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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. I've got one of the older models that was built to last and is almost paid for. The old thing ain't much to look at anymore but gets good mileage and has always given good service. Runs quiet and doesn't use much energy. And is still new enough not to require to much repairing. Postage was high but I got her delivered quickly and hope to get many more years good service out of the old dilapidated thing. Oh and it is a one of a kind BD model. On one hand she runs a little crooked goin' down the road but on the other hand is quite comfortable. Trigg
  2. Maybe if you tried NOT washing his underwear he would soon change his mind!
  3. Hey Don, i'm just a new guy 'round here, were/what is the visa delay forum????
  4. Ah grasshopper, soon will learn the only line you can cross is the one she erases.
  5. Oh, I forgot to mention the ever important table cloth on the table, to protect the table, and the placemat on the table cloth to protect the table cloth that is protecting the table , and a sheet of newspaper on the placemat that is protecting the table cloth that was put there to protect the table and.... And with all this she still hollars "MESSY MAN" when I miss my mouth.
  6. The 90 days is how long it is good for AFTER she is in the US--then it's crunch time and you gotta get married. She has 6 months to come to the US
  7. The fastest one will be the one you didn't apply for.
  8. Ok, just a quicky. How 'bout stopping 6 taxis to argue fair, using 50 minutes in the debating process for a taxi ride of less than 3 miles and then bragging how I was saved almost 3 yuan (near 36 cents). When i told her my time has to be worth more than 40 cents an hour, she quickly asked just what was I going to do in those 50 minutes that would have made me more than 3 yuan. I shutup!!
  9. That is nothing. if you want a real laugh based on nothing but facts checkout the "your wife might be chinese if" thread from last april. I don't know how to do the hyperlink stuff but this should get you there. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....60c1b72bdebf891
  10. Ah Frank, you know if Fang Ling and Jingwen took a DNA test there would be no difference. Same story-different name.
  11. Slippers=Not optional Shower before bed=Not optional Sitting on bed wearing street clothes=Not optional Wash hands before touching wife=Not optional Wash hands (or at least let her hear water running) after peeing=Not optional Dirt,leaves, grass clippings on driveway=Not optional Clothes on floor=Not optional Using her toothbrush=Not optional Using same toothbrush more than 2 weeks=Not optional Buying anything within 1 week of experation date=Not optional Spending large amounts of money (more than 5 dollars) without driving to numerous stores to comapre prices=Not optional Her friend having a richer husband than me=Not optional Anything in my house that was here when ex wife was here=Not optional Telling wife she CANNOT wash hepa filter in vacum cleaner=Not optional Leaving dishes in dishasher until full load=Not optional Using dishwasher for anything other than storage=Not optional Putting spices, soy sauces and various cooking ingredients into cabinets rather than on the cabinet top=Not optional Putting left over food in refrigerater rather than leaving on table=Not optional Turning thermostat down to under 80=Not optional Not immediatley answering to the loud call of "HUSBAND"=Not optional Falling asleep immediatley after an intimate moment without washing=Not optional Falling asleep during an intimate moment=Not optional(if she finds out) Laughing at wife for mopping carpets=Not optional Discussing all above options=Not optional
  12. I thought it was the Chinatron DD-2000. Gee Wally, I didn't know they made a DD 2000. Now that I know that, my CC 2000 doesn't seem so swell !! And the correct quote was: "Ward, I think you were a little hard on the beaver last night" And 3, we should all find women the American way: Go to a pick up bar a few hours before closing, keep an eye on which of the nicer looking girls are drinking the most, then 10 minutes after last call, offer to take the pick of the litter home. That's the American way to get a girl. Oh wait, we were talking about finding a wife. NEVER MIND!!!! The name of person they are talking about is spelled June, not Jun.....(uh hmm ...Trigg ) It hes alreedy bin stablished that meye spilling iz knot reel gude. It hes allsew bin stablshed that intiligins and spilling our in know wey reelatid. thanck yoo viry much trig
  13. Note: I-693 can be submitted with I-465 or you can wait and take it with you to the AOS interview. Some centers are taking 2-3 years to complete the AOS so if you are dealing with one of those, the data on the I-693 may expire before then. I am waiting before I go to the civil surgeon. As for filing in chicago, i believe that everyone will be sending your paperwork to chicago now but your local BCIS/INS/UCIS--or whatever they call themselves-will still be handling everything.
  14. Interesting Don, I sent in my AOS paerwork in May of 2004. They were forwarded from Memphis to Chicago. My reciept and bio-testing paperwork came from Chicago but Memphis claims to be handling it while New Orleans is the district office over Memphis. Now i understand why--I think. And now I think I understand why they are working on June of 2002.
  15. Hmmm, I would feel sorry for you Portlanders but....Memphis hasn't allowed walkins since the year 1282 and for the I-485 Portland is currently processing August 2004. Memphis is processing June, 2002. Ya'll will have your green card while we are still waiting for our K visas to grow mold and turn geenish. How unfair is this as the wet portland climate is so much more condusive for mold growth.
  16. Sorry Carl, you can't get a new model or even an upgrade. Hmmm, wonder what Bing would say if she knew you asked???? Can you say EXCTORTION????? I can!
  17. I think you mean the penut gallery. is not the term libral neo Nazi, the oxymoron. I better be carful, I DO own a pair of Dr Marten boots I think I said neo-nazi was an oxymoron??? Maybe not. I don't have a pair of fascist boots but I once drank a can of pabst blue ribbon beer---do dat count??
  18. Thats alright my friend. English is my only language and my grammer is alot of---so is my gramper
  19. He has to be joking. It's the only explaination.
  20. OH boy, here we go again. My washer and dryer haven't been used since March 20--the day she got here. She says clothes must be kissed by the sub to be clean. The dishwasher is only used to sanitize dishes. And I'll not repeat my post about her mopping the carpets in my house. You will get several humorous-but true-posts on this subject. If you think 100% clean is half clean enough--YOU ARE WRONG. Me thinks the proverbial can of worms has been opened. Good luck Trigg
  21. Funny funny stuff. Liberal Neo-Nazis??? A true oxymoron (only because you metion morons when speaking of liberals and I'm sure you ment oxymoron) Funny man.
  22. I was told that the vacinations and physical are not needed until the AOS interview. They are not needed when filing the I-485 as the interview may be 2-3 years and med info may be expired.
  23. WU is good but theyyoften mix the name (backwards) and it takes a phone call to straighten it out. Also, have them pay in US dollars as your SO can get a better exchage rate than WU gives. ATM is the easiest but some chinese gals (my wife) are money machine impaired and your card can, and did, get eaten by the machine.
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