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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. I know I have sleep apnea but cannot tolerate the mask. When I get the energy I'll have the surgery and --no more snore-no more stopping breathing during sleep. Actually, I'm not the one who suffers from sleep apnea. I Can't hear me when I'm asleep but that 98lb fireball I call darlin'can---and she doesn't like to wake up to tell me to shutup---she says she can do that in the daytime.
  2. Actually, this is a very good thread. My wife and I are always arguing about the sleeping thing. I hate hot--she fears cold. She goes to bed every night at the same time, nine, lights and TV off. I rarely sleep more than 1-2 hours at one time, never tired before midnight and always have the TV on when sleeping. She fall asleep instantly. I take more time to fall asleep than I do sleeping. I average 3-4 hours sleep a night--she gets 8. This is a real problem because when she wakes up in the middle of the night I am not laying next to hear. This has caused us some problems but we do agree on one thing at least. It ain't our sleep time but rather our---"bedtime" That really counts.
  3. Two weeks at NVC. That is very very fast. I think the average is more like six-eight weeks. Then two-four weeks for GZ to get it. And on to the P3-P4 races. Looks like total time to visa after GZ gets the paperwork from NVC is as little as six weeks and as much as--well who knows. A yearly average would likely be 3-4 months.
  4. WB, if memory serves me one of the forms in the P4, or at least part of one, is a generic letter of intent that she has to sign. My lawyer told me to do another letter of intent so I did. I dunno if it is required or not.
  5. Hey Dave, how can you not love someone who refuses to lose. You wife has got a set for sure. One of the things I admire most about my Fangling is her bulldog attitude. If she could't do it today--no problem she will do it tommorrow. Fear of failure is NOT an option
  6. OUCH! I don't think he asked how to cheat the system. He asked if there is a LEGAL way. I think
  7. Presently I live in the booming metropolis of White House, TN. where I have enjoyed the local culture for 28 years. The first 23 was spent watching the blinking light. However our 2,000 population grew five years ago to a mind boggling 12,000. We now have more than one policeman and three---that's what I said, three lights that occasionally change colors. Progress is such a nice thing. Soon we expect indoor plumbing and store bought water. What a great era we live in and before you can say 'small gene pool' we will be like the big cities and be able to poop inside of our houses. Dare to Dream! The state of Tennessee is famous for it's fishing lures (grenade factory) And for it's higher education (some folks went to that grade that comes after 3). Before moving to the cultural capitol of the Volunteer State I lived in a small town in Northern Illinois (Chicago). The name came from the local Indians and literally means 'big smell'. An illegal alien from China, Mrs. O'leary, tried to burn the place down once but UCIS took her green card and told the fire to make a video tape of itself burning in Mandarin Chinese, the fire went out. Chicago is nicknamed the Windy City and while the Hawk (Chicagowa for wind) does indeed blow, or suck if you will, the name was given because of long winded politicians. Our most famous person was Al Capone. Unfortunately for Al, he was a Republican and the then young future mayor Richard J. Daily had him whacked. I love visiting the old home place. Their is nothing more beautiful than a dilapidated tenement slum building at twilight. Nothing sounds more delightful than the romantic calming of the police sirens and the ubiquitous gunshots that echo through my boyhood memories. I do so miss the smell of rotting garbage and polish sausage intermingling in the charming ally ways. Tell, me 'bout you home town, F***in A.
  8. Kim, FYI. English only has 44 phonemes (sounds) I think chinese has 36, but I'm not sure. Kids are born prewired with the ability to learn over 200. After gooinga nd gurgling and ga gaing them and not hearing a response or hearing them repeated, they forget how to say all the sounds excpet in their language--they even forget how to hear many of the sounds. This all happens before age 5. After age 5 it is almost imposible to learn most languages without an accent. If ya can't her 'em and can't say 'em). So, point is, she has learned the sounds of two very very differnet languages and Fei will be conming soon. She now has the capacity to learn both languages easily and with no accent on either. Cool huh??? ( and damned marketable inHK) Hmm, I am amazed I remembered any of that stuff.
