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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Dave, what OS do you have?What ISP?? I can get yahoo and ie 6.0 to read chinese no problem. AOL is another story. In IE 6.0 go to view tab and click chinese simplified. See ifthat works for you. If not let me know and i'll let you know where to downlaod languages.
  2. Mark, I called UCIS and they told me "postmarked on or before April 30th"
  3. AOS is Adjustment of Status. It is a form you file after your fiancee comes to the US and you are married. Removes the 90 day temporary visa and start the green card process.
  4. Carl, if anyone every deserved good news, it is you two. God bless you both!! Trigg
  5. Cisco, I think you can see from the other replies that your wife's apparent depression is a common problem. Long_strider had some very good insight into your problem as well as some excellent possible solutions. As usual Clifford had some great ideas as did several others. Before my early retirement I worked as a child adolescent psychologist and have dealt with depression on every level. Do remember that clinical depression is NOT an illness of the mind but rather of the brain. It is a chemical problem as Don stated. Culture shock, drastic life changes, homesickness, feelings of helplessness any of these can bring it on. As you have gotten excellent advice as to how to deal with this, I'll not repeat any of it. My wife experienced some of this herself. Let me add one other hypothesis I have been considering. As depression is chemical we generally treat it with chemicals. However, when dealing with children I have found that exercise causes the brain to release the same types of chemicals contained in antidepressant medication. I have seen huge efficacy in things as simple as adding an extra PE class everyday to their curriculum. Think about it. Chinese people exercise everyday. They walk everyplace they go and most do some form of exercise in the morning as well as an after supper walk. When they come to America they work much less exercise much less and walk much less than they are accustomed too. My wife now runs three miles everyday and does Tai Chee for an hour. She is much happier and sleeps much less. I'm not saying that the more sedentary American lifestyle is the only cause. I'm sure that homesickness and culture shock, etc., are major contributors. However, I think that the change in physical life style is a huge part of it and some good cardio work is very beneficial. Research indicates this is true. Hell, give it a try--it can't hurt. Just my thoughts, Trigg
  6. Alex, I hired a lawyer for the K1 Visa. You are correct about the details that are easy to miss. However, I paid a lot of money for him to tell me to send him papers so he could spend maybe an hour to fill out forms. After the K1 was approved and my fiancee came to America, my lawyer was no where to be found. I think many would agree that, if you have the means, a lawyer is OK but check his work. A lawyer has no emotional investment in the process. They get paid up front. As for language not being a legal requirement. Maybe so but according to my attorney the ability to "communicate in a common language" is part of proof of relationship. My fiancee spoke very little English at the time of the interview in GZ but got the visa with no problem. I know others who spoke no English and had no problem. Still others who spoke fair English and were temporarily declined because of "communication difficulties. "Damn right I'm angry." We all were and still are. The system is open for many abuses of power. But when all is said and done---it is worth all the BS you have to endure. Trigg PS--welcome to CFL. Lots of knowledgeable people here that can, and will, help you.
  7. Hey Frank, it sounds like you have got everything covered. Enjoy china and bring your darlin' home with you. Good luck to both of you. Trigg
  8. 46??? Barely old enough to vote. Happy birthday dude, in about 50 years you will be as old as most of us!!!!
  9. Great news for you!! 3 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!Wow!!
  10. I think it will be OK. At least you beat the deadline. the worst they could do is make you send another picture.
  11. This topic scares me to tears. Ling keeps asking me when I will teach her to drive. My answer is always HA HA Ha Ha Ha Ha. While driving down the Interstate two days ago at around 80 mph she decided she would steer. She grabbed the wheel and made a hard right hand turn from the right lane on a straight piece of road with no crossroad. Well, no real damage only a couple of very frightened deer and a husband in need of new underwear. I have put off any future driving lessons pending intravenous valium injections.
  12. WAH HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!! Only 99 more to go!
  13. We all read it and thought the same thing you did. Turns out that the "warning" was poorly written byt eh embassy.
  14. Do remember, the longer you wait the more you increase the chances of an unhealthy baby. For example, 16:1 chance of a trisonomy 21 child (Down's syndrome) after the mother is age 35. Fortunately there are simple tests for this and other defects now that can be done in the early ages of pregnancy. The unfortunate part is that if the tests are positive you will have a HUGE decision to make. I have six children, ages 37 to 10. I was eighteen when I had the first and 45 when I had the last. I think I did my best parenting when I had my youngest son in my late twenties. 18 was way to young and 45--well it is hard to keep up the energy levels. Just my thoughts. Trigg
  15. I got mine sent this morning, finally!!! Overnight priority US mail. Then I remembered that I forgot to put the A# on the back of the photo (in pencil of course). I went back to the post office and they actually let me open the envelope and fix it. Thank goodness for a small town PO. Anyway it was a total savings of $310.00 on all forms for my wife and stepdaughter. Seems worth the last minute craziness to me.
  16. We all have our fingers and toes crossed for you Carl. Give us the good news soon. Trigg
  17. Yeah Don, I figured it out. It says if you check the box for alien relative (the only one that pertains) then you need to submit the I-130 OR the I-797 (NOA2). It was just more confusing words hard for we paperwork impaired. Thanks, Trigg
  18. I called the UCIS today. they said if the application for whatever, in my case AOS and AP and EAD, is postmarked on or before april 30th-you pay the old fees. Thought some of you may want to know. Trigg
  19. My wife came on a K1--we married. Now I am filing the i-485 and I-864. A box on the I-864 says check if petitioning for a affidavit of support for relative. My wife is my relative. It then says need a I-130. Do I need to do an I-130?? I thought this is a petition to bring a wife to the US?? HELPPPPP!!!!
  20. Hey Carl, glad to see you and Bing are together. Now put down that computer and get to gettin. Hurry up and get the visa and get back here with Bing. These right wingers are ripping me a new one. Good luck--let us all know when you get the visa. Trigg
  21. Well, Mark admits someone was right other than himself?? is the sky falling?? HEY MARK, You asked Kim how old Jet is. Read his quote below and get out your fuzzy math calculator. "In my case the first adoption process started in the fall of 1995, and was not complete until I met my first daughter Jet-- (Tai Hun Mei, then just turned age 2) in March of 1997/Nanjing." Sorry Kim, Mark just keeps on giving me fodder for such things. I do agree with Mark though (yuck what is that nasty taste in my mouth) Hearing you talk about Jet is heart warming and the love does permeate throughout the thread. Some times we need to have out heartstrings plucked so we can keep in mind what is really important. Trigg
  22. Hey Kim, Cool, a baby Jet. How did you come you call her Jet? I have a friend who adapted about two years ago in china. Her daughters name is also Mei. She told me that they get their name from the orphanage they come from and that all the girls at the orphanage were named Mei. I dunno if this is correct but it is an interesting bit of trivia anyway. My friend is a child psychiatrist and was fascinated how her new daughter showed sings of receiving a lot of love from her orphanage. She wanted me to stop in on my next trip and thank the folks there. sounds like jet received the same love. Nothin beats a good start does it? well, good luck with that barrel full of youngsters. I just thought i would share my friends experiences, they sound similar to yours--maybe
  23. Hmmm-Mark, you are starting to worry me. Although, being a Tennessean, I can see the sheep thing. A Tennessee bisexual is a man who makes it with sheep and cows. "The drinking light HAS BEEN LIT!" I'll drink to that. trigg
  24. I know as of a few months ago, the consulate would make special exceptions for the pregnant spouse of a US citizen. At that time, and maybe now also, they would expedite your visa. The information was posted on the Guangzhou consulate website. Trigg
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