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Everything posted by m-coon

  1. David, Who would I call to check the status of this I-130? The lawyer told me last week that "it has not been approved"....... This is all he has said about it. Thanks, Scott
  2. Hello All, My trip next week to China is quite different than previous flights - Primarily because I choose to fly Delta this time. NWA really pissed me off last trip!!! My concern is this: I only have about 50 minutes to connect to my next flight in LA!!! This has me a bit worried. Does anybody have any first hand experience on a connection in LA of only 50 minutes? Am I going to be able to make the flight? What worries me is that it takes so long to load and unload a 747..... and I arive and depart both on 747's! How close together should the terminals be? What are the chances (odds) of me missing my connecting flight in LA? What should I do to better my odds? Thanks, m-coon
  3. I file both in 2003, (our K3 was moving faster than the CR1) both ended up at GZ about a month apart, They only sent out the P4 for our K3. At the interview, GZ ask my wife which one she would like to process, she told them CR1. Just continued with both. 155751[/snapback] Are you saying that I could still go CR1 if it gets processed about the same time as the K3??? I like the idea of not having to adjust status when she gets here - I beleive this is the primary difference in the end? Thanks, Scott
  4. You have the P-3 already? You just have to be honest with your wife, tell her that you relied upon the attorney to represent you both in your best interests... based on information in hand at that time. when did you submit the I-130? A more complete timeline would be helpful.. good luck... 155594[/snapback] The I-130 and the I-129 were both filed sometime in March 2005. And the P3 papers were accepted by GZ on September 9, 2005. I'm getting good ideas here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Scott
  5. The attorney told me that the I-130 has not been approved.... This is all I know. But you did make a good point - because her friend filed in Texas - perhaps this is why they are running similar timeline for interview? Thanks So Much!!! Scott
  6. Hi Everybody, This is a "follow up" question to one I asked last week. I thought I would get more attention to the question if I started it new - rather than posting my additional concerns to the older question... Hope this is ok? I now have much more understanding about the K3 vs CR1. My problem is that my wife is now asking a lot of questions that I really do not know how to answer...... It seems that a friend of hers filed CR1 and this woman is on about the same track as my wife. My wife is now thinking that our lawyer made the wrong choice for us (going K3) - and she is not very happy. How do I convince her that the lawyer made a wise choice for us (whether he did or not)??? I did not know there was more than one choice when I began this process - I hired a lawyer from the beginning and just did as he asked. I am happy with his work and I just would like for my wife to also be happy with him. If he made a bad choice for us - We cannot do anything about it now. But I would feel better if the wife also felt the correct choice was made for us!!! Any advice on what to tell her? Thanks, m-coon
  7. Hi, I know there are faq's to read - and I have tried - but I cannot understand the main differences between the K3 and the CR appication. Can somebody either tell me or direct me to a thread that will explain this to me? Thanks, Scott
  8. Does anybody have a "ball park" figure as to how long it normally takes before a visa number comes available after the I-130 has been filed? Thannks, Scott
  9. 154077[/snapback] Thanks - But we do not qualify for this, as the son was well over 21 before we applied!!! He is now 22 and she will be here after the first of the year. I would LOVE to know what the process is now to get him here on a visa to live and to work - the rest of his life??? I don't even know what kind of visa we would apply for - for him........ Thanks, Scott
  10. Hi All, Does anybody know the process involved to obtain a visa for a (older - over 21) son to enter the USA to live and work? I have heard such a process could take up to 10 to 15 years - Is this really true? Thanks, Scott
  11. You say: "The way I understand it, any arrest would trigger a "hit" during the clearance process, requiring additional processing. A traffic ticket would not create a hit; a crime would." I have a criminal record - I have been arrested - But my paperwork seems to be very much on track - no delays that I have seen - KNOCK ON WOOD!!! ha ha My attorney representing me on the visa application - has told me that this should not be an issue....... I still worry! I would like to hear what others know or have experienced. If there was a security check on me - it would have occured in the US before the papers went to GZ - yes? This is "kind of" what I am trying to figure out and understand. I certainly hope this is not something that has not been checked yet - and will NOW come up in the processing of the application in GZ? I would very much like CFL members to speak up on this if they have any knowledge of such!!! Thanks, Scott
