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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. I gotta go with Don on this one. But the real question is WHY are they underfunded and understaffed. Are all the consulates underfunded or just the ones from countries with differing political idealogies? As for the exculsion act, thst is ancient history and may have served a racist purpose at the time. I honestly believe that racism has nothing to do with it and that if GZ is slower than the other consulates it is because a.) 1.5 billion people b.) they are underfunded for whatever reason. The reason for the underfunding is the real question.
  2. I'm retired and nebver submitted a letter from an employer. I did submit proof of my income. That is what they really want. Your co-sponser will need to submit proof of retirement funds or proof of assets 5 times greater than 125% of poverty level.
  3. You can apply for SSN before you are married. But this is a temporary SSN that doesn't grant work privileges. When you are married and apply for AOS, you can also apply for EAD at the same time. This will give you authorization to work. You must apply for and receive Advanced Parole (AP) in order to go to China and return to the US. A K1 visa is single entry and if you go to China before you are granted AP, you will not be allowed to return to the US without going through the entire visa process all over again-God forbid anyone has to do that. It appears that the SSN people have told you wrong
  4. Ya'll just remember one thing. Most of our fiancees/spouse were 'made in China'!!
  5. Hmmm, I thought the mistreatment of people by GZ was directed more towards the American. After all, we are the petitioners. I kinda doubt that anyone would take a position that required them to move to a foreign country just so they can abuse the people that they have chosen for neighbors. I'm talking about the highhandedness combined with lethargy that is institutionalized in the bureaucratic way of functioning at the embassy in Guangzhou. By extension we are abused by the DoS because we choose to become involved with persons of a nationality that America is historically prejudiced against. Hmmm, we went to their aid in the late '30s and early '40s. I doubt it is the nationality our Gov. has a problem with. Rather, It may be the political ideology.
  6. Hmmm, I thought the mistreatment of people by GZ was directed more towards the American. After all, we are the petitioners. I kinda doubt that anyone would take a position that required them to move to a foreign country just so they can abuse the people that they have chosen for neighbors.
  7. My Chinese wife talks about money everyday. She wants almost everything she see but she would never ask me for it. Rather, she wants to work with me so we can have it together. Wanting more than one has is one reason people have so much. If a little was good enough then wouldn't we all settle for that. Point is it isn't just women that want more than they have--it is all of us. The real question is what would she say if she thought you had nothing. I know my wife would say "OH S$%^&. Now we work harder and soon have many many" "Second thoughts normal" Get prepared to wipe the word normal from your vocabulary. I have the best possible marriage I could ever have and wouldn't change anything--but marrying someone from another world with another culture and another language will never be "normal" Trigg
  8. Although I did not fly to china for the Interview and my wife and stepdaughter came by themselves, we did get cheap tickets on short notice. We waited until after the interview. I tried all the carriers and found cheap tickets with less than a weeks notice were Impossible. My wife went to a travel agent in china and got tickets with a 4 day notice cheaper than I could have done with a months notice. I'll try to get the name of the airlines but I know it went from GZ to HK-then on to SFO. Trigg
  9. While I do agree that women are women no matter where they are from, I believe any thinking person will agree that Chinese woman are very different from American women. All of us as humans share many commonalties at birth. However, we manifest what and who we are at least in part from our socialization. I'm sure that most of us see a difference in men and woman who are simply from a different part of the US. We see a difference in rural people and the urban dwellers. I think no one will disagree with that. So it only makes good sense that the Chinese woman who has been raised within a totally different culture and who have learned a totally different value system would not be the same as their American counterparts. I think any thinking person must agree that while their are similarities in all people the influences of ones culture and background in general does make races and peoples different. So, the real question is not IF Chinese women, as a whole, are different from American women, as a whole. The real question to ask oneself is much more complex. Is different better. Given the differences, are Chinese woman better than American women? The obvious answer, at least to me, is YES and NO. It depends on what one looks for in a spouse. For me personally I enjoy some of the cultural differences in the Chinese woman. For some of my friends whom I respect immensely, the American women is what they desire. So different is just what it is--it is simple different-not better, not worse-only different. When we stop equated sameness with equality, we will likely remove most prejudices. American women, Your are all right with me but just not my idea of a lifelong partner. Then again, I think many Chinese men think Chinese women are all right with them but not their idea of a life long partner. Like I've stated before, where you stand depends largely on where you sit.
