HOW TO UNDERSTAND HER (understand why she does what she does) and what all I have to do different now - ha ha. Thanks Again All, Scott & Dan
  6. If you can read english and know about the chinese traditional wedding - I have a question here I would like for you to read: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14249 Thanks, Scott
  7. Hello, I agree with everything you said! However, I am quite sure I am not typical. I think some men here have a vision of what a typical traditional Chinese woman is - and it is not typical for a traditional Chinese woman to ask for money - even if married (as I understand it). This is where the "red flag" comes in! I think most men (whether they admit it or not) are a bit paranoid. Perhaps they are "looking" for reasons to doubt or worry? And I have had some doubts myself - But ONLY TIME will cure this problem!!! I have known my wife almost 2 years - and I no longer let such matters worry me. I trust her motives and actions now. Although, the culture differences do create issues at times. I do, however, think it is totally wrong to send $500 a month to a wife - even if you have the money! $100 to $150 should be more than enough for a Chinese woman to live very comfortable in china. I think equal sharing is the best way to look at this - and I am not going to send more money to my wife than I spend here on myself. If she doeswn't want to work - she better be using the time to study english - or something like that - that will be an asset to the two of us at a later time. And my last point - There are definately some men out there (whether Chinese or American) that are just "flat out" bad husbands!!! When a woman discovers this - she should divorce the man immediately - and not waste any time on a relationship that is sure to doom in time! There are many more fish in the sea. She may feel comfortable knowing she has a husband - but a bad husband is worse than no husband at all! It may take years or even a lifetime to find another husband but it is definately wrong to stay in such a bad marriage. This guy sounds pretty bad and screwed up!!! Scott
  8. Since NOBODY is replying to this.... Can I assume that perhaps this was something my wife choose to put in our wedding and is not necessarily typical of the Chinese traditional wedding???
  9. Hi All, I was refecting back on the wedding ceremony and I was curious about one aspect of the (traditional Chinese) wedding ceremony. I asked my wife the meaning of this and she really couldn't give me an answer because she said she really didn't know. What is the meaning (what does this represent) when the wedding ceremony begins and the bride and groom enter the room - with the groom in the front and the bride following, holding a cloth ribbon that is draped around the shoulder of the groom??? My wife said she thinks it represents the bride "being pulled to the bedroom" but was very unsure. Does anybody know what this actually represents??? Are there any other things that also have a special meaning in the Chinese traditional wedding ceremony? Thanks for your input, Scott
  10. It all seems to be in the name check..... Scott
  11. Unfortunately my wife had to delay her departure a week (to get matters settled before she can leave China) and she will miss Thanksgiving here with me.......... I am very sad about this, BUT we will certainly have a GRAND Christmas together - For which I am also very thankful!!! I have not even thought about our Christmas dinner but I certainly hope it will be a traditional Chinese meal. Whatever pleases her!!! Scott
  12. Hi All, I happily told my wife (who is coming here next week) that I bought her a new cell phone and told her what her number will be (so she can give it to family and friends). She quickly lost her smile! She told me that the number 4 was very evil and represented death to the Chinese people!!! Have any of you heard of this and if so please post your experience with your Chinese SO over this issue. Scott
  13. I agree 100% with DavidZixuan! My relationship is almost identical to what he said for himself and his wife. Sure there were flags - but I ignored them and we have an outstanding relationship now - that I feel is 100% true for us both. I think one needs to ignore a lot of these flags by looking at all the good you see also. If you freak out at every little thing that looks wrong - you will never make it. Have a bit of faith and give the woman a chance. There are great deals of cultural issues that can easily mislead you if you look at them in the wrong context. If she is not true - you will see this eventually. Scott
  14. "Apology accepted, and I will let the matter drop. Let the discussion continue, with no hard feelings........" I may be wrong but I do not think anybody wants to discuss this anymore here. Maybe everybody should just value their own opinion and keep it to themself. This obviously touched a nerve.
  15. Hi All, Wife will be here on the 30th!!! Yea Yea Yea... It is now time to begin doing things differently, and start doing things that will make my wife happy and content. My concern is that she may become lonely here. I work very long hours and at this time am working 7 days a week. I need to help her find friends in the area to do things with. We live in a small city and the house is a bit "rural". There is a large military base 30 or so miles away - so I am sure there are other Chinese ladies in this area. My question is HOW do I go about locating some Chinese women in my area for her to have as friends? My wife speaks little english, so especially at first - I think it will help if I can find some mandarin speaking ladies. Any suggestions on how we can seek out these ladies to have as friends? Thanks, Scott
  16. Good Advice!!! Act happy and innocent. But it would not hurt to sit back and watch others being checked and get in the line that "appears" to have the most lenient employee doing the check-ins..... ha ha I've never tried the "fragile" idea somebody suggested - but this could work as well. Scott
  17. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! I am happy for you both. It is a good feeling. Soon she will be here and you can begin your new life together. Good Luck!!! Scott
  18. I recently flew delta airlines out of GZ.... They were not charging anybody for anything! I saw huge bags going through with no charge. But keep in mind - this practice could be different any other day. Scott
  19. My wife breaks out in tears everytime I do something good for him! Or if I even say "that I will always provide for him" - she always cries. She says nobody has ever been so good to her in her entire life. I am very glad to take him as my son - and am very proud of him. But I just wish I understood the thinking that is going on inside the ex's head on this matter. I intend (well my wife and I) to apply for a visa for him as soon as she gets to the USA. I know it takes many many years - but I do want what is best for him and now this seems to be to get him here to be with her and to have a better future. It is a shame he has to live in China without his mother (soon) and has no father to call on there - Got to get him out of there. Scott
  20. Hi, This has always bothered me. Perhaps some of you can shed some light on this..... Let me lay out the picture, then I will ask my question: My new Chinese wife "Dan" was previously married and has long been divorced. She had given her first husband a son. This son is now 22. The ex-husband re-married when he divorced my wife. Then his new wife also gave him a son. What I cannot understand is WHY this man - basically lost all interest and love for his first born son (by my wife) when he was given another son (by his new wife)??????????? I just can't understand why a Chinese man - who supposedly LIVE to have a son - would loose all love and interest in his first born son when he was given a second son by his new wife? Can some of you Chinese ladies please try to explain how this can be? Is it because the first son was birthed by the ex-wife? I want to understand this so that I can better deal with this situation - So I can better relate to this boy and my new wife. Thanks, Scott
  21. Hi All, Now that my wife has her visa and will be on her way home very soon - it occured to me that perhaps our worries are not quite over.... Is it possible - can it happen - that a third party involvement can still cause her trouble? Not only at the US border (if something comes up between now and when she enters), But also when we go to apply for the AOS (green card)??? Is there any way a third party involvement can cause her to either not be allowed in the US; or later when we apply for AOS, can she be denied a green card? There is a person who has threatened to keep her in China. It is a member of her family. They do not know (she has the visa) and will not know she has left China until she has arrived in the US. But people do leak news and there is always a chance this person will find out before she leaves. But I worry more about her AOS..... Can this person do anything to cause this to be denied? I have never heard this discussed here and thought this would be important for her and I to know in advance. Has anybody had an experience like this? Thanks, Scott
  22. C ON G R A D U L A T I O N S ! ! ! Way to go! Now bring that woman home!!! Scott
  23. C O N G R A D U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! ! Now get that woman home and get that new life started! Isn't it a awesome feeling??? Scott
  24. GREAT!!! I'm glad this worked for you! Scott
  25. Did you ever find out the result yet??? Scott
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