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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Gotta disagree with Frank. GET THE SSN ASAP. Trust me on this one. It took me 9 months to get my wife's SSN. I would never turn down the chance to get it as it is used for ID purposes by so many. Changing it later is only a smal problem, not having can be huge.
  2. Alright, now that I can log on without getting booted I'll try to answer your questions. Where have I been??? Good question and difficult to answer as I have slept since I last logged on. If memory serves me I was surfing on old Hickory lake. After the local game warden took my fishing tackle (hand grenades) away, a huge tsunami suddenly came up and I surfed my way to southeast Asia. I finally swam my way home and found so many new developments that I had to come back.-Yea that's the ticket,giant tsunami-swam home-yea that's the story. First, I heard that Daddy Don couldn't find anyone else to censor. Then the rumor mill told me that Sam still hasn't made me an uncle (C'mon Sam). Next I found out that JP reached puberty (again) and John flew to Zhanjiang and got lucky (kinda). Mark got lost in a truck stop and Carl became a conservative Neo-Nazi type-who'd a thunk it? As if that weren't enough. I'm told Kim got married. But---the straw that broke the Iraqi's taxi's back is when I heard that Frank was pregnant-shame shame shame on Frank. well,It became obvious to me that my guidance was needed---besides, were else can a Chicago raised street kid grow up to be emperor??? Good to be back guys. I missed you all---well most of you anyway. Trigg
  3. Only kinda back. Everytime I log in--i get booted. Must be a commie plot?!?!? D'ya think???
  4. Do ya'll allow old timey newbies on this here site??????
  5. My wife took everything she had to the med exam. She said they did a great job of making sure the correct things got put in the envelope and that she had everything she needed. The rest she carried into the interview--no small task probably 20 pounds of stuff
  6. OH, don't forgeet to take proof proof proof of releationship--pics emails etc...... I don't know what else K3 needs
  7. 230 part I And I69 is correct. Remember reciept for payment with things to take to the interview.
  8. I stand corrected and publicly apologize to those of you who are humidity intense types but do be careful to keep yourselves sprayed with WD-40 0r the lubricant of your choice. Wetter is better.
  9. The Lion was to dumb to know courage can't be found and is at best fleating. Straw man---if ya' gotta look for one---you ain't got one. Dorothy--obvious crackhead Wizard---been in politics too long to be wise anymore. Flying monkeys--to partisn So, it is The Tin Man--he knew what was important and sought it. But then again he wasn't bright enough tio stay out of the rain
  10. Yes robert, everytime I get full of myself I read it. It breaks my images and therefore clearifies my lack of insight---great poem. I have it embossed on clear plastic. Behind it is a broken mirror-then a frame. It looks broken. Those who first see it always say, the thing, it is broken--then read it and ....
  11. Well, after reading and re-reading that one- me thinks I need go see the wife for a few moments.--do loves dem persimmons
  12. It's a shakespear sonnit---don't know the name??
  13. Yup, Graves-great poem if you really read it. My favorite is an oldie but a goodie by Frost THE ROAD NOT TAKEN Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Yup, all the difference
  14. In Broken Images He is quick, thinking in clear images; I am slow, thinking in broken images. He becomes dull, trusting to his clear images; I become sharp, mistrusting my broken images, Trusting his images, he assumes their relevance; Mistrusting my images, I question their relevance. Assuming their relevance, he assumes the fact, Questioning their relevance, I question the fact. When the fact fails him, he questions his senses; When the fact fails me, I approve my senses. He continues quick and dull in his clear images; I continue slow and sharp in my broken images. He in a new confusion of his understanding; I in a new understanding of my confusion.
  15. The fee is 830 rmb EACH. The 2925 fee is for Immigrants. K1 an k2 are non-Immigrants.
  16. John, everything is doubled if you have a K2 with the K1. Forms, fees, med exams, even the interview. My wife's daughter had to go to the interview with her. One question,"do you like your new stepfather?"
  17. When to brush your teeth has become secondary to how often to buy a new toothbrush. I think I've had my old brush for almost a year. Now I find I spend as much money on new toothbrushes as I do on gas.
  18. Hey Frank, would you consider a reasonable offer for those SS cards?
  19. Not so amazing JP. It is simple Gestalt closure, natural to all humans. Gestalt psychology and learning theory was all the rage in the late 60's. In order to make sense of our world we 'fill in the blanks' without needing belabored thinking time. It is very important from a survival standpoint to be able to make rapid and accurate judgments in the absence of all the facts and clues. The more evolved the species or particular individual part of the species, the faster and more reliably they can do this. This my young friend is why people is people and rocks is only rocks.
  20. I-485 for AOS I-765 for EAD. The I-94 is valid to get a SSN for 76 days after she arrived in the US. Take her passport, visa, I -94 and your marriage certificate to the local SSa office.
  21. Ah my friend LMark. Lest you forget the higher you go, the closer to heaven you are and the closer to heaven you are, the fewer right wing nuts you encounter. However, if you look down you may see some. I find this an appropriate time for a bowel movement.
  22. John, I just saw this on another post. DOS: 202-663-1225 Option 1 then option 0. You do not need to listen to the messages at the beginning
  23. Hey LMark, if you get serious about one let me know. My brother and I used to have a small hobby business that sold them. I may be able to find you a good used one--likely only a one seater though. We got out just as the two seaters come into vogue. We used to teach people to fly in less than an hour---then their first flight was a solo. I still have some old videos of it all. The older chute design was a pain. My brother and I tested chutes for a company in Seattle and developed the short line chute they use now. To take off and climb just give it throttle. Push the left peddle to turn left and the right peddle to turn right. Ascend--more power--descend-less power. There is NO stall speed. They always go 26mph. With a standard 5 gallon tank you can only fly around 1 1/2 hours. So the range is limited. You can get a bigger tank etc. As for the noise-my ultralite is the same so I have helmets with headphones and a two way talk system. It drowns out the noise and you can talk back and forth. The PPC's are great for photography because you can lock the throttle and steer with your feet. No hands flying. The center stick you see on the picture is only for ground steering--not for flight control. Vermont would be a cool place to fly. I like to fly low and chase deer. They don't need much runway to take off but with a slow climb rate you don't want a tall building 500 feet in front of you. You need no license to fly the single seat version. Their is a certification for the two seater. My ultralite is a two seater so technically it is an airplane and I am supposed to have a license--but I can't pass the FAA physical--we have our own runway but I fly to airports around and never had a problem. Landed it at the local golf course once. they loved it. Anyway, be careful who you buy from--I know one guy that used to be in Washington State that ripped of several folks then he started another business in FL. then moved again. Trigg
  24. Hey Don, try a 350 pound quicksilver in a 25 knot wind. It's a full three axis aicraft-Remember, the fun is in the fear. LMark, for photagraphy look into the powered parachutes. Very smooth and fly at only 26mph--AND they don't need wind.
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