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Everything posted by m-coon

  1. Yes - 7 1/2 is great - but you have no idea how happy I am with my 8 month application!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When most of us entered into the process - we were were told or thought that this would be a 12, 13 , 14 or even longer process - so 7 and 8 month applications are just great! And many of us will be having very nice holidays this year!!! I want to add - Thanks to GUZ for finally getting up to speed!!! I only pray that the "hint" of third party issues do not ruin my holidays... We won't know until we get there for the interview..... Scott
  2. This is the first I have heard about the 3 copies....... And I know she does not have any completed in chinese....... Can you elaborate on this for me? Thanks, Scott
  3. Scott, both translation software you used are not very good, so I am going to reply in English. I didn't change my family name when I was married, and my husband didn't mind. However, if he wanted me to, I would have changed. Now my official name is my original family name. However, in many occasions, I was introduced by my first name, so some of the acquaintances just assume that I used my husband family name. In most cases, I just let it be without clarification. My husband prefers to use my original names (He speaks Chinese very well and is proud of being able to call me that way). My husband also encourages me to let others use my Chinese name. His reason is that my friends should know my real name. However, I have some problems using my Chinese name in US because the characters are hard to pronounce by an English speaker. Thus my name system is in Chaos. 162218[/snapback] Thank you for the nice reply. Would you be so kind as tell me (in chinese) what I am asking so that I can re-post the question - so that people can understand what I am asking??? I'm getting little response to my question and I do not know why. Thanks Again, Scott
  4. I pretty well know how everybody will reply to this - at least I think I know - But I want to ask anyway. Would it be a bad idea for my SO to have notes of some sort - to help her remember family names and things like that - that she could easily draw a blank on when asked? Thanks, Scott
  5. My lawyer has me a bit confused! Two questions: 1) Exactly what fees have to be paid for a K3 visa in GUZ (at or before the interview)? The letter mentions a "Immigrant Visa Application Fee" and the attorney told me this does not apply to me? 2) Has ANYBODY heard of an American husband or fiancee being called on during the interview for questioning??? My lawyer says this is a possibility if the VO needs or wants information the wife cannot provide. I have never heard of this being done....... Thanks, Scott
  6. As mentioned - If you are married to her - you can get the 12 month multiple entry visa - the best way to go.
  7. Would some of the Chinese women on this site be kind enough to give me your opinion on the name change matter? I want to know if the Chinese women (in general) object to or approve of taking their husbands last name when they come to the States? You may be specific in your reply if you wish. ÎÒÏëÖªµÀÖйú¸¾Å®¶ÔËæÕÉ·ò¸ÄÐÕµÄÎÊÌâÓÐʲôÏë·¨¡£¸÷λŮʿÄÜ·¢±íһЩÄãÃǵļû½âÂð£¿ÎÒ Ï£ÍûÁ˽âÔÚÄãÃÇÀ´ÃÀ¹úµÄʱºòͨ³£ÊÇÔ¸Ò⻹ÊÇ·´¶Ô°Ñ×Ô¼ºÔ­À´µÄÐÕ¸ÄΪÃÀ¹úÕÉ·òµÄÐÕ¡£Èç¹û ÄãÔ¸Òâ¸ù¾Ý×Ô¼ºµÄÌØÊâÇé¿ö̸̸ÄãµÄ¿´·¨£¬ÎÒ½«·Ç³£¸Ðл£¡
  8. Hello All, I am happy to report that my SO just received her P4 and a interview date of mid November!!! Yes - and at 7:15am also!!! YES - You can safely assume that the process has sped up quite a bit! We had predicted a January date - and are both very happy that they gave it to us 2 months early! BUT - DOS had no clue of this when I called them on Monday. They said it was still in "administrative processing" on Monday 17......... the letter is dated October 13 ? ? ? How could they not know this when we spoke on Monday 17th? Are they really this "clueless"??? Anyway, I have some questions: 1) Our attorney said to include 3 months bank statements in the papers that we take to the medical exam. Is it really necessary to have them sealed in the envelope there instead of taking them to the interview??? I ask because I have them still here in the US and don't think I can get them to her by the time she goes to the doctor next week? Would a copy of these documents be aceptable to go in the package if I can produce the originals at the interview? 2) I unfortunately just returned from a 2 week stay in China, 5 days ago - so this news is not only good for us - but is also very untimely, as I just spent all my spare cash to go there recently. So now I have to scramble and try to raise the cash to return now for the interview. This is my question two: 2) How important is it for me to be in china for her interview? I have already been there 3 times in the last year - so we have proof that I come to see her. But we are both worried that if something goes wrong at the interview, that maybe my being there will help to resolve some issues that may come up? How important is it that I be there and what could come up that I can help to resolve on the spot? If I don't go - what risks are we taking? I really need some input here on this subject!!! Well, it has been a long journey and may soon be over. I will not celebrate until the visa is in hand - I have heard the horror stories. I don't doubt that many of you wouldn't mind to have my probelms right now if it also came with this early interviw date - but it is hard to be too happy when this came so sudden and I now have the money problems created by the early date. Anybody have any tips on how to get the best (cheapest) flights to Guangzhou right now? Thanks, Scott
