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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Gheeez Don, me thinks it will be a long long long life........Will a simple Wa bu ming bai do?
  2. Ohhhhhh, Trigg. Got a belly roll out of that one - Xiahong is asking what is so funny! Ohoh...now I have to try and explain it to her. Actually the expiration date for milk is for supermarket purchase. If the date is expired, then the market cannot sell it. The time the milk goes back is at least 3 days past the expiration date. Before you drink it, smell it. Spoil milk tastes and smells really bad. Well, I did my best to explain the humor but it didn't work. Don, I have learned, during the brief three months FangLing has been here, it is best to just shrug your shoulders and say "?dunno". I'm pretty sure she understands what my answers to her questions are but pretends she doesn't just so she can see me squirm when I try to explain everything to her. Her sense of humour is---let's say warped. Hmmmmm. Newbies. Only three months, huh? There will soon come a time when she will make it very clear that the 'EASY ANSWER' is not acceptable. "I don't know" and "I don't remember" just won't cut it. Your time is coming, my friend. Say it ain't so Don, say it ain't so.. I dunno and I don't remember are my favorite and most often used answers. They save countless hours of trying to explain the unexplainable. "Husband!!! Why you watch race on Sunday with eys closed?" "I dunno" "Husband!!! Did you Exwife wear close like mine" "I don't remember" "Husband!!! Why you no use two hands to drive car?" "I dunno" etc etc etc....
  3. Frank, I asked Fang ling about this. I figured as they are from the same city, she would know. Well, she was as clear as mud. I think she didn't want to bring up memories of her fathers death. As you know she called Jingwen this morning after she heard about Jingwen's fathers death. Fang Ling told me Jingwen is taking it all pretty good. At least that is the impression Fang Ling has.
  4. Too bad you did not have some fresh corn that needed to be cooked. She might have gone alone with the idea that the milk would be okay for that purpose. I can see it all now---picking fresh corn from the garden and then going to the barn to milk the cow. Does a cow have an expiration date?? Do I???
  5. Ohhhhhh, Trigg. Got a belly roll out of that one - Xiahong is asking what is so funny! Ohoh...now I have to try and explain it to her. Actually the expiration date for milk is for supermarket purchase. If the date is expired, then the market cannot sell it. The time the milk goes back is at least 3 days past the expiration date. Before you drink it, smell it. Spoil milk tastes and smells really bad. Well, I did my best to explain the humor but it didn't work. B) Don, I have learned, during the brief three months FangLing has been here, it is best to just shrug your shoulders and say "Ï dunno". I'm pretty sure she understands what my answers to her questions are but pretends she doesn't just so she can see me squirm when I try to explain everything to her. Her sense of humour is---let's say warped.
  6. Boy does this hit home. Yesterday she threw out a gallon of milk because it reached the date. I said "wait until midnight"she said "Milk doesnt know how to tell time"" I always figured it expired when green stuff grew on more than 60% of it. She won the arguement.
  7. Thanks for the insight. I'll give it a try. Frank, the diagnosis certificate will do little good. What you need is the prognosis stating he has limited time. I can't remember where I read about emergency AP but I did read it is possible. Good luck, Trigg
  8. well, I know how my wife's driving lessons are going so I gotta ask you to tell me what states she will be driving in so I can avoid having both on the road in the same area at the same time. Mine drove a motor scooter in Zhanjiang for many years. It does not generalize into driving a car in the US. God help me(and anyone within 1,000 miles of Nashville) if she gets a license.
  9. You don't need a roundtrip ticket to visit China. I have always waited until I get my visitor visa before I bought my plane tickets. look in the links section of CFL to find the airplane tickets. They will get cheaper after August. One way is to expensive though. In the past I have booked a round trip from LA to GZ on China Southern for $660.00 Once in GZ you can change your departure for around $75.00. That way you can match her flight. Others have had good luck with Cathay air. When my wife flew to the USA on short notice, the cheapest tickets were found by her using a Chinese travel agency in GZ. Good luck. Trigg
  10. WAHOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Congrats! Now call him, wake him up, give him the news, and tell him to get busy cleaning.
