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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzhou/ you can got to this website . It has an email address listed for non immigrant visa. Also, there are phone numbers--just gotta read.
  2. I'm already retired. I draw 100% VA disability compensation from wounds in little war we had 30 years ago. Also, I draw state retirement from KY were I worked as a psychologist. Yup, retirement at age 52---how cool--and how boring. Most retired folks are aound 500 years old. Boring boring boring--but still beats the hell out of work.
  3. Hi Triqq, 20,000 RMB for one month in Zhanjing city is quite enough, you would live very comportably, if you already own a house in there, it would be very much better, I would say you two would live like queen and king. Even in Beijing 20,000 RMB for one month is too much enough. In Beijng my family's monthly expense was around 4000 RMB (we own the house) including everyting, so you can think 20,000 RMB a month. Thanks, I knew it would be enough but I wanted to know what style of life qwe would lead---doesn't sound to bad. If we decide to live there full time we would have around 42,000 RMB monthly. If we only stay in the winnter months we will have around 25,000 RMB--but it dosn't sound like we will be very hungry and neither of us will need to work.
  4. My lp found a calling card website dynasky.com. To call china about 6 cents a minute by calling the 1-800 number, they also have local access numbers. If a call is made from a local access number its about 2 cents a minute, their website keeps records of calls made. The cheapest I've seen so far. You can get 2.5 cents per minute using an 800 number---but no records of calls. It is global speedial at http://www.phonecardonsale.com. You can key this to yoru homephone and only need dial the 800 and the phone number--no pin #. My wife uses this to call home everyday and we have had no problems.
  5. Easy one Squeaky, they talk about you. your money, your--welllllllll--they have no secrets in China man. (but please tell Frank to let Jingwen know that Fang Ling only knows meters)
  6. How much money RMB would it take to live comfortably in China per month, southern China (Zhanjiang)?? Fang Ling and I have discussed spending 4 months a year in China, or possibly living there year 'round. She is somewhat clueless about money. All she really knows is that if it says 10 yuan you never pay more than 6. Would 20,000 RMB monthly make for a comfortable life. Well, obviously it would but how comfortable? 30,000 RMB-same Q-40,000???
  7. Whewwwww, male enhancement, my own size named just for me. It is getting very hard (no pun intended) to maintain (no pun intended) my Macho mage. Alas, a small (no pun... ) price to pay for glory.
  8. Man, what have you done? You've now opened the Pandora's box, and nothing will ever be sacred again. is very open about things that we Americans would not normally talk about. Apparently, so is Trigg's wife, Fang Ling. So, if you're too embarrassed to ask Trigg about his financial condition, his eating habits, his fishning techniques, his driving skills, his underwear size, his other sizes, or anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, just ask Jingwen. She knows it all. Same for me - just ask Fang Ling. Other sizes??? Other sizes????? Me thinks Jingwen knows too much---gheeeeezz, so much for macho bragging--gheeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  9. Don has posted on this before. Some Docs are good for 6 months and some for 1 year. I'm not sure which but I think it is all are good for a year except police report.
  10. I'm not sure the name of the restaurant but it is half way down the street across from the park. Great pigeon. It is easy to find. There are several restaurants on the street--it's the one with a long line.
  11. Been there done that ate the cake. Last year in Zhanjiang with my Darlin'. I had no idea what it was about but it was early September and I had just arrived for my second China trip. We sayed at the Hai bin hotel and had a family BBQ with fireworks there. and later,,,,,,,Wahooooooo!!!!!!!
  12. Patsy Cline?? That's Crazy! Em' ain't duks--em' r'gooses!
  13. Great post. For those still waiting---opportunity to strutt your stuff. For those who have there darlin here--great opportunity to strutt your stuff---everyone wins--excelletnt post.
  14. Surprise you? Why surprise you? Well, anyway your right on. It is beautiful to listen to the music and watch my Chinese darlin engrossed in her tai Chee. It seems to give her an inner peace (she needs this to deal with me all day). The music may be saying "oh Fang Ling, what a dumb husband you have" I really don't know but it is very beautiful. A great way to start every day.
  15. Every morning my wife spends an hour on the back patio doing Tai Chee. She plays old time traditional Chinese music when doing so. I have no idea what the words say but I love to sit and watch her and listen t the music. It is very beautiful and adds an Asian flare to life---for an hour a day at least.
  16. 'Bet your cat can wait. She'll mop him too!!! Hmm, I heard long haired cats are very tasty.
  17. I'm not That diversified, Rock, Blues, Classical--DONE. Counrty makes my skin crawl-not a real good quality with my fishin' buddies in TN.
  18. "Buck Owenes and the Bucakaroos"Has it really come to this??? Just a few days ago it was Alice Cooper and Foghat etc... Now "Buck and the Buckers". I will stay with my first vote "silent and far far away"
  19. Funny. I have a lot of those old big black CD's also. Yup, I know what you mean. It's the thingy that makes the big hole smaller like the 33 and 78 (yes I remember 78) RPM one.
  20. Welcome Viking. Yes, tell us about your China adventures. Like John, my time in China has been limited-about two months total. Long ago in another life I spent 4 years in some of the very places John recently revisited. Also, like John, I'm thinking of revisiting. But for now spill what you know about my wife's homeland. I am very seriously thinking oaf moving to Zhanjiang China in about 5 years--at least spending half the year there (winters only). Anyway, welcome to the candle. There are a lot of great people around here with some interesting experiences. Trigg
  21. Which lawyer did you hire? I used Holmes and Lolly from San Diego and had similar problems with communications.
  22. It is 110$ fro each 220$ for both=1760rmb. The 2925 is for Immigrant visa not for k1k2-k3k4
  23. How can youi have 1040s notorized? What is there to notarize?? Anyway, no you don't need them notarized. I'm not sutre about online statements but can see no reason why not.
  24. What state do you live in? HE hE, Sound kinda like a "homey" huh James??
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