  9. I find it very hard to beleive that changing ones names legally has any effect on a chinese woman being able to return to China! I would like to see what evidence you have of this. But also please note: In my initial question, I was asking "Chinese women" to comment on this topic! Read my question again. I wanted to hear the opinions of other Chinese women - I wasn't asking for the opinion of the American husbands. Therefore I was asking the women - not the men - what they prefer - so I could better satisfy my wifes request when the topic comes up in the US. I'm sorry this turned into a can of worms - But it was a legitimate question asked of the correct person for opinions only! Again - I would love to hear the details of how this has actually hurt a Chinese woman in any way!!! Peace Everybody!
  10. Same here. My SO wants to change to my last name. I think using her family name is a good idea and certainly I will suggest this to her as well Interesting though, she wants to take on a Western first name as well. Has any members wives done that? 161698[/snapback] My wife told me she wanted to take a "western" name as the first name as well...........
  11. This is probably a bit pre-mature because my wife is still months away from coming here. But I wanted to better understand the name change concept. I understand that in Chinese culture - the woman keeps her name when she marries - and this in iteself does not bother me. But when she moves to the United States I would prefer that she take my last name. I would like to hear what other CFL members have experienced on this subject? Do the Chinese women prefer to keep their names, just as they would if they had married a Chinese man and stayed in China? Or do they like (or at least not object to) the American practice of taking their husbands last name? My wife says she wants to take my last name but I wonder if she is doing this for me or if she truly wants to take the name, as an American woman would do? Any opinions on this subject? Any Chinese ladies out there who would share their opinion? I would certainly hate for her to do this if she is only doing it because she thinks this is what I want her to do... As I have seen her do for me in other matters - she will do whatever she thinks pleases me! And lastly - HOW does the legality of this work? How does she legally take my last name when she comes to America? If we married in America - she would basically automatically take the last name - but since she will come here with her own name - how do we get it changed to reflect her having the same last name as me when she comes? And will changing her name cause any problems for us when we file additional paperwork such as the "adjustment of status"? Thanks for any opinions and/or input here. m-coon
  12. DITO Much cheaper to buy 1 round trip and one "one way"! Prices there seem to be the same - but you can get them all here before you go.
  13. I have posted the following message before: "...During China national day holidays, I received my K3 interview appointment. Encouraged by CFL members, I sent GUZ an email asking them to give me the IR1 interview instead. Within this one week we have made two rounds of emails and today I received my P4 by express mail (including an interview appointment for IR1)!..." And, on this new appointment letter, it's stated that my K3 process has been replaced by this IR1 process. We have been married for over 2years so I have IR1 interview. It's similar to CR1 as I understand. My advice: Hurry up! send an email (using the email form on GUZ website), you may get an interview for CR1 instead. 160932[/snapback] Why do I read that people opt to cancel the K3 interview and choose to go the CR1 interview instead? I read about people even making special trips back to china for these CR1 interviews... Why not take the K3 and adjust status later? Why does everybody so much more desire the CR1? I wish somebody could explain this to me? Thanks, Scott
  14. This is both good news and bad news for me. I just returned from China ..... Now I am reading this!!! I am on the phone with DOS now. Our P3 was returned in mid July........ If this is true - Her interview should be in November...... yes? Scott DOS just told me that her application is still "going through administrative processing"................ I don't know what that means?
