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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Rosy, welcome to the CFL family. I think you will like this site. It offers almost everything. We even have our own kingdom---you'll find out soon enough. Trigg
  2. Great idea Clifford. It looks like there is something out of the normal realm of waiting going on. Trigg
  3. Danny, I would like to hear more about the mid July/August thing. Did GZ tell you that?? I have heard that before and am somewhat confused as to why. I have heard (rumor) that they are booked up with interviews until then. However, I haven't seen a single post stating they have an interview date in the near future. I'm really curios as to what is really going on!?!?!? My darlin' is already in the states but I have a friend who is waiting a P4- he recently emailed GZ and told me they said they are not currently working on K visas. I'm not sure he got that right. Trigg
  4. Yup, around $200 each. There always seem to be rumors about other fees etc. These are the only ones until after they come to the US. Then you will have AOS and EAD etc. Around a grand for two me thinks.
  5. If I'm gonna go that far for a Kim bought beer. It better be good--Bbrrrppppppp!
  6. Having successfully gone through the process and getting the dreaded window seven guy with no problems, let me say this. I think it is good to be paranoid and over-prepared. But, after reading many posts and knowing many people who have gone through this, I think most get the visa with no problem, I am pretty sure that we cannot say the majority are denied the first time. Yes, even on CFL we have had one who recently had to make the tape. Yes, he was very prepared and yes it was unfair. There doesn't seem to be any real rhyme or reason why GZ does like they do but most are successful on their first interview. Some have suggested that 30 percent are denied pending further evidence. I think it is closer to ten percent.
  7. Congrats!!!! Wahooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
  8. But Kim, I spent it priming the pump-Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrppp!
  9. Hmmmmm, I think I like that Shanghai thing much better. Although, I did get a red envelope from my In laws. My wife siad I should not spend it but rather keep it for luck--I spent it!
  10. I see jim has learned the hard way- same as me. If it moves, water proof it. If it doesn't move, water proof it. If it is wet, dry it and water proof it. If it is dry---never mind, it won't be. Trigg
  11. Yup, at least in Zhanjiang China an amount ending in nine. Although numbers ending in eight are considered lucky, amounts ending in nine or ninety-nine are used for gifts for the future in laws. I learned not to ask why, I just shutup and do it. Trigg
  12. I'll give an amen to what Frank said. I did pretty much the same thing and, like Frank, had to buy it twice. Whatever you do now will be wrong. Whatever you do after she gets here will be wrong unless you get prior approval from her. Just go with the flow. Trigg
  13. More than admirable--It has been amazing. Clifford, like I said if it shows any kind of movement-it ain't stuck no more. I think you can except good things now. Trigg
  14. Damn Clifford, I have been reading your posts about the delays and I must say I was starting to think you were dead in the water, Now it appears that whatever beurocratic logjam that caused this terrible disaster has been broken. At least something is happening. If it moves a little, it isn't stuck anymore. Sounds like damn good news for you. I for one am glad to see it.
  15. Good luck with the explaining Frank. Our wives are form the same city and I know how the sunphobia thing works. " But I no can go outside--too cold and to much sun" But ya gotta love em huh?
  16. Let me be the first to welcome you home Carl---11 days and your darlin' will be with you---WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
  17. Blue, Your a class act all the way. I really mean that. Your post shows love on your part. I hope and pray everything will work out for you with him. And if not, I hope you can get your legal US visa. I think you will be a welcome asset to the US.
  18. Louis, Glad to see you made the move without problems. How do you like Southern Cal?? Whole lotta different than the southesat huh? I have a new Chinese brother and sister in law that live someplace around there. They tell me that there are numerous chinese people and they like it very much. Good luck to you and Mei in your new home/life. Trigg
  19. Hmmmmm, good thing my wife, Ling, can't jump through the computer. She would no doubt put a huge knot in Chinagirls head. I'll say this for c.girl, she has got a set. Too bad she likely cut them off some poor unexcpecting guy who was only looking for love. You go girl--please-and soon!!!
  20. Wahoooooo!!! At last, someone else is from TN. My darlin' and I live just North of nashville.
  21. One from the horses mouth. a lot of people will eb glad to hear this. Now maybe the rumour mill can rest.
  22. Yahoo messenger will allow her to send in chinese but you can not cut it and paste it to a translation machine. You can using yahoo email. Ie 6.0 will support chinese if you go to view and click on simplified chinese. AOl will accept chinese but not send it or let you copy it. As fo ME/2000 --I dunno.
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