  12. Hi, I was reading another thread here and got the idea to ask this question. Does anybody know if the security checks are only done on the foreign person OR are security checks also performed on the American sponsor? If they do check on the American sponsor - what do you know about WHAT THEY LOOK FOR? For example, what would cause problems for a American sponsor? What would be considered bad enough to draw a red flag? What would be bad enough to keep the application from going through at all? Thanks, Scott (m-coon)
  13. Sorry if this sounds rude - but this is not what I ask. I know what it is called - I asked specifically about the "standard telgraphic code" that is requested on this document. Thanks, Scott
  14. Hi All, Can somebody please explain to me about this GIV-24 document where it asks for the "Standard Telegraphic Code"??? The attorney is telling me that we need to enter this code and that my wife may know how to do it - she has no idea what it is..... I understand that the name has some kind of code??? Please advise!!! Her name is "Luoyadan" if anybody has access to these codes... (Broken down Luo Ya Dan) Thannks, Scott m-coon
  15. Okay, cool....was just wondering. Hey, did you get any resolution regarding that "person" that was attempting to sabotage your Visa? What's going on with that? 151412[/snapback] I am not sure! My wife tells me that she has made peace with the ex-friend who (we think) sent the letter to me. But we still do not know if there is another person who intends to create a 3rd party problem by sending something to the consulate... This ex-friend insists SHE DID NOT SEND THE LETTER TO ME!!! If this is true - then there is (must be) another person involved (pissed off - i assume...... or very jealous) that we need to try and locate so we can try to fix that problem also. At this point - we may go to he interview, only to discover that there is officially a 3rd party involved. At that point - all we can do is deal with it! I don't think we will ever find out before the interview!!! We have tried very hard to find this person - but no luck thus far. So we have to wait and pray a lot!!! There is nothing else we can do now. I don't have a timeline posted here but my wife just today returned the p3 to the consulate..... so I guess in 5 months we will know if anybody has gotten involved. Thanks for asking! Scott
  16. Do your trust your attorney? I would find it difficult to pay someone for a service if I didn't trust their work.... 151407[/snapback] Oh - I trust the attorney! This was my wifes mistake - not his! I just wanted to get some feedback from CFL to confirm what he said "that this should not become a problem"!!! If CFL members came back and said something different - then I would pass this info on to him so he can do his job and help fix the problem. But I feel there is nothing bad can come out of this mistake! It is a matter of sending the forms in english this time to replace the ones in mandarin. Thanks, Scott
  17. Hi All, My attorney said this was not a problem - but I wanted the opinion of the CFL members on this matter..... My wife misunderstood the directions that my attorney had told her - and completed the 230 and the 169 in MANDARIN - instead of english!!! She had already mailed them before I knew this. She was in a big hurry to mail them back - ha ha - a little too fast! I contacted my attorney and he instructed her to complete them again in english and send them to the consulate with a cover letter explaining what she had done in error (with the mandarin instead of english). He said they would simply discard the ones in mandarin and would accept the ones in english in the place. In fact he said they would usually in such a case - never even accept the ones in mandarin in the first place. Does this sound correct to you guys? Has anybody else had to submit a second set of documents (the 230 and the 169) because of a error like this or similar? Does anybody know if this will cause any trouble at the consulate for my wife? And lastly, My attorney told me that "based on current" time frames - that the interview could (or should) be set anywhere from 3 to 5 months. I know CFL is reporting 5 months..... Does anybody know if this time has shortened lately? The lawyer seems to think 3 months is possible? I don't think so based on what I have seen..... Thanks All, Scott (m-coon)
  18. Hi All, My wife just received the P3 ! ! ! ! Yea This is a K3 application. Can anybody confirm that I have the proper understanding of "what forms need to be returned to the consulate to have the interview date set"? I understand that she only has to return 2 forms right now - The "part one" of the "OF-230" ....... and the "P3 Supplemental Info Sheet".......??? IS THIS CORRECT???? Lastly - I have read about "out of date" forms being sent ........ How do I know if what I have received is the proper document (current in use)??? The return address I see is: U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou Immigrant visa Unit 1 South Shamian Street Guangzhou, PR China 510133 Is this the new address??? Thanks, Scott (m-coon)