  9. Hey Clifford, gotta agree with the Latin Germanic language issue. I studied Linguistics just for fun back in my Trucker days, If we teach Latin and Greek word roots to our children, they will improve in almost all areas of education we test them in. English has somewhere between 400,000 and 800,000 words. the brightest can learn maybe 40,000. 1,000 of our words are used 90% of the time (Woodcock Johnson 1,000 word reading list.) So we rarely use most of our language and when questioned the child may indeed know the answer---but not the words asking it. Teach Latin and Greek word roots and it is relativley easy to figure out the question and even the answer--Got me through college.
  10. They told you true. It is automatic for them to extend the petition approval. Mine was outdated a few months when my fiancee had her interview. They told me no sweat, they extend them automatically. Listen to Frank SN--he is wise
  11. The letter of intent that is sent with the I-129 is for the service center in the US. GZ doesn't see this one. After getting your P3 you will need to write another one. Her letter is included in the forms she has top fill out. Usually they will just check to see if it is there, it is a legal technicality so listen to WB (Don). Keep it simple, when I did it my lawyer said to simply state that I met XXX and fell in love and intend to marry her within 90 days of her arrival in the US. Also if she has a child involved state you will accept him/her.
  12. It should also be on the I-94 stapled in her passport. Hey WB, is the A# on the passport the same A# on NOA2? I remember a recent post asking how to get MOA2 for I-485. Old brain cells can't remeber who but can tha A# be used to get copy NOA2?
  13. My wife got to keep the health exam and shot record books and xray. I can't think of anything else she kept theer than passport and and I-94.
  14. Wahooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congrats to you man!!!!!!!
  15. Excpect the worst, accept only the best. welcome to CFL and congrats on the P4.
  16. Bummer Dave but damn talk about effort. I wonder how many of us who have been licensed for 1,000 years could pass the test. I'm sure if I had to take it using a translating machine I would be riding in a lot of taxi cabs. Tell her we said congrats on the near miss and we will be running for cover when she takes it again.
  17. Winnebago-Got one. Time of work-retired. Four miles to the gallon--OUCHY!!
  18. First let me say welcome to CFL. I think Carl is Correct. However, your still a while from yoru interview so I doubt you plan on being unemployed until then.
  19. Trigg


    Interesting Carl, In March of 2003 my lawyer suggested thailand. he said we could then get the visa in 6 months.. but then again my lawyer said many things that were wrong.
  20. Congrats on the SSN. To me that would be bucks in the bank. Hmmm, you live in the meadows. I'll try to remember to drive with at least one eye open around there.
  21. Thats about right for now John. My p3 to Interview time was just over two months. GZ got hung up on biometrics I think and now has slowed down. My guess is they will speed up again so 5 months is probably longer than it should take. Oh, Hai Yan has emailed Fang ling and visa versa---now we are in trouble--again
  22. What a great story. A long time ago in a far off place I drove OTR for 6 years. I swore I would never never never never do that again. But, now that I only drive to the local walmart, I kinda miss it. I think it would be a great experience for me and Fang Ling to become professional tourists. Problem is, like so many chinese, she isn't used to riding. She gets dizzy on long trip (to the Walmart 20 miles away) and I can't pass the DOT physical, although I never could before either but they tell me it isn't so easy to sign a doctors name anymore. Hmmmmm, show my darlin'the country, get paid, and have someone to keep the truck clean. Of course she would make me stop every hour or so to wipe off the bottom of the tires.
  23. AH, grasshopper, you havwe begun a lengthy journey designed to test you. Liten to Frank SN-he is wise. To chase the heart grasshopper, one must have a fast mind and an even faster wallet. Welome to the CFL family and knowledge emporium.
  24. Really? Are your sure??? About as sure as anyone can be given the government's instructions. If I remember, no I-130 is needed for a K-1 fiancee who enters the US and gets married to the petitioner within 90 days. An I-130 is needed if the marriage takes place after the 90 day period: http://uscis.gov/graphics/howdoi/lpreligibility.htm#d Yup, that's is how I undertood it just the I-485 and all that goes with it. K1 doesn't need I-130. At least that is the way I filed for Adujsutment of staus.
  25. Darn...no one took the bait. Dave dude, I already explained why a drug company SHOULD be profitable. Don't tell me you aren't reading my posts. Man that hurts. The effects of my posts are rubbing off on you. Only three more months and you'll be voting for you know who. Nadar??
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