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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Trigg, now you have me thinking, and you said a place here in Ohio. I think that maybe I have to find this place, especially since I live on the lake here. I think that it would be great, especially if I can find a 2 seater. Take Ling with me(yes, like that would happen) Let me know where. Hey OTR Mark, i can't remember where in Ohio buckey Powered Parachutes are but her is alink to another place that sells them. Yup, they have a two seater. http://www.ppcruiser.com/
  2. Yea Cosmo, motor powered parachutes are fun and EASY to fly. I used to sell them and teach people to fly. Around one hour ground training and NO air time instrucion. first flight was always a solo. for those in the northWest that are interested, six Chter is a company that makes them. They are in Yakama Washington. you rascles in Ohio have a company that majes them aslo, Buckey motor powered parachutes. My ultralite is a fixed wing. I never did a lesson. Actually I bought the plane before I knew how to fly it. I watched others fly and my first flight was a solo. I learned a lot from that flight. For example an aircraft with a 37'wing span CANNOT fly through a barn with a 16' door. New wings and a few bandaids later and I was up and flying again---careful to avoid anymore "barnstorming". Kim, yup the Rockies would be a real problem but with a max speed of 65mph, open cockpit, and maybe 80 miles per tank of fuel--they may be eroded away before I get there. Me thinks taking the wings off and putting it on a trailer would be easier.
  3. I have a two seat ultralite. well actualy it is considered an airplane because it has two seats. If you look around it isn't hard to find a true ultralite for around $3,000. Two seaters like mine start at around $6,000 used and are around $17,000 new. What??? Don't know how to fly?? Well, I'm self taught but true ultralites need no license and lessons are available. What??? Too dumb to learn??? No problem, before I started flying fixed wing I watched a 20 minute video and bought a motor powered parachute. They are idiot proof. If you forget how to land someone can simply shoot out your fuel tank and the parachute takes over.
  4. Yup, rocks always was rocks, Rocks'l always be rocks. Rocks is rocks. Íf it thinks like a rock, problem solves like a rock, is dogmatic like a rock---its a rock.
  5. You and your wife may indeed speak the same language but does the interviewer know that?? A tape would't hurt.
  6. American gensing. My mothe-in-law would hug my neck if I brought her American Gensing. Not the pills but the actaul root. They can't get it there and they love it.
  7. Wahoooooooooooooooo!!!!! seven and a half months--good time--Now life as you ever knew is over. congrats!!! Trigg
  8. If memory serves the P3 is relatively simple for Gov. work. She will need to fill out the I-169 and I-156k? and part one of the I-230. Send them back to Gz and wait for th P4. My wife-then fiancee, had a translator do it and had it mailed back in two days. The I-169 is a check list and will pretty much show what you need for the P4 and interview. Check the boxes and send it. Then gather everyhting you checked and your ready for the P4.
  9. Did he forget to wash the cheeto stains from under his fingernails?
  10. Yup, canned response. CYOA. What confuses me is they stated that the second name check was standard. I thought after last december the were doing all security checks at NVC. Someone correct me this if it is wrong but I thougt a second name check in GZ was only for certain cases or random. Is it SOP for everyone?
  11. Correct. K1 only needs I-134 until AOs in states-then I-184
  12. Alright then. Be sure to have the pigeon-it is great! Hmmmm, I wonder if I can call for carry out. Do you think they will deliver?
  13. Dave so sorry. This is one of the reasons that Ling and I have decided not to have children, well that and this dec I am 50 and she will be 48, and I thought not fair to have one, and not risk her health. Now, just thinking, if the 5 or more of us go over there, we are going to have to pick a place and time to meet. Trigg, you bring the Geratol, since I think that maybe that you are the oldest here thinking about this, although I am not far behind you. Hey OTRMark, I'm the oldest and you think I'll remember the geratol?? Well let me tell you something sunny boy. I -uh-er--well I'll tell you a thing or two---as soon as I remember what. OK Trigg, I will make sure that Ling puts that word somewhere in her, ahhh her, ahh her, oh Yes, her english lessons. Now she is probably going to ask me what it is. Remember over there for all of their ailments, TEA, drink tea, bring me the Tsing Tao and Absoulte or Jim Beam By the time we all get the AOS green card thingy so we can move to China it won't be Jim Beam and water it will be Geratol on the rocks with a twist of Viagra.
