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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Say it ain't so. Dad is goin' ta live in China too?? Hey Don!! Ya ca't tell 'em Chinese to take it to the RR---they no likey.
  2. Yup, we decided we want a wealthy left wing liberal democratic child who grows up to God.
  3. Well, I know of at least 5 CFLers who say they are going to retire in China. Cool, we can all get together on holidays and sip Geratol.
  4. You got it right G man--twilite Zone and no return
  5. Gee Kim, am i your first Trigg?? Be gentle
  6. G Man here. Geeeez guys, I can't stay away from this board for a day without getting my good rep dragged through the mud. Yes, I have exceeded 1,000 posts. Yes, the FBI did pay me a visit. No, I did not serve any time. Yes, the FBI was very cordial. No, I do not drive a black Crown Vic. Yes, Jingwen's documents were updated. No, she is not G Woman (don't go there, Trigg). Yes, I drink Scotch. No, my head no longer aches. NONONO, Ain't a goin' er G man. Gots too many o my own places ta go. You sure you didn't spend time over the FBI thingy?? Hmmm, Franky the G. I think I saw you doing a guest shot on the Sopranos. Or were you shooting a guest? Gheeez "G." Hey, speaking of shooting a guest, my uh-let's call him an 'associate' said he may be whacking- I mean euthanizing, a deer late some night soon--you ready for more?
  7. Money in and of itself does not buy happiness---But if i gotta be miserable I'd rather be miserable in comfort. a woman I worked for long long ago used to say "The only thing money can't buy is poverty" She died young-but rich
  8. I remember that. He told me all about it over some very good Scotch when he was here. The more Scotch we drank, the better the story got.
  9. Heed Frank for he is wise-He is after all a "G"man. Trigg, you ain't forgot that? Forgot what?? Frank's visit from the FBI. Damn! You forgot, didn't you? No no No, i didn't forget. That isn't why I called him'"G"man though. It was in another post were he hit 1,000 posts and I called him"G"man--you know G=Grand=1,000. Oh were did I go wrong???????????//
  10. Heed Frank for he is wise-He is after all a "G"man. Trigg, you ain't forgot that? Forgot what??
  11. HEY Scott, welcome to the CFL family. Lots of great people. All in the same boat. I used an attorney from San Diago---he messed up things that I am still trying to straighten out now, five months after my Darlin'has been in the US. Good luck on your journey--it will be frustrating, angering, loving, hateful and most of all AMAZING.
  12. He said he would try just as soon as he gets out of the funny farm. Actually he has been working on my case fro 6 weeks with no result except that they found the missing SSN application at the BCIS in New Orleans but the BCIS needs the SSN to fax them a copy of the GA45 because of the name thing etc....... Just more BS. By the time my wife and stepdaughter get their SSN so we can get insurance, they will both be retired, collecting Social security and on Medicare
  13. The pitiful thing about it is that it is all true and gets much more complex than that. I wrote Bart Gordon, US rep. From TN and explained it all in depth. He called me personally because his staff was so confused. I tried to explain the problem with getting a simple SSN for my wife so we can get VA insurance. After talking about the K1 getting a SSN via I-94 but the application was lost but the VA needs a SSN issued by the SSA for an ID but the SSN said "We don't know where it is but it isn't lost " and the VA didn't care and the INS said they need an EAD for the SSN because after being lost the I-94 has reached the 76th day and is expired now but CHAMP insurance said the BCIS needs to call the SSA about the SSN. The BCIS local Memphis office deferred the SSA issue to the Chicago BCIS who Deferred to the BCIS in New Orleans who said that Fang Ling is not Ling Fang because the first name isn't the given name, so the last name is the first name and the US rep said that the SSA dropped the ball and the SSA said that the VA did because the SSN was to be used as an ID. The SSN said that the BCIS needs an EAD on a form I-765 so we can get my wife's SSN from the SSA to get the VA to authorize CHAMP insurance for the spouse of a DAV. I know it all sound like fiction, but this is actually what my time has been spent dealing with for almost 5 months. While the entire alphabet of Gov. bureaucracies try to sort it out, my wife and stepdaughter are without insurance but I guess that is SOP with the GOV so I'm SOL. GGRRRRRRRRRR MFers
  14. Ok, I think I can, I think i can -I can't. First name, last name Vs surname, given name. Visa Surname first, given name last. AOS -last name firs,t first name last. But wait--Today we went for Biometrics BS. Man said "No can do"I said why?? He said Ling Fang is not Fang ling . I said Fang, Ling is Fang ling. (comma indicates surname). He said that if the last name is first then it is not a surname unless the first name is last without comma. Uh,OK. Then I handed him my daughters Visa and asked what her first name is. Visa says Wang, Fang (the Fang is not the same as the Fang in Fang ling) He said her first name is Fang. I said yes, her given name is Fang but her first name is Wang. He said no, in China the given name is the last name and so the first name that is given to be the last name of a given person--given of course they use no alias. At the end of the appointment we decided to change Wang Fang's name to Wang Wang--no more confusion. By the way, this type of Gov. logic is why I am almost 5 months into waiting for an SSN number for my wife and therefore VA insurance. Of course The VA says contact the SSA who says It is the INS's SOP and to to call them, The INS stated they A are the BCIS and it is Dos and not BCIS that caused the VA to need an SSN from SSA --and all is of course BS. What's on second?
  15. Threats are simply external fears. Some have a purpose, some don't. If you are threatened or fear a terrorist attack may hinder your future plans and can do something, anything, to prevent the attack or make contingency plans in the event it happens, then your fear has a useful purpose-hang on to it. If you fear or are threatened by a meteor strike or a terrorist attack and can/will do nothing about it--then fear is not a purposeful option. Worry is good if it is motivating--if it is not--hell man don't worry about it. Kick back grin and dream of good times a comin'. Scared never could and complacent never would.
  16. Heed Frank for he is wise-He is after all a "G"man.
  17. Carl, it took about 4 weeks for us to get a notice after we filed. Then on to bio testing.
  18. Yes JP, you and Jun are welcome too. Kim, if you likey da seafood, you very much Likey Zhanjiang. Port city-best seafood I ever et.
  19. Ya know, we had a feeling we would have lots of company--friends family etc.... We have talked about it and at the cheap prices for housing we will get a place with a few extra rooms. Hmmm , you buy dinner--I gotta find a real expensive place then. Of course CFL folk will be welcome--well most of ' em anyway.
  20. Hey Alex, you have plenty to worry about without thinking about that. IF we get attacked it may have an effect. IF we get into WWIII with China.... IF a meteor....I think the biggest worry now shoudl be, IF you filed out the papers right and IF GZ wakes up. Good luck and keep on worry' n. I did when I was waiting.
  21. Yea kim, Zhanjiang is hot and bad air. BUT, part of the city is on the coast and only a short ride to Hainan Island. Still damned hot and 98% humidity but you can breath. Likley we will wait 2-3 years and then only spend winters there. I'll have half the money but 25,000 RMB should be ok. We plan on buying a house before we go so only food and fun and the 10 dollar electric bills. Oh, and of course the ever present friends wanting a dinner.
  22. I'm not sure how long the police cert is good for but we got my then fiancees in Sept. 2003 and her interview wasn't until March 2004. Same with the single cert. Get it done now, when the P4 comes you will already be in a panic.
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