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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Blue Velvet wasn't my first record---but it was connected to my first--ummm "event"
  2. Trigg, you've got to draw the line somewhere. When you see her mopping the front lawn, TAKE A STAND. Frank, you don't know how close you are. When she first got here I looked outside and she was raking the mulch out of the flowerbed. You know how big my yard is. Can you picture her riding around backwards on the mower and running into the neighbors house? Or how 'bout the time she grabbed a Bee off her flowers and got stung?? She said she knew they stung but she didn't want it to hurt her flowers. So, for her to mop the front yard would not at all surpise me. I'll draw the line when she starts polishing the street.
  3. Gheeez, you guys start with Kiss, Alice Cooper and Canned Heat and I had to put up with Bobby Darrin and "Mack the Knife". Hardly seems fair.
  4. Good stuff Patrick. Yea, my life has changed for the better too. Definatley like the enrgizer bunny--she never wears down. BUT, I can forget about her mowing the lawn. My mower has hydrostatic drive--kinda like automatic. She is to small to reach the peddle to puch forward but she can push the reverse peddle. She drove the mower one time---and backed it across the yard and into the neighbors house. Me thinks I'll drink my Bud AFTER I mow the yard.
  5. It's just Chicago-slip the judge a twenty. He'll marry them and even help out on the honeymoon.
  6. I can. it was in 1960 and it was "wild one"by Bobby Rydell. the first concert (if you want to call it that) I ever went to was Bobby Darin at the Chicago stadium. teh MC was Danny thomas and i remember him saying "OK boys and girls remember to remain silent and in your seats" The next concert I saw was Led Zepplin--I think I was told I liked it
  7. My favorite country song is---silent and far away
  8. Sometimes there's very little difference. But, you know I love ya, man, too bad you're not headed to Nanning, we'd show our Chinese friends how "Freedom of Speech" really works. And that, my friend, would be interesting. Yup, very interesting. I'd like to participate in that. yup, I surely would.
  9. Maybe I should move the dryer to the front porch and put a cushon on it (true TN style). Then she will have a place to sit while she wathces the sun clean and dry the close.
  10. As I understand the process, you simply take the documents from your physical in China to the civil surgeon for reveiw. The second physical is not required as long as the documents check out.
  11. Thats my girl OH BOY! Are you in trouble. Quilts outside on the patio to air in the sun-check Undies hanging on the line to eat the sun-check Clothes are to be washed and hung outside within 1 hour of taking them off-check carpets mopped daily-check
  12. What kind of warped logic is this?? Following with this logic I must ask you not to complain as I have been waiting for AOS for months now. Hey man, we all have equallity when it comes to the complaint department. Nobody looks at timelines, rather the loud complaints get heard first so stand in line with the rest of us.
  13. Wall to wall carpeting in the bathroom BWahhaaaaaaahahahaha! Oh my newbie friend, this will never ever do. Tile floors with a good drain. Maybe possible without the drain but wall to wall carpeting and you think you can get away with it??? Can you say "new subflooring" and "mildew"?
  14. Yup, my Darlin' tells me that undies must see the sun to get truly clean. I dunno the logic, they didn't see any sunshine to get truly dirty.
  15. I have a very good carpet shampoo machine. But alas, she saw the latest electric bill and has decided that washers and dryers and carpet shampooers will never replace a plastic tub and a steel line much less a shiney new carpet mop. I should learn to never be surprised anymore but---damn mopping the carpet was just too much for me.
  16. Maybe this should be in the "your may be Chinese" Thread. I have tolerated with great difficulty the fact that my wife has scrubbed the flavor out of my coffee pot. I even put up with here cleaning the "good stuff" off my BBQ grill. I look the other way when I see that my monies spent for a new washer and dryer have been replaced by a steel clothes line and a plastic wash tub. I say nothing when I see her squatted in the bathtub washing my undies. But, this morning did me in. I was resting on the couch after my daily ordeal of watching her run and then do an hour of tai chee when I heard a strange swishing noise. My loving Chinese wife was mopping the floor with all the zeal of a salaried worker at lunch time. Swish, swish, back and forth, to and fro. Yes, clean floors are a good thing--but sweetheart NOBODY and I mean NOBODY mops the carpet. Gheeeezz ya gotta love 'em don't ya.
  17. Wahooooo!!! We can hear you grinnin' from here!!!!!!!
  18. Props to "Kum Ba Ya, my friends" And to the big fat joint I say WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
  19. No, really not much of a stretch. I just finished watching Bill Mauer. He did a thing on it-maybe ya just had to see the show to get it.
  20. Yea, and don't show us pictures of the kids Bush was with when he got the notice of 911. I see they had the same reaction he did.
  21. Hmmmmm, TN fishin' trip top PAPPA CARL's. How to get the bait through security???? Hell, if they let RMark through, they'll let anything through. Count me in, I'll bring the bait but it will have to be an orang alert trip!! Carl, not to worry about the beached whale thing. I have good intel from several reliable sources that RMark is really a high ranking member in Green Peace. He will save you man!
  22. Steaks, tea, liberal talk??? And nobody invited me??? Gheeeez!!!!!!!! Why Trigg you are welcome in my home anytime. Just jump in that Lear jet of yours and come on out. I'll cook you a big ole juicy steak. OK but my Lear Jet is actually a 2 seat Quicksilver that only goes 55 mph and holds 5 gallons of fuel. Oh, and no cockpit. I'll leave now. I should be there by--oh let's say--Christmas. see you then! HEY FANG LING!!!! PACK YUOR STUFF--WE'RE GOIN FOR A SHORT RIDE!!,
  23. Steaks, tea, liberal talk??? And nobody invited me??? Gheeeez!!!!!!!!
  24. Send the p3's in ASAP. And start g¨¦tting he records for theP4 and the interview. You have plenty of time and everyday you sit on the p3 is another day without your darlin.
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