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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. You won't need them in China but you will after you apply for AOS in the US. They are cheaper in China so you can save some $$$$ if you get them there.
  2. I have been through the process from the filing through the Interview and visa award. I have never heard of a preinterview.
  3. Absolutley. it isn't a genetic thing it is cultural. More stimuli when they are younger and more use during the school years.
  4. Her frequent complains of migraine headaches and unable to sleep at night. Also, worry about paying her dental bills since my job doesn't pay much. I dunno Tony. That doesn't sound like a reason to be sad it sounds like a reason to get motivated to me. From my perspective you are saying she needs you-and that is a good thing. Stress and the blues are two very different entities. The stress of trying making life better for her is not necessarily a bad thing. Stress can motivate and the rewards of meeting the challenge can override any of the negatives that may force you to put your head down and 'get to gettin'. Just my thoughts
  5. Actually Carl, Asians consistantly score 7 points higher on the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Adults than do caucasions. This is the definative IQ test and is culturaly bias in favor of the dominant western culture (American white dudes). My wife would likley beat my by no more than 50 points.
  6. I have an advanced grdauate degree and my wife has no college. She is still much smarter than me..
  7. Mooney, Tony, something you guys forgot to tell us??
  8. Now that is a tough question. We included my stepdaughter as a K2 when my then fiancee went for her K1 interview. They were both interviewed at the same time together. As the K2 is an extension of the K1 I wouldn't look for any problems.
  9. YUP! Last August, I think August. I was talking to Fang Ling via webcam and she said Zhanjiang was having a Typhoon. I looked at the zhanjiang weather and it said "Warm and sunny". I guess it wasn't much of a typhoon.
  10. http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findwe...ecast?query=CAN Try this one
  11. Congrats JP and Jun--Great timelines---3 months from filing to P3. If GZ gets their act together you could be looking at Thanksgving in the US with Jun. You too John!
  12. Dave, a long time ago in a far of land I had two of my front teeth busted out. The army doctors did a bridge and unless som one reminds me I usualy never remember they aren't my real teeth. I eat apples and bite conservatives on a regular basis--never had any problems. I have no idea what the implant would be like but the bridge is permanent and I have never had a problem.
  13. OH BOY have we ever have Dave. The question is how do we get rid of him???
  14. Well RMark, I can't speak for anyone else but you have always been a mystery to me.
  15. OH yea Dave, and it said i am friendly and fun to be around. OH, it also said I am conservative. I'll bet some of our leaders get thier info from this test.
  16. What a great thread. I'll need a lot more time to think about a comprehensive answer. However, when I first started corresponding with my wife, my mother was outraged. "Why do you want to find a bride from 10,000 miles away?" and "but she's a commie isn't she"? "What's wrong with an American woman"? And of course I heard the stereo typical comments from dear old Daddy. "Chink, Gook". My brother said "Hey Trigg, that's a good idea. Chinese women do everything their husband says and they never complain." Well, my brother was almost right except it is me who does what I'm told. Mommy dearest now loves Fang Ling because Fang Ling believes that we should take care of our parents and she cleans my mothers house every time we visit. Dad. well that's a different story-he's a bit hard headed.
  17. Yup, I went to the GZ sight Jim suggested and there it was, advice to call the number and they can give info in Chinese. Now maybe I will only have to get invloved with the finances and let Fang Lings sister do her own paperwork. Thanks ya'll---good stuff
  18. Thanks guys, I'm hot on the trail now. Gheeez, just when I thought my days of foolin'with GZ were over.
  19. I really don't know. I am trying to find out. Her nearest consualte is GZ, some 400 miles off. I'm sure there will be confusing forms and she doesn't read or write English. I'm sure someone will know. I have read posts before stating people have had their in-laws visit so I know someone knew how to do all that.
  20. Oh boy Kim, have I got thoughts on that. "opposites attract," one of the examples often used in the ever popular past time of psychologist bashing. "Psychology is just common sense." I guess I have heard that a million and ten times over the years. Hmmmm, common sense. Well, 'opposites' attract is common sense---ooops, 'birds of a feather flock together ' is also common sense. So, which one is it?? The subject, like all common sense subjects, has been research adnausia by psychologists and sociologists and only one of the statements is true. Your mission my fellow CFLers is to find out which common sense statement is try, and why?? See ya soon Trigg
  21. Oh, yea!!! I goes at the speed of light. 2-15 weeks at NVC. 1-6 weeks vlearing customs and being put in GZ computer. 1-6 weeks waiting for p3. 4-12 weeks waiting for p4.-2-4 weeks and Interview. So from now you only have 2 1/2-10 months left. From my NOA2 to interview was 4 months---that's close to average I think.
  22. I know, this one has been asked a million times but I always forget. My wife's sister wants to come visit for a few months. She says she has asked everyone in the City of Zhanjiang how to apply and they all said "Wa Bu Mingbai". I really don't want to start a ton ov Visa paper work and she doesn't speak English. Are there any people in China who do the forms etc.... If not, anyone do this recently?? How many forms, where to get them etc...... Oh, and she does have ties e.g a daughter, nrother and mothe rin China. She also owns her own house--it is paid for. Thanks guys Trigg
  23. We're proud of her to TD. Don't worry about the loss of control issue---you can't lose what ya never had.
  24. 830 for nonimmigrat visa (k1) 2881 for immigrant visa Bi nong Vs Binong. Mark---isn't it routine for Chines to break two sylable names into seperate names?? One per name?
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