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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Darn...no one took the bait. Dave dude, I already explained why a drug company SHOULD be profitable. Don't tell me you aren't reading my posts. Man that hurts.
  2. 304??????????/ Gheeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzz! congrats man. In fifteen or twenty years you should have your visa. Hopefully soon
  3. AUGUST 4 for LMARK. Good deal. Maybe you will gt back in time to do some seroius Voting. Remember Mayor Daily's motto. Vote early and vote often. Congrats man, I know it has been a long long time.
  4. Dave, if you quote me on this I'll lie m way out of it---But, I have said several times that bush is a known fool and Kerry is only a suspected fool so I would rather take a chance with Kerry than the known endity Bush. having said all that again, in 5 years if Kerry is half as bad of a president as Bush has been and if he gets the nomination again, I'll seriously consider voting for McCain. There, I said it and I feel good now. WaaaaaaWaaaaaaa
  5. Must be a typo. I'm sure you ment to say "in one year Bush will be....)"
  7. Welcome to the CFL Family Aaron. The journey you have started will seem like a magic ride someday. I think the majority of us that rode it through to the point of having our darlin's come to the magic kingdom of the USA will agree there is no ride like it any place else. Put on your seatbelt and hang on tight. Just when you think your on the last drop or turn--SHAZZZZAAAAAMMMM! Thier you go again. Welcome. Trigg
  8. Yes, fFrank got visited by the FBI. He was telling me about during his visit and after a Scotch or two, but I don't think that was anything that resembled an advanced notice interview. Something is definatly strange here. I'd like to know more about it.
  9. Good way to lean JP. The point I'm trying to make is more of a right wing thing. But here goes(forgive me guys), if the big blood sucking drug companies don't have the potential to make monster bucks off thier research--who will do the research and find new cures for whatever?? As you have read in many of my posts I am not for big buisiness. I know a lot of research is done at universities but the major drug companies are funding a large portion. WHY??? Well it ain't cuz they are altruistic good guys. They want to make big bucks. So we let them make big bucks and pray we can afford thier overpriced product or we buy alternative drugs and pray we never need the next generation of medicines they are trying to discover/patent.
  10. I agree that the entire medical industry is without ethics and definatley overfunded. BUT-if they don't have STRONG financial incentives to find causes and therefor cures for desease, then who will do the expensive research??? It seems we either pay now or do without later. The shame of it all is that some cannot pay now and can't wait 'till later. If we all buy from Cananda, who will fund the research on stem cells that John and others may need??? I have no answe , only questions on this one.
  11. Bill Clinton lied,,and nothing happen,,, Hey Nucks, I know your new but we are trying to keep politics in the rumus room. Çause we tend to be---ummmmm aggressive in these areas. Trigg
  12. Put DK on them and see if they change them again
  13. We have 6 chinese stations for her. I watch Boxing, Simpsons, Seinfeld and after that only TLC TDC and the History Channel. NO, I'm not an intelllectual type but movies etc take more attention span than I have. OH, OZ and Sopranos. Hmmmm, me thinks I need a life.
  14. Hey Carl, I hope you don't have the same experiences I had. I applied for Fagn Ling's SSN in mid-April . Same procedure you followed. They said two weeks. Mid June I called them and they sqid it was lost and come apply again. When I got down there they said it can't be lost as they don't make mistakes. So I can't apply again. I-94 has expired so now I have to wait for the EAD. Good luck friend.
  15. Aw mark, ya just had ta do it. Now that song will be banging around in my partially filled head for a week. Damn, and just when Tull and aqualung quit the "snot is dripping from his nose" thing. I hate when that happens. Oh, by the way Mark, congrats on your potential good news. Keep us posted man.
  16. Was it Chet Atkins? What do I win? How about an all expense paid trip to GZ!You know Our Guberments Concern for our feelings can be measured in Micro-givashits. The needs of the many outweigh, the needs of the few" Spock" Hang in there Guys. I don't remember hwo but i van hear the song in my head and I hear a female singer. Did Chet ahve a change?? Sorry, no trip to GZ for you. hwo=who Van=can ahve=have Maybe I need a translator
  17. Was it Chet Atkins? What do I win? How about an all expense paid trip to GZ!You know Our Guberments Concern for our feelings can be measured in Micro-givashits. The needs of the many outweigh, the needs of the few" Spock" Hang in there Guys. I don't remember hwo but i van hear the song in my head and I hear a female singer. Did Chet ahve a change?? Sorry, no trip to GZ for you.
  18. The pettition approval is your NOA2 that was sent to you a hundred years ago. It isn't anything from GZ. I made the same mistake. Trigg, Right, they took everything at the POE. Copies and originals. Sorry louis i misread the question. so the problem is how to get the NOA2. I think it is I-797???? I really don't know but hopefully someone can tell you how to get a copy.
  19. NO!!! Age seems to make a small difference but the amount of time spent together is likely more important. My then finacee was 42 and me 55. I spent a total of 2 months with her in China on two trips. Her Englsih is poor at best. We had ZERO problems getting her visa. Hang tough, stand in line, wait your turn, get her visa, bring her home grab hold with two hands and get ready for the ride of your life.
  20. Yes. No. Maybe. There is no "rule"that states she must speak English. BUT, sometimes 'communicating' is considered a prerequisite for proof of relationship. My fiancee spoke no english and we got it no problem. Others spoke good English and got sent back to proove 'communication'. I think it depends on other proof, times visited, age differences etc... Smart money is to have her study english fast and let GZ know how you communicate--Transation machine, hand signals, whatever.
  21. Ffter she come to the US and you marry, you apply for AOS and AP. The she can go to and from china. some say AP takes as little as a few months. Some say longer.
  22. The pettition approval is your NOA2 that was sent to you a hundred years ago. It isn't anything from GZ. I made the same mistake.
  23. It's all downhill from here. Once it is over it seems like a sort dream instead of the nightmare of today.
  24. Congratulations, Sam and Nicola ! The worm has turned for you. I hope you two are as happy as Fang Ling and I.
  25. Great question. when I did the I-485 couldn't figure it out either. I called UCIS and they laughed and said "Red one". Thje lady said she gets numerous calls everyday with the same question.
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