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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. COOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! THAT 10 MINUTES OF WORK PAID OFF HUH. Maybe everyone else will try that and in 9 months we will have an Asian population boom CONGRATS!!!!!
  2. Clifford, I know the interview date has been a long time coming and you have shown an amazing amount of patient and endurance. It is almost Ironic that you may be the only one on the Candle with an interview scheduled. Good luck with it all. Trigg
  3. If I understand the police report thing it has to be for any and all cities she has lived in for more than 6 months.
  4. Yeah man, real tough stuff--just wait till she gets mad, you'll find out.
  5. A chicken in every pot---or is it some pot for every chicken?? Makes me scared thinking about it. Hey Kim, I think the rabbit would say I need a cage for Ling.
  6. OH, almost forgot. My search word was "Chinese"
  7. I had a recent hard drive crash and reinstalled windows XP. I was searching for lost files and searched in all folders including hidden and found a file named CIA. I opened it with notebook or notepad to see what it said. I don't speak computer but nearly every line had FBI in it. Also, it said it was embedded in XP. Maybe some of you who are much brighter than me can figure it out but it seems that big bro is indeed watching. Anyone ever run across this??
  8. Kim, the I-134 will be given to the med center at the time of the physical, they will put it in a sealed envelope for her to take to the interview. 230 pt1 and 169 are sent back sent with p3. You will need tax info etc. with the I-134. Sooo, you gotta get to gettin'. Chinese mail is a bit slow and who knows, GZ may get thier act together soon.
  9. It was funny as hell. I doubt my neighbor will ever be the same.
  10. Oh Carl, it just keeps getting better. We have a garden and if you think a weed has a chance in hell---nope, no way, she protects those veggies as though they are her children. And, if you think you have a lot of water on the bathroom floor, just wait until she learns that a watered garden is a happy garden. My water bill is through the roof and it has been raining here every other day (maybe she thinks we planted rice). I don't even want to talk about the poor rabbit she saw out there the other morning but picture a Chinese lady, a broom, and a very frightened bunny all running through the neighbors yard--one of them screaming in Chinese.
  11. No, I saw one of my platoon members eat some glass from a plate he broke even chewed it a little it seemed easy and painless, which is unlike what GZ is doing to us. How, (he says delicately) did your army buddy do the next morning?? Hemorrhoids cleared up?? I did not hear any screams or find any blood in the bathroom so I think it was dissolved by the stomach acids, Now I will tell you this much from first hand experience sunflower seed shells do not dissolve and they all come out pointing down with very sharp points, next to a urethral catheter it is the second worse experience I have had. Words of advice sunflower seeds are "EVIL"!!!!!!! Hmmm, the guy that ate the glass was bright enough to chew it. Now how did you eat those seeds?? Geeezzz, you'd think a fella would learn an easier lesson by eating corn on the cob!
  12. No, I saw one of my platoon members eat some glass from a plate he broke even chewed it a little it seemed easy and painless, which is unlike what GZ is doing to us. How, (he says delicately) did your army buddy do the next morning?? Hemorrhoids cleared up??
  13. Tazsa (cool name), I think nothing can replace having your husband with you but I think spending some time getting to know the people on Candle will help make it bearable. You can get some good information and advice here but more importantly you can talk with people who share in your frustration. It's the best support group in town. Welcome to the Candle. Trigg
  14. I use a card from here- phonecardonsale.com. It is around 2 cents a minute and can key to your home number so you only need dial an 800 number and don't need to spend all day putting in the rest of them. Good quality but no records. There are several choices. I use the Global speed because it has no access charges and no time limits. I also use it for long distance calls inside the US.
  15. So many new guys--so few leaflets to hand out. Welcome to the Candle, you will find a great group of people here (most of 'em). Just ask away and we'll be glad to help. Trigg
  16. May 26th + a few months = August 26th = late-September to mid-October interview I've received better news in my life I guess that it is really a 'bummer' to see it in writing but recent news seems to confirm the "no new interviews" thing. I read almost two months ago (rumor stuff) that someone had news from GZ that stated they wouldn't be interviewing until july or August. It looks like this may be the case. I think for you guys still waiting it must be made worse by not knowing the whys of it all. Do you think we will ever know what is really going on?? Visa center closing?? Biometric retooling?? Summer vaccations??
  17. Very well stated---and a huge congrats to you!!!!1
  18. I wish I could come join in but Oregon isn't in my near future (too bad, Kim owes me a beer). Asking for legislative help may benefit those that follow but won't happen soon enough to help you that are waiting. My guess is that if an actual US Senator or Rep would call and talk to any authority in GZ---you would get your visa's. The problem is all that ever gets done is a letter from a liaison---usually a form letter.
  19. Nope, use simplified. Traditional is rarely used. Also, I have used several translators and none are really great. Be sure to write in simple short sentences as the translators look at context and really mess up with long compound sentences. eg. 'what time should I telephone you?? As compared to- What is the best time for me to call you later?? the first will translate but the second will give her a confusing message. Use the KISS method (Keep it simple....)
  20. Others who have been asked to do a video were told to do it in VHS format not DVD
  21. Am I missing something here. Has Charlie Chan entered the room? will number one son solve this mystery?? Can I post a pic of Dave and say it is my wife??
  22. If they ask for a tape it will be VHS formatt.
  23. Welcome to the Candle Lenny. This is really a good place for those in the process and for those who have completed it. Great people and lots of good stories that will hit home. Looking forward to hearing some of yours. Trigg
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