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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. They are cheaper for roundtrip if they originate in LAX but not if they originate in China. I was going to get a roundtrip ticket from LA and back for my finacee and then have her only use the return portion. But I was advised that this was a very very bad idea. My fiancee found tickets in China on Cathay air-one way from CAN (GZ) to SFO for $540 (three days notice). This was quite a bit cheaper than I could buy them in the states.
  2. The VA will only accept a SSN. Not a TIN. It is a real mess. I plan on adopting but that will taker a lot of time. The VA rep told me today that they have no problem with her not being a US citizen but they MUST have a SSN. She can get one after she turns 16 but only because she will then be eligible to work. It's a damned mess---you gotta love red tape!!!!!!!!!! Also, the VA gives me stipend for each of my dependents. If the crazy lady next door was living with me the VA would give me money. Using a TIN number I can claim my new stepdaughter as a legal dependent on my taxes. So, she is a legal dependent according to the IRS and the VA, but the VA will not let me insure her or get a dependents stipend without the SSN. The whole thing is a little crazy.
  3. Well James now the frustration starts. It will seem like forever and then it is over and looking back it seems like it was all a dream. I think some timelines are getting quicker now. My darlin's visa was approved March 10th. 9 months and 20 days total time from NOA1 to visa. Just be sure to keep documentation of all communication between the two of you and most importantly ENJOY your darlin. I know it is a long time to wait but it is a great opportunity to really get to know each other. Good luck in you journey, Trigg
  4. well Carl i'm glad to see you still have your sense of humor. I guess to say these are frustrating time would be an understatement. I still think that if your Yahoo tape is you and bing talking that it will be all you will need. If your going to, China anyway, maybe a backup tape of you speaking in chinese would be an extra. It is a tough language but maybe with a Chinese coach you can pull off five minutes. Hmmm, probably wouldn't be wise to express your political opinions or you views of the GZ consulate using the Chinese language. At least not until Bing is in the US. Ling has been following your case, reading over my shoulder. I think she is more pissed than you. She speaks very little english and really doesn't understand why you don't call King george w and have him give you a visa. I explained than self-appointed dictators rarely answer the phone. She believed me. Ling and I both want to wish you good luck and speed on your visa. Trigg
  5. I was told that 1 14 year old alien can't get a ssn unless they get a job offer and a job offer is not legal for a 16 year old in TN. BUT I NEED ONE FOR VA INSURANCE?!?!?!?!? I am sure there must be a way to do this. I feel like i'm caught in catch 22 and going around and around and around and aorund and..... Now i'm dizzy
  6. Yeah but to get the new Chinese stepdaughter a SSN she has to have an EAD . She is 14 so how can I get her a letter form a potential boss if it is ilegal to employ a 14 year old??
  7. Congrats Matt. Always glad to hear good news, especcialy in light of Carls temperary tragedy. It was a great reprot. That sort of thing always helps other preparing for their interview. At-A-Boy to you and once again--CONGRATS.
  8. As much as it pains me to admit it, I agree with Dave (please never repeat that). When all else fails, try the truth. If he has enough money to make it worthwhile to open an offhsore account, he should have been wise enough to admit it to BCIS or at least keep enough to show ability to support his future wife. I wonder if he really has money or if he was just lying to his fiancee. I always figured if you will lie about one thing, you will lie about another. Maybe he figured to never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
  9. Here is the problem. I am considered a 100% disabled vet-service connected via Viet Nam. Therefore my dependents are eligible for free health insurance through the VA. However, to get it they must have a SSN. My new wife can get it I think but my new stepdaughter is only 14 years old. Anyone know how I can get a SSN for her?? If I have to add them to my private Insurance, it will cost $460 a month. VA insurance is free. Any Ideas?? Thanks all, Trigg
  10. Cool, my wife flew Cathay air to SFO. Cheap tickets. OK Ok Ok don't put down the beer. Hmmm, It's 9:30 already. Maybe I'll have a beer with you. Gulp.
  11. He has the wrong idea. I would rather put my ex-wife in an offshore account!
  12. ALRIGHT!!!! Congrats to you Louis. Now put down that beer and go buy some plane tickets!!
  13. Tic Toc Tic Toc Tic Toc. Ain't waiting a real bi**ch. Let us all know, we are waiting with you.
  14. Carl, First let me once again let you know we are with you in every way. I'm not sure you need to go to china to resolve this but maybe you know best. Anyway, I have used an online service to get a visa to go to China. It only took 4 days from the time I fedexed my passport to the time I got the Visa. Unfortunaltley I live in the area that uses the D.C Chinese embassy and this service is in D.C. I found it online. There were many simular ones for my area and I'm sure you could find one for yours. It could eliminate the need to fly to SFO. If memory serves me, it was an additional 75$. Just a thought. My thoughts are with you man. Best of luck to you and Bing. Anything we can do---just ask Trigg
  15. Hey louis, I know you have heard about what happened with Carl and Bing. I'm sure they will get their visa soon. I hope you don't have to go through any of that. Your interview is only a few hours away and I want to wish you and Mei the best of luck. I guess you are very nervous, especcialy in light of Carl's terrible experience. I doubt that will happen twice in a row to a CFLer. Well anyway best of luck to both of you. Let us all know as soon as you find out. Trigg
  16. This is just a thought Carl, but if you have a video already of you and her talking on yahoo, and the VO did not look at it, you may have what you need already. Maybe if she submits it you can save a lot of time and a trip to china. See what others think about it. Trigg
  17. Carl, I read it but I don't believe. I really don't know what to say. Like Frank said,you have friends here and if we can do ANYTHING don't hesitate to ask. Our thoughts are with you man. Hang tough and do what you must, you will get the visa. Trigg
  18. Mine was in the consulate for 6 hours. I think they tell them to turn off cell phoners so relax---valium and beer-valiume and beer. you will know soon---then it is only beer
  19. C'mon Carl, tell us what's happenong. some of us don't live in the West. We gotta know about the visa so we can get some sleep.
  20. Glad for you---looks like the worm has turned. To bad you got the "John Smith" of Chinese names. Actually I think Chan is the most common name. One of the times I was there I had to see a doctor. He gave me a chinese name for legal purposes. It stuck with my wife. Yup, I'm no know as Li Hong! VERY VERy common name..
  21. I just don't know if you are going to survive Carl. Now you are counting hours (21). soon minutes--then seconds--nano-seconds.. Valium and beer--valium and beer---valium and beer-valium and beer....
  22. Keelec, I gotta agree with Frank on this one. 'If you have pictures of a toilet seat platform'---you just might need a life
  23. Hmmmmmmmmm! I think you have a good idea Wayne. If I build up the toilet she can feel at home and I can use it without needing a crane to get up again. The problem is that if I build it up to a good toilet level for me, it will be nose level for her. Oh well, back to the drawing board. Trigg
  24. Cool, Dean prays the same way I do. funny stuff!
  25. Carl, I think I need so buy stock in the company who makes valium. It looks like you may be buying a large quantity before Monday night. Relax dude, you will make it. Repeat after me "Ithink I can, I think I can I think I can". Let us know when you find out. I may want to sell my stock quickly if you get relaxed. Trigg
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