  11. I was under the impression the K1 visa was only good for 90 days. Before 90 days is up you must get married and file for AOS. It looks like you have waited a bit long. I am sure you must marry within 90 days. I am not 100% sure must file AOS (I-485) wihtin the 90 day timeline.
  12. She may be a fanatic, but if she isn't Chinese she can't clean a house. I'm talking dusting coat hangers 'n sech. Your house may be the cleanest house in 50 states. it won't matter because she isn't the one that did it. Oh these newbies who refuse to believe. Soon, very very soon yo will graduate and become enlightened ---be afraid, be very very afraid.
  13. Actually nothing has changed much for me. When I was single I wore the same undies everyday too---only difference is they are clean now.
  14. Great info and from the horses mouth. Now if i can get them to understand that my application has been lost, but then they would have to admit to being mistaken---naw, ain't gonna happen. I just gotta keep reminding myself that the SSA works for the same beurocratic boss that the BCIS works for--dejavu all over again.
  15. K1's may not have it that easy. My fiancee came to the US March 20th. we were married March 24th. I applied for SSN April 10th. they said 3 week. May 27th I called and they said they had lost the application and I had to come to the office and apply again. June 1st I went to the SSN office as instructed and the lady who lost my file said she was sure she had sent it in and that I could not file again until late June. Now, my wife has been in the states for 89 days and can't get SSN without EAD--and the beat goes on
  16. Elope Kim, it is your only chance. It seems that American or Chinese, it is the same. Whenever there is a dinner to buy or a gift to give the 'family' comes from everyplace and anyplace. Do remember that money is not considered a rude thoughtless gift in china. Fang Ling thinks it is stupid to buy someone something when you may or may not get anything they like. She tells me Chinese give money to insure the person buys exactly what he/she wants. I had to convince her that getting money from me and giving it back to me for my birthday was not cool. I over did it and so she got a check from me and bought me one of everything. Now I have to exchange most things for something I want. Smart people these Chinamaneses.
  17. Tick----Toc-------------------------------------Tick----Toc---------------------------------------Tick----Toc----------------------Tick----Toc-------------------------------------Tick----Toc---------------------------------------Tick----Toc----------------------Tick----Toc-------------------------------------Tick----Toc---------------------------------------Tick----Toc----------------------
  18. Carl, I think the point I was making is that you don't see the civil surgeon before you file AOS. Mine got her shots in GZ also. Saved a bunch of bucks.
  19. Carl, if I understand correctly the civil surgeon will review her med records and not necessarily do an exam. Also, I think you wait until they get you an appointment--after you have filed AOS etc.
  20. No No No, you cannot even come close to imagining--not even close. As for new linens, that is the one thing that you should do. The Chinese woman HATES to have anything in the bedroom that is in anyway shape or form related to ones ex-wife. Make the bedroom new-including the bed-even if you have to ummmmm, strech the truth a bit. Trust me on this one---IT IS IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!! And be afraid, be very afraid!!
  21. Forget the cleaning. Nothing you do will be good enough. NOTHING. She will dust the coathangers etc. If you clean it 100%% she will think -a)you don't need her, - your gilfriend is a neat freak. Just get rid of the porno mags and cheetos bags. The rest will all be good. If she tells you your a slob, tell her that's one reason you married her--you need her. It worked for me.----but i do so miss my porno mags
  22. My wife uses her rice cooker to make hot drinking water--maybe that's wht he means?? Welcome back frank. you are 100% right. At least meet at the POE. To many ways to get confused on a connecting flight.
  23. Ummm, Was that from fishing with dynamite and electricity :lol: Clifford, you can't hunt deer with dynamite. Geeeez, don't you know the rules at all? dynamite is for fish. Although I prefer a nightcrawler colored hand grenade. The preffered method for deer is an M-60 machine gun. It adds a bit of bulk also.
  24. Hey Frank, Glad you like the venison. It wasn't for Wang Fangs ransom. It was to get my cooler back. I posted about our Atlanta adventure somewhere in the RR I think. Maybe you didn't read it. Anyway, there is more venison where that came from (unless the game wardon is watching). I've been a bit out of pocket but everyone beware. I'm back!! Trigg
  25. Well Sam, at least you aren't excited about all of this. Congrats man! Now get home and start working on my seven nephews and nieces!!!!!
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