  15. David, Is there something on CFL about getting the papers prepared in the states? I did this but have forgotten who all had to "sign off" on it before it could go to the chinese embassy here in the states..... I certainly do not remember the offices it had to be sent to? Scott
  16. Hello, I am helping a friend. I have forgotten (it has been so long) where the "single status" document has to be sent before it is legal to use in China to marry. I cannot seem to find it here? Can somebody point me in the direction to read about this process? Thanks, Scott
  17. My wife said she heard that they do not permit some type of packages, folders, or breifcases ..... I have a LOT of documents for her to take with her to the interview. We are trying to figure out WHAT is permitted and WHAT IS NOT permitted to carry this stuff in. Does anybody know for sure this answer? I would guess the stack of documents she will be taking to weight 10 to 15 pounds. I would love to know if anybody had trouble taking in any particular type of device to hold the documents??? Thanks, Scott m-coon
  18. True - it is usually picked up by DHL a day or two later than the date they give you - but in my case - it was easy to find as they sent only 2 packages in the days to follow the date they gave me.
  19. Although it does not tell you when the package is in the system - it can ease your mind to know it is in GZ and not lost somewhere... this was important to me to know. Do as said above and go to the DHL website - here you can plug in the info and find your package. Search DHl by date and by content (I-730). It is very easy to find. Good Luck!
  20. WHAT AN AWESOME ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD YOU ARE GOOD! Thanks! Scott
  21. I tried to contact my attorney.... He is on a 2 week vacation and there is nobody in his office handling his cases or calls!!! To answer your question - I did originally think the K3 was my only option - I have learned since then that I still can go CR1. So I guess I now wait until Oct 4 for my attorney to return to work for me to do anything with this CR1 portion of the process!!! I truthfully have NO IDEA of what to do or at what point I should change and go the CR1 route??? The thing that makes me mad is that the attorney never really explained this CR1 option to me - when I questioned him recently - he only then said we still have that option open to us????? Whatever that means??? If anybody wants to take the time and tell me HOW I change to CR1 and when it is considered to make good sense........... because I will go crazy waiting on my attorney to return to the office before I know the answers!!! Thannks All, Scott
  22. Hi, I sent the following e-mail to the NVC to find the status of my I-130: Hello, I would like to know the status of my wifes I-130? I do not know the recommended proceedure to check the status... Can you either tell me the status or tell me how to check on this in another way. Her name is: XXXXXXXXXX Birthdate: XXXXXXX WACXXXXXXXXXXX Thanks, Scott DuVall And this was the reply they sent to me: Dear Sir, Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC). All correspondence concerning your petition has been sent to you in care of your attorney of record. You should contact your attorney concerning the present status of your case. If you no longer wish to utilize this attorney as your representative, please contact the NVC in writing. A packet containing the Immigrant Visa Processing Fee Bill and the Affidavit of Support (I-864) Processing Fee Bill has been sent to the attorney of record. The fees, listed on the fee bill, must be paid according to the instructions before the forms will be sent. Regards, National Visa Center cph/smw WHAT DOES ALL OF THIS MEAN????? Thanks, Scott (m-coon)
  23. Thanks All, I was so worried about this (after reading the comments here) that I called Delta and discussed it with them. They changed my tickets (free of charge) and gave me earlier flights into LA - so now I have almost a full 3 hours layover in LA........ I feel much better now!!! I would not have done this if you guys had not agreed with me and confirmed my concern - Thanks so much for giving me that extra "push" I needed to act on this problem. Scott (m-coon)
  24. David, I am so happy for the two of you!!! I will pray you have the great life you deserve!!! Scott
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