  10. First it has to clear customs then get processed by GZ. It is too early to worry now. I think some of the guys may be able to tell you how to track it and see if it has cleared customs. Trigg
  11. OK Don, I'll agree that it isn't a party issue but I still think that, at least in part, it has to do with voting relatives. Of course a common border has a lot to do with the relaxed immigration issues as well. I would find it hard to believe that race is an issue as Mexicans (Native Mexicans) have the same ancestry as Native Americans and both can be traced to China. Also, Russians are mostly Caucasian and they experience the same immigration issues as do the Chinese (ask Clifford). As for your argument pertaining to visa fraud. Yes, it does exist with some Chinese applicants but I will go way out on a limb and say that visa fraud is much more prevalent with the Mexican population than it is with the Chinese. Yet we grant them amnesty. So you see it appears to be very political to me and whatever your political affiliation, you must agree that it is very costly and frustrating to those of us who have experienced the visa process with a Chines fiancee/spouse. Just my thoughts Trigg
  12. I read a recent post, can't remember where, but someone had a problem somewhat like this. They had either gave the wrong address or did not give it in chinese. Anyway, the Chinese fiancee went to the local post office and they found her P3 sitting and waiting for her. It might be worth a try.
  13. OH!! I just saw it is the I-130 you are talking about. That may be a different story. Disregard what i said. Someone will have an answer me thinks.
  14. That's a new one on me. I was under the impression that after December of 2003 all security checks were done prior to sending to GZ. Some of the old timers talk about the second security check in GZ--but like I said not after 2003. I'll bet someone will know. As for the 3-9 months statement. Take it for what it is, a manufactured timeline. I have yet to see them close on a guess. Things usually go faster than they say--maybe the overestimate times to make us feel oh so good when the get done before they said. Hang in there jay, it is all worth it once they get the visa. Trigg
  15. Don, I have an urgent need to get my wife and stepdaughter a SSN--don't give hoot if they work or not. I thought I had to get an EAD before I could get a SSN. I filed for SSN for my wife 6 weeks ago and have heard nothing from them. I need the SSNs for ID purposes for the VA and Insurance. It is costing me around $400 a month without them. So, how do I get SSN without waiting for EAD?? If you filed and they accepted her application, it is just a matter of time. Before they issue it, they will pass it by BCIS to see if they are in the computer as a K-1 (sorry, I don't remember your situation). A K-1 is entitled to work as a condition of the visa class. Some, or many, of the SSA staff don't realize it. You need to be insistant that your spouse is entitled to work and is eligible for a SSN. An EAD is NOT required if the SSN application is filed within 75 days or so from arriving in the US. The SSN card will have some printing that says it is only valid with proof of eligibilty to work. No big deal. After filing AOS and EAD (one year version), the EAD and SSN is all that is needed to be hired by an employer. Here's the Catch-22: If you wait too long to apply for the SSN, 75 days or so, they will refuse to issue without and EAD card. This can set a K-1 holder back a couple of months in getting an SSN. A bigger Catch-22 is that SSA seems to require an EAD for children holding K-2 visas as they are NOT eligible for employment as a condition of status. Lord help those who are not familiar with government logic. Trigg, I understand your situation. If the SSN application was accepted, you will get it as soon as they can confirm that your wife is here legally. I would also push to have your insurance and VA stuff backdated to her arrival....once she gets her SSN. OK Don, I appreciate the help. I filed for her SSN in early April. At that time they said it would take 3 weeks. Maybe I'll call the SSN people. I'm not sure how they would trace her application as she has no SSN and there was no reciept given to me. I didn't apply for the stepdaughters SSN as she is only 14 and I figured she will, have to wait for SSN. However, if I can get SSN for my wife, I can get the ball rolling. Government Logic---Arrrgggg!
