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Everything posted by m-coon

  1. I was thinking about this the other day. Just thought I would share my thoughts in the case anybody has ever made this connection... After reading about the many cases here and then seeing that some people seem to make their way to the interview so much faster than many others do - Has anybody ever seen a connection between the speed of the application and the result of the application??? Is it possible that the applications that render a faster interview date - are more suseptable to being failed?... Or the opposite? My thought is that when an application draws a flag - it "possibly could" move on to the next stage (bypassing further investigation) with the applicant being told "there are problems" and getting the blue slip..... While the ones that do not draw a flag, might take longer as it continues through the entire process. Is this a possibility? Does anybody have any data to confirm or deny this idea? Or is it likely that there is no connection at all between the speed of the process and the result? Scott
  2. Did they tell you that the insurance only covers it until it leaves the USA? Once it has left the country - Once the tracking shows it has left the country - It is no longer insured..... At least this is what they have told me. Scott
  3. Keep in mind that insurance is not available! No guarantee she will get it and no way to get your money back! And also realize that they are much cheaper to buy there! Scott
  4. The purpose of my asking this question is directly relating to the fact that I personally know some of these Romanians that have worked here. They tell me that if they "overstay" in the USA - they do not worry about the police, because they say the police do NOTHING to them if they are caught... Therefore they do not fear being deported!!! This in iteslf drives me crazy!!! How can the US government care so little about this, that they actually seem to go out of their way to ignore an "illegal" when they are discovered??? BUT make us go through hell to get our SO here legally......... But I am happy to read what "notrevorich" says that he knows of cases where they have been deported when discoverd!!!!
  5. Hello, I have a question please. Considering that the USA does little or nothing to the Mexicans, Cuban's, etc who come to the USA illegally - I am very curious to know "what do they do to the Chinese who stay in America after their visa expires"? How do they make them leave? Do they try to make them leave? Do they physically send them back to China? I know that it is reported that it is too costly to enforce these laws and to return people to their home countries. Does this include the Chinese people? I would really like to understand "IF" and "HOW" this applies to the Chinese people - and if they do enforce this on the Chinese - Why are they singled out (VS the Mexicans, Cuban's and all the many other nationalities that are here illegally that they do nothing about!)??? I work for a company that every year brings Romanians here to work the busy season (I'm in a tourist area). I have learned that only about 50% of them return to Romania after their work visa expires. I am told they do not fear the authorities because the USA does nothing to them IF THEY CATCH THEM HERE ILLEGALLY!!! Is this the same for the Chinese people if they are caught here on an expired visa? This is certainly not something I would consider for my wife! I obey the laws! I just want to clearify my reason for asking - PURE CURIOSITY!!!!! It seems that everybody on this website DO OBEY the laws - Doesn't it piss you off to know our country does not try to enforce these laws on the many other nationalities that DO VIOLATE the laws here??? Scott
  6. I see that 2 of these forms "appear" to apply only to a Fiancee Visa..... Can somebody tell me which of the listed forms apply to a K-3 visa??? DS-156K DS-230 (part 2) GNI-2 All of these documents are already in China with my wife. I cannot see them - so it is hard to determine what she has and what she has already signed... Thanks, Scott
  7. My attorney has told me that there is only one document that needs to be signed in front of a consulate officer!!! Therefore all other documents have been prepared and already signed - except the one he marked with a sticky note saying NOT TO SIGN YET! I don't have the documents in front of me - they are in china with my wife - but I think this is the DS-230 or the DS-156 that is not yet signed. I need to know HOW ACCURATE this information is that David posted? Can other members please reply with any knowledge you have about this topic. I need to quickly get an answer because my wife is leaving tomorrow for GZ for her medical exam - and of course at that time they seal the documents for the consulate!!! Please reply as soon as possible everybody!!! Thanks, Scott
  8. I have left all the documents with my wife in China. I remember that one of them had a notation on it from my attorney that it can only be signed in the presence of the visa officer........ Does anybody remember which document this is?