  19. Hi All, I have a question for all the pros out there: After my wife comes here - What type of visa will she and I both need to enter China again? I currently have a "multiple entry" visa for China - So I expect (assume) that I will need to continue to get this type so I can go with her back to China.... But what about her? After she comes here - will she need to have a visa to return to China? Is there a point in time that will require her to have a visa (herself) to return to China? Maybe after she becomes a US citizen? I would sure like to understand this subject. Thanks, Scott (m-coon)
  20. I tend to agree. Jingwen brought maybe a dozen or so actual pictures of us together and with family - no ceremonial wedding pictures though. In addition, I printed out maybe a hundred or so pictures, four or six to a page, which was assembled as part of one of the binders. The VO didn't bother with these, but we had them just in case. 147686[/snapback] Why do you say NO CEREMONIAL PHOTOS????? Scott
  21. Hi All, I know I am impatient - Please be patient with me! I have tracked the I-730 and DHL confirms it has been delivered. But the DOS says it is not in the system. How long does GZ usually take to get a file in the system? After they put it in the system - How long do they then take to send out the P3? Sooooooo Close - Yet soooooo Far ! ! ! Thanks, Scott
  22. Thanks for asking.... It went well on one respect but bad on another... This woman claims that she DID NOT send the letter (the one I received that I did not mention here). So if this is true - the matter is now complicated some because we do not know WHO sent it. The only good part is that this woman says she was only "threatening" to send a letter to the embassy - but that she would never go that far or do harm in that way. So this is a little good - But we now have the problem of not knowing who actually sent the letter to me - and if this person also is capable of sending something similar to the embassy. We must now concentrate all efforts to finding out who is the author of the letter I received - and try to assure this person does not send a similar letter to the embassy. I really have no idea how I am going to discover the author of the letter - My wife says that she has no clue who would do such a thing. But the ex-friend could be lieing to her - and maybe WAS the author... This is our delima - we don't know and can't prove anything. So if anybody has any further comments or advice - I would appreciate it. I'm certainly not going to say anything to the embassy myself - because we really do not know if anything is going to be sent to them or not at this point - we can only speculate. The hard part now is not knowing. Thanks, Scott (m-coon)
  23. why not talk to her husband about what she threathen to do, he live a hour away, I sure he might be able to nip it in the bud for you, take the guy out golfing or bowling then mention what she doing. robert 145674[/snapback] This woman is not yet married - she is still rearching for a husband. Of course with her attitude and behavior I can certainly see why nobody will marry her - ha ha.
  24. I already suggested that she record the conversation by having a mini tape recorder in her purse. This was my first thought. But I was hoping that this woman had not thought out what could happen to her visa if she attempted to hurt ours - so I thought pointing this out would be the biggest deture. Scott
  25. Hi All, There is no sense in telling what previosly occured - as it was only a small stone compared to this big boulder! I desperately need to know if anybody has any personal information they can share about this topic: My wife has an ex-friend in China that is now treatening to try to cause harm to her by attempting to cause her visa application to be denied - by writing to the consulate in GZ - stating any number of things. We do not know what she intends to say in the letter but we are assuming it will be something about her seeking only a green card and that the marriage to me is not sincere or possibly about some past history on my wife - But she could just as easily say any number of other things that may cause the application to go the wrong way. My obvious concerns is if this is even possible? Would the consulate take such accusations seriously? Can this woman say or do anything that can cause my wifes visa to be denied? Is there anyway to protect this from happening? Please, anybody having shared similar problems - please advise me of what to expect and if there is anything I should do to help avoid this from happening! My wife is meeting with this woman tomorrow and intends to point out that if she does such a thing - that she can expect the same in return... as this ex-friend is also seeking the visa to America. We hope this thought will perhaps make her realize that she will ultimately hurt herself if she follows through with the threat - and cause her to stop these actions. Thanks, Scott
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