  14. Away from the consulate. Across from the park by the river-almost across from the spot in the park you can buy a shot of whiskey. Lots of little shops in that one block. The restaurant is around half way down the block. I think there is around five restaurant on that block. You will know it because it will be the one with the longest line. My stepdaughter said it is named Qiao Mei, that is the pinyin spelling--I don't know the characters for it--but ¨ªf you really wanna know-I'll get the Chinese translator (my stepdaughter) and post them thar wiggly squiggly Chinese writin' thingy's fer ya. It is YUMMY!!!!!!
  15. Try the Qiao Mei down the street from the White swan. Best pigeon ever. Always a long line. My wife and stepdaughter make metake them there. MMMMMMmmm Good.
  16. Dave so sorry. This is one of the reasons that Ling and I have decided not to have children, well that and this dec I am 50 and she will be 48, and I thought not fair to have one, and not risk her health. Now, just thinking, if the 5 or more of us go over there, we are going to have to pick a place and time to meet. Trigg, you bring the Geratol, since I think that maybe that you are the oldest here thinking about this, although I am not far behind you. Hey OTRMark, I'm the oldest and you think I'll remember the geratol?? Well let me tell you something sunny boy. I -uh-er--well I'll tell you a thing or two---as soon as I remember what.
  17. Amen Sam. I think all of us with our wife in the Us can strongly relate to your post. First let me say this is probably the best post I have read on CFL. Everyone here will or has experienced what you have discussed. I will talk with my wife and try to add to this topic soon--no jokes, no politics. I encourage those of you who have yet to bring your SO to the states to read what Sam has said carefully--the topic of culture shock, belonging, and home sickness WILL effect all of you. I can't tell you how often one of my CFL brethren has called me to discuses this (for you newbies, I'm a retired psychologist). This is VERY important stuff-I'll post later Thanks Sam--great stuff
  18. Outstanding information. Many of us at CFL plan to move to China in the coming years. I'm sure many are interested in full ,or at least part time, employment. how about listing the qualifications for ESl teaching in China. e.g. fluency in the Chinese language??? cCollege credentials etc..
  19. The Portland VFW holds their meetings in the restroom of the fillin' station---nobody shows their face there. Hmmm, I've heard about another burg named Portland with some basic similarites.
  20. PORTLAND VFW??? As you know, Portland is our rival town. My son's played foot ball for White House and stomped a hole in the Portland purple Panthers. In that little backwood trailer park that is called Portland TN, VFW stands for 'very far from winning'. Their gene pool is only a puddle. You can always tell when a Portland person is lying, their lips move. The oldest living person in Portland, a 123 year old woman, just died-they saved the baby. The baby's father was happy but he said he was sorry Grandma hadn't made it. In Portland TN they describe a virgin as an ugly 12 years old who can out run her brothers. Yup, thats were the men are men and the sheep are scared. Gheeeez, I'd rather French kiss a rattlesnake than go to Portland Tn.
  21. OTRMARK?? Don't tell me Squeaky is a Mark too? We ahve RMark, Lmark, OTR Mark and I think you crowned an AMark too. Gheeeez Squeaky, I'll bet you are in hog heaven to be in such an exclusive club.
  22. Oh No!!! Not the White House VFW post. They may take away my silly hat and not let me hang out with them. All four of them. All 128 years old.
  23. Actualy Robert, there is no end in sight. Part of the confusion started because her name is Fang Ling and her daughters name is Wang Fang. The Fang in Fang Ling has nothing to do with the Fang in Wang Fang. Somewhere along the line an attorney and a Gov worker changed the order of their name and now--well I hope and pray they don't get any serious illnesses. Without inurance I will lose everything--house, car, and (gulp) boat. All because they need and can't get a SSN for ID purposes. If it weren't so damned funny I'd cry. Should that happen, should harm befall them because of such a silly matter---you can safely predict a tall tower and a high powered rifle in my future-and I never even worked for the post office.
  24. This could be a huge country hit. "I would dig up a mile of sewer line to watch one of her turds float by." Don'cha jess love cuntry sangin'?
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