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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Breasts???? Plural??? As in two or more??? Bigger???? Damn, I know I should have used more psotage!
  2. The "big deal" about the article is not written in the article itself. It matters not if one finds it personally offensive. It is however negative and therefore has negative connotations for all who read it. The "big deal" is the fact that our government published it on their web site. Not only a government web site but an ins web site. This appears to everyone who reads it to mean that our beloved immigration workers, by implication, support and agree with this---despite any non-read disclaimer. Should they feel the need to disseminate such useless information to the would be visa petitioners, they could do so in our paperwork, NOT on a public sight. This only serves to raise more eyebrows once we have our darlin's back in the states and to make life more difficult for us and our SO's during an already difficult transition period. Just my opinion. Trigg
  3. My income is non-taxable and therefore I do not-or did not at the time-file tax returns. I provided proof of income for the I-134 and I-894 but zero tax returns.. she got her visa no problem and AOS is pending
  4. The worst thing ever said on the leave it to beaver show was when June said to Ward,,,, "wern't you a little hard on the beaver last night?".................. B) I can't believe you said that. And i can't believe Jun had it in her---to say such a thing
  5. Wally "gee wally, I didn't mean to make mom pregant, Gosh, I'll bet dad will be mad"
  6. Yup, it's the beav's older brother 'whats his name' you know, eddie Haskins' buddy'
  7. Is it Dennis the Menace or is it my friendly neighborhood UCSIS man or is it the IRS man or possibly just a rectal exam prelude?????
  8. Hmmmm, I can't seem to remember anyone by that name who started trouble. Must ahve been when I was "absent". Yep, that's it Trigg... while you were absent Seems nothing has changed but the names JP. Let the games begin!
  9. Hmmmm, I can't seem to remember anyone by that name who started trouble. Must ahve been when I was "absent".
  10. It seems to me that CLR is the only one who disagrees with your ideas Kim. Yet he asks you for evidence. My training has always led me to believe that the one who deviates from the norm is the one who should report supporting evidence on his behalf. NOT those who hold shared reality. All others have seen the wisdom in Kim's analysis of the report. If CFL believes us all to be wrong---let him offer more than his misplaced opinions as to why. CLR, if it is your intention to belittle those of us who met on the Internet, and if it is you mission to prove the CFL masses wrong, then it is YOUR responsibility to give, not ask for, supporting evidence. SCUMBAG????? Is that a term of endearment??
  11. Are you implying that my spelling is less than adequet??? Surley you jest. I once won a spelling bee, bea, B, bie, bey, be---well yu no wat eye meen.
  12. I second and triple what Kim said. Damn Kim, when did you get so smart?? I'm impressed---no wonder I never argued with you. Kidding aside I have a good friend who is a professor of sociology at WKU. I haven't talked with him in a while but I think I'll give him a call and see if he can dig up the "real" research on this crap. Hmm, does poor spelling really equate to stupidity?? I have administered at least a thousand IQ tests and never remember, not even one time, asking someone to spell something. Maybe I done did it wrongly, reckon????
  13. Looks like they are saying that the average immigrant becomes eligible because they either die-leave the country or get 40 quarters--I assume it takes 10 years to get forty quarters so we have to assume that either death or leaving the country or becoming a citizen is a much shorter process. ORRRRR, perhaps UCIS just can't count---laterally, 1 years has a magic way of becoming two in UCIS land.
  14. It isn't really polce records you want, it is the lack of them. My wife went to the local police station and got a statement saying she did not have a police record. Kinda simple--they look it up and find nothing and give you a certificate to verify. My guess is it will be the same for multiple cities. (everyplace she has lived for more than 6 months since 16 years old)
  15. Jp stands fo Jason puppy, long ago assigned nick name, He love's it Yup, he loves it. He has thanked me many times for giving it to him.
  16. Hmmmmm, have i missed something??? Fang Ling has her SS card. She finnaly got it using the EAD and it clearly says not auhtorized to work without permission from.... I thought EAD was permission to work??
  17. Speak up sonny boy--I can't hear so good anymore
  18. AHHH! My new niece Melody---music to my ears. When does she graduate??? what college has she picked out?? I already hate her boyfriend. Uncle trigg
  19. Hearing things is good. hearing things that no one elase hears is bad. I think don is padt helping. How, Mark, has your hearing been???? Do you say "I'm fine thank you"" when nobody asked??? Do the voices command your deeds?? If so, not to worry, it's a CFL thing. Trigg
  20. This little poem always keep me goin' when I question my judgement. He is quick, thinking in clear images; I am slow, thinking in broken images. He becomes dull, trusting to his clear images; I become sharp, mistrusting my broken images. Trusting his images, he assumes their relevance; Mistrusting my images, I question their relevance. Assuming their relevance, he assumes the fact; Questioning their relevance, I question their fact. When the fact fails him, he questions his senses; when the fact fails me, I approve my senses. He continues quick and dull in his clear images; I continue slow and sharp in my broken images. He in a new confusion of his understanding; I in a new understanding of my confusion.
  21. Drat!! My plans to usurp Trigg's position in hais absence are crumbeling to dust! Ah JP, my young pubescent friend, racking up numerous overly verbose posts is easy. Might I suggest a less user friendly mode? Try to break the addiction and hence not post. That is the more difficult objective. Take my word for it, it can' be done. At least not for an extended period of time.
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