  9. Who is running it - I guess I'm a bit slow..... ha ha
  10. Maybe I'm stupid but I cannot find the website that is often refered to here called "001". I see webpages in chinese when I go to sites by this name - is this a chinese site or is portions of it in english? I would appreciate some direction. Thanks, Scott
  11. I wish more of the guys would ask this of their SO's and post the answer they give.... I am very curious to the percentage of Ya's and No's. Thanks for the input. Scott
  12. Other members please correct me if I am wrong but it has been my understanding that if she does stop it - She needs to realize that if she at a later date falls in love with another man - when he would go to apply for her visa - it is much more difficult to get it approved the second time around..... I have read elsewhere that they are much harder on any additional applications from a failed previous application. Just food for thought. Scott
  13. Nobody yet has answered the question I asked: Does anybody know (at least approximately) when they began to require the 156 and the 157 to be both completed in English and again in Chinese? How long ago did this new proceedure begin? Thanks Scott
  14. Can somebody please tell me when it changed (how long ago) and it was required to complete the DS156 and DS157 both in English and in Chinese??? My lawyer failed to complete these forms for us and my wife was just turned away from her medical exam!!! I am really pissed off!!! My wife had to ride 10 hours by bus to Guangzhou and another 10 hours back FOR NOTHING!!! I want to know this so that I can make it part of the ass chewing he is about to receive!!! Thanks, Scott
  15. "Wanting to have things be clean is just a good healthy living habit. Not a thing wrong with that....." You obviously do not know my ex !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. The best part though is you don't have to share your home with your ex wife... Ha Ha Ha You are very correct!!!
  17. Hello, This is discussing the Chinese culture (behavior) of removing the shoes at the door of the home........... In preperation of soon having my Chinese wife here to live with me - I wish I understood this culture? Can other members please explain the reason why Chinese people do this? And how important is it to continue this culture in the USA? My problem is that my ex-wife had "OCD" and was a very mentally disturbed woman. She practiced this behavior for the purpose of keeping "germs" out of her house. I learned to hate this practice because I knew it was the by-product of her sick mind. I expect that I could have a difficult time continuing this behavior for the sake of my new wife. I want to please her and make her feel welcome but this behavior will always bring very bad memories to me!!! Please make comments - I need to better understand so that I can learn how to deal with this issue. Thanks, Scott
  18. "It is much more costly than the Coyotes running illegals across the Mexican border for $1700-3000 or Canada for 1000." Thanks for the info - But I was primarily interested in hearing about the "more" illegal process of bringing them over via smuggling... as you touched on in reference to the Mexicans..... I already know some about the paying money process - having a person to sponsor somebody for money to get them here with a valid visa. I just want to learn more about this - I tend to be a curious person and when I have a thought in my head - I cannot sleep well until I research it more and answer the questions in my head. Obviously there is either Canada or Mexico........ I hear it is near impossible to get a Chinese citizen into Canada for this to even be possible. I hear Mexico is the easier choice. But I wonder how many people actually do this and pull it off. Then of course is the issue of how the US deals with this..... I hear they give citizenship even to people who have entered the US in a illegal manner like this - this just blows my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do hope more people join in here and explore this topic more - if CFL will permit the discussion? Thanks Again, Scott
  19. Hi, This may be "out of line" and may violate the CFL rules or practices but I wanted to ask. Please tell me if this is out of line and delete the question if it does violate CFL policies!!! Has there ever been discussion here about the bringing in of a Chinese person into the USA Illegally??? I am not considering doing this (we have our interview next month) - so please relax - but I am very curious about whether this has been discusses and if there has been any solid information about this practice. I am sure people have had these thoughts - but I am curious about whether it has ever been dicussed here? Thanks, Scott
  20. I am about to send a package of documents to my SO. I checked on the USPS to send it through their Global Express ( the one that uses FedEx to deliver) and they say they do not go to my SO's city (Liuzhou)....... And regular Global Priority is not going to fast enough. so I figure my only other choice is DHL? Anybody have a comment to this? Thanks, Scott
  21. I cannot get away from work for the interview. Therefore my wife has to travel to the USA alone. I was wondering if any "english speaking" members of CFL will be traveling to the USA from Guangzhou on or about November 20 thru 23 ??? She is very nervous about getting on the correct plane once she is in the USA. She speaks little english and reads even less - ha ha. Depending on the carrier - she will either enter the USA from Los Angeles or Detroit. It would be great if I could get her matching tickets so she can be on the same plane as a "english speaking" CFL member on these dates. If I cannot arrange this - I will have to fly to these cities to meet her and this may also become a problem for my employer.... Anyway - please reply if you are traveling these dates out of GZ. Thanks Scott If this is in the wrong section - sorry - tell me and I will move it myself.
  22. My wife is scheduling her flight 8 days after her interview - 6 days after getting her visa.......I am hoping this will work for us? Scott
  24. Congratulations!!! But we will be leaving GZ (hopefully with visa in hand) as you are arriving. Good Luck to you both!!! Scott
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