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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. It isn't really a rule. They don't often have couples do a video tape and speaking in a common tongue is not required. I believe their logic is 'how can a valid relationship exist without communication.' The real rub is that communication is not defined--is it fluent conversation? Grunts and hand gestures?? Well, anyway very few have to provide a tape. I only know of one from CFL--maybe more. My wife speaks very little English and her interview was a breeze--visa granted.
  2. Once Guz has recieved and processed your file they will send your wife the P3. this is a packet with forms for her to fill out and send back to Guz I-230 part 1, I-169--mayeb more. The P4 packet contains additional forms and will have your interview date. You will not get the P4 until after you send back the P3. If your file was forwarded to Guz on April 2 you can email Guz to see if they have recieved it. Sometimes they get stuck in customs. This is a simplification. If you need more help, there are several who have been through this already--Just ask.
  3. But Don, China babe only exists in the imagination of the ex Vice Emperor--honest, we are playing nice now.
  4. I kinda miss the ol' babe but I hope her dog dies of rabbis and the last thing it does is bite her on the leg (she cost me my throne )
  5. OK, everyone that thinks PJ should get a bright shiny new colored thingy raise your hand. (Trigg counts feverously) The ayes have it! PJ will be the very first to have his thingy shined and colored. Congrats to PJ---you the man
  6. Well Kim, there you go again. Ya just can't get Chinababe off you mind and is it my fault that TN bass have a lot of iron in their diet? It's a good thing that Fei is 112 Lbs. I think she will need to whup up on your head on a regular basis to make you leave Chinababe alone
  7. I agree with Clifford. The full resources of the US government is at the disposal of INS so they can carefully screen these 5' tall 95 LB threats to our security. One lie may cause you more grief than you will ever need.
  8. "Truthfully CFL has saved my sanity" Carl, I thought good liberals never lied????????? Annual dues and multi-colored blue thingys. Can you have multi colored blue thingys or just multicolored thingys? Anyway, I'm in!!
  9. If your going to buy more space, doesn't it make more sense to keep the old stuff until you use up most of the new space?? You have to pay for the space anyway and if you delete things before you need the space you always run the risk of deleting something someone wants to see again. I. Buy more space and delete nonessential items --A.)Positive=Have more space --B.)Negative=cost $5.00 per month and Items must been deleted ----1) Nonessential data must be deleted ------b.) nonessential=??? How to determine II. Buy more space but defer decision to delete until most is used --A.) Positive=have more space and no potentially harmful decision to be made at this time --B.) Negative=cost $5.00 per month Item I.--1 positive+3 negative=(-2) Item II.--2 positive +1 negative=(+1) Feel free to Add and subtract form the list--then weigh them and do the math--looks like an easy decision to me!! And I do like things easy!! Trigg
  10. I agree, at least in part, that the information on CFL, including RR, is too valuable to delete. If 100 Megs has lasted this long then an addition 256 would get the Candle to the point were there would be deleteable material--4-5 years old. It seems that if it is only an addition $5.00 a month and several of us would gladly donate, then there is no need to make a decision until the 256 is used up. I'm sure that a 'call to donate' post would get more than enough to cover everything for quite some time. Just my .02 Trigg
  11. I have recently filed I-485 and EAD. If memory serves me, you can file them together but the EAD directions clearly state that, unless filed at the same time with I-485, you must include proof of filing I-485 e. g receipt from BCIS. However, I believe that if it is a social security card you want, you may be able to apply if you haven't married. I'm sure many other will know more than I do--Soooooo stay tuned. Trigg
  12. I've always wondered that myself. She trys to make an R sound and makes an L sound instead. "So solly" Then she trys an L and makes an R. "Folgive a me prease." She can , however, say "HUSBAND BALLY SIRRY MAN"?????//
  13. Yup, I filled it out a few months ago. I can't remember were to download it and I don't remember what 6 and seven asked.
  14. Cool stuff, my darlin' Fang Ling has too many "Chinglish" expressions to even consider listing BUT how many of you answer to the yells "HUSBAND!!!" that permeate the house when Tai Tai needs something. Fang Ling has a hard time saying Trigg, usually Tligga or shugga or??? So she simply calls me husband--I hear the yelps several times a day--And I come-a-runnin' Trigg
  15. The K1 Visa is a nonimmigrant visa for immigrants migrating to the US for the purpose of marriage. It is handled by the immigrant division for non immigrating immigrants. Oh hell-nobody knows for sure but the fee is 830 RMB--possibly a bit more after April 30th when other fees went up. The 2880 RMB fees has nothing to do with the nonimmigrant visa for immigrating to a non immigrant---blah blah blah-- Anyway, this question comes up on a regular basis and the 830 RMB fee is the one you pay.
  16. Wahoooooooooooo!! And the good news continues!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!1
  17. Yup, school is out. It don't take all at long ta teach syphers to a chiney gal.
  18. Hey Frank, what's the new young'n's name??
  19. Good question. Some say that the interview date is based on the date they recieved the P3. Others think they schedual interviews based on the date of NOA1. I doubt that GZ is organized enough to have any real method but it appears that P3s sent in March are getting June interview dates.
  20. Wahhoooooooooo!!! I never get tired of saying that. Congrats. It looks like GZ is back in the game.
  21. Congratulations Frank, I have heard that you will be home later this afternoon with a newley adopted Chinese daughter. Congrats to you and her, I know you will enjoy here company for many years to come. Trigg
  22. GREEEEEEEEEAAAAATTTT!!!!!! It looks liek thingsare happening. Good luck to bothof you on the Interview
  23. Wait Carl--wait and be afraid, be very afraid. Welcome to our world man--it really is all good.
  24. COOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! THAT 10 MINUTES OF WORK PAID OFF HUH. Maybe everyone else will try that and in 9 months we will have an Asian population boom CONGRATS!!!!! Trigg, I'm sorry to announce i'm a very busy guy and don't have 10 mins to spend. I'm getting better and faster at my work. Took me about a min and a half! HAHHAHA Saved us some time though! Actually i'll be sweating bullets till P4 arrives tom or so. Its been a long time since I sweat! HAHAHA I was incliding fore play and the afterwards smoke---don't want to see you work up a sweat!!!
  25. (do remember you still have 6 more to go)
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