  16. Just a wild guess Carl, but could it be that Mexicans have relatives in the US that can vote and we have a Republican President who, for the first time ever, is getting some of the minority votes? Can we keep politics off of this forum? The last amnesty program was passed under a democratic administration. It doesn't matter which party is in power when it comes to US/Mexican immigration. Both play the same card. Yes daddy. (Trigg sulks away, wimpering)
  17. Don, I have an urgent need to get my wife and stepdaughter a SSN--don't give hoot if they work or not. I thought I had to get an EAD before I could get a SSN. I filed for SSN for my wife 6 weeks ago and have heard nothing from them. I need the SSNs for ID purposes for the VA and Insurance. It is costing me around $400 a month without them. So, how do I get SSN without waiting for EAD??
  18. Hey Trigg, Look at my time line. We're in the same boat. It took me 161 days for NOA2 and now were stuck with several others waiting for P4. By the end of this month, we will have been in the system 1 year. Jeikun, Congrats on the speed. I hope you can keep the momentum. Bryan Bryan Ouch Bryan, I looked at your timelines. Your NOA2 took as long as mine but I had her visa 3 1/2 months later. Total time was 9 months and 20 days. If I would have gotten NOA2 in 11 days like Jason did It would only have taken 3-4 months from date of application to visa. Maybe I'm the only one that GZ ever moved quickly for. I guess I should try to figure out the signature thing and post my timelines. I'll do a Tennessee hillbilly voodoo hodown for you and maybe you'll get you P4 soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Jason--he may set a new world record for total time. Trigg
  19. Frank, I plan on coming to get her just as soon as I save enough money for her deprogramming. This is the first time since they have been in the US that Fang Ling and I have been 100% alone in the house. I'm having a real good time. But now this old fat man is worn out. As soon as I recuperate, I'll come fetch WF. I think it'll take till Friday. OH, Mommy Ling told me that Jingwen wants some more of those small fish--but this time with the heads left on. Today we caught around 120. Unless I hear otherwise, they are coming with us on Friday along with 30 pounds of venison. Tell her I said I like totally for sure miss her dude and she is like totally radical! Trigg
  20. Just a wild guess Carl, but could it be that Mexicans have relatives in the US that can vote and we have a Republican President who, for the first time ever, is getting some of the minority votes?
  21. Hmmm, twilight zone time. That letter was posted today by another CFI member. Maybe you two are psychotic---oops, I meant psychic. Spooky stuff. Trigg
  22. WOW!! It took TSC 164 days to do mine. My total time from application to Visa was 9 months 20 days. You are now 5 months ahead of my time lines. Wouldn't it be great if the rest went as fast as mine did AFTER TSC was finished?? That would put your start to finish time at 4 months--WAHOOOOOooo a potential world record holder. Good for you Jason Trigg
  23. SAM, I think you should be in line by noon...... 2 days in advance ... What, you haven't been in line since Memorial Day :o :o :o Well, you might as well go home and forget about the whole visa thing :P :P I think this is all new ground for everyone. Who was the last one to get an interview granted, post call center closure? You may be one of the first since they started accepting walk-ins. Hopefully they will have a seperate line for those with appointments, or possibly RFE's (pink and blue slips). Yes, it may seem like you are taking cuts.... That is until you consider the year long wait that you have already endured. Best of Luck with the interview, Clifford Sam, have you forgotten you are the future father of half the free world? Those you saw waiting in line have no appointment. You, on the other hand, do. When my wife went for her interview she had the obligatory 8:30 appointment time. She got there at 7:00, got in at 9:30, and after lunch was seen for her 3 minute interview. It's likely that all the k1-K3 appointment times are 8:30. Sooooooo, 7:00 sounds reasonable. Good luck man! OH! As for the guard. Just tell him you hold a powerful position in the Empire-He'll Understand. Uncle Trigg
  24. If this was the RR, I'd have a reply for that! Puleeeaaasssssseeeeee, do not discuss Carl's pink thingy outside of the RR.
  25. Hmmm, me thinks you need to watch what you wish for
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