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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Veget--what??? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO---meat be goooooooooooood. Zhanjiang cooked food is a great arguement for omnivorous activities. But alas, tonight we have no chineses cooking--wife's day off. tonight we have what may be the best Venison Chili in the known universe. CAUTION!!!!! Do not eat without fire extinguisher near by!!
  2. Right now I'm wondering when my Zhanjiang girl is getting here. Hopefully I'll enjoy some of that Zhanjiang cusine very soon! You will john, but for now ya gotta just read and drool my friend---and of course practice the slurp and spit method of eating. Believe me, it is worth the wait. MMMMMmmmm, Damn i loves dat Zhanjiang home cookin'.
  3. Internet massages??? I GOT to get me one of them!!!!!!!!1
  4. Haven't seen Kim in a few days. Is he still moving?? Anyone know for sure? Trigg
  5. MMMMMmmmmm, what time is supper tommorow???
  6. I've always heard it is good for a year--BUT-some of the documentation may be outdated soonere than that-e.g. tax returns. Remmeber the !-134 is for GZ and not UCIS. More often than not they don't look at it unless something else is wrong.
  7. OH yes, they do indeed know--but they don't care. MMMMM Crab dumplin's.. HEY Honey, I got a idea. Gotts go--MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-crab dumplin's
  8. Just left what I have come to call the nightly slurp and spit session (supper.) Mama was in rare form tonight. She always, in the greatest of Chinese traditions, makes several foods everyday and everyday it is home cooked Chinese for me. Tonight she has outdone herself. Started with seaweed soup--mmmmmm goood. Then on to pigs feet. She just found them at the Chinese MKT. toenails are at best ugly--but tasty as hell. Of course some wok cooked shrimp with garlic and ginger. Big pot full of Guy Choy Jai with a sweet oyster sauce. Some wonderful Lau Bo (Chinese radish) with venison. and the daily ration of some pickled veggie with pork. All nicely complimented with jasmine rice. Hmm, makin' me hungry again--T best go get some more. Those of you that have your wives here will know what I'm talking 'bout. the rest of you can only imagine Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp. sluuuuuuuurp and spit. The sounds of a contented man--It don't get no gooder 'n 'nis!
  9. They're trainable? Hmmmm I have my doubts. No Carl, trust me on this on, they are not!!! But we are!
  10. Excellent question. I don't have an answer but I wokld think if she has been, and did not violate her visa--i.e. went back to China when she was supposed to, she will have an advantage. She has already shown that she is not interested in being ilegal. Welcome to the candle Trigg
  11. And I said it all on one breath. When I was in the hurry wait stage I can remember each milestone and the agonizing waiting in between. Now all that seems like a distant dream. I honestly think all the trials made us stronger---but I'll be damned if I'd a believed it when I was here and she was there. It'll be a distant dream to you soon too Carl. trigg
  12. Hurry-Wait-Hurry-Wait-Hurry-Wait-Hurry-Wait-Hurry-Wait-Hurry-Wait-Hurry-Wait-Hurry-Wait. Eventually they run out of reasons to make you wait. then it's hurry and clean the house and hide the evidence-- good luck Trigg
  13. May be true, but has anyone seen "somebody" unbundle the various bunches of vegetables only to re-bundle them with the choicest pieces? So far she has not done that yet. She just walks up, picks what she wants, throws in cart Ahh yes OTR Mark, you have trained her well. Now on to my wife's training procces. WHAT??? Ok honey, I'm coming--Gheeeezzzz this training thing isn't going well at all.
  14. Du, do you take this man... "I do". Yes, YOU Du, but Do you , Du, say I do?? Yes I Du, do, do you?? No, you do, Du. Yes do. I know you do, Du, but the question is Do Du take .... Oh, never mind Du, do what you want to do , Du. Du's on first?? Who Du do take to do.... DONE!!!!!
  15. Sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Wasn't that the theme last night when the republicans hung around their inaugural balls--or did they hang by them. anyway-----
  16. May be true, but has anyone seen "somebody" unbundle the various bunches of vegetables only to re-bundle them with the choicest pieces? Yup franck--but we are married to the most frugal of the frugal--Zhanjiang women. 45 minutes to pick out a half pound of guy choy and God help me when she tries to get the freshest corn. I usualy stand outside the Chinese market and smoke three or four packs of cigarettes when she shops.
  17. Gotta be association. What band did Kenny Rogers make famous?? what was the name of Janis Joplin's, all time queen of the blues, first band?? big brother and the holding company...?? Yup, big bro and the.....you get a cheech and chong big bamboo style cigar Hey!!! we rolled one out of that album cover no sh*t.. heheh those were the days... ahhhh well.. hmm what i remember of them anyways.. .. kids!!! don't do drugs.. mark...?...? Yes kids--Do Not do drugas (it drives the prices up. we rolled on out of the big bamboo album. 1973--took pert near 1/4 pound-well from what I remmeber it did--yup 1/2 pound. Best 3/4 of a pound i ever used. Aint nothin like a 3 pound doobie to clear the sinuses. huh, oh yea. hello. i'm back. What was the question again??
  18. Sorry, yes the 1st edition Ok Mark, you only get a small cigar--KY homegrown
  19. Yes, town without pity---loved it. Great old tune
  20. DISCO??????????? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! You didn't say that. tell me it was a typo. I can't even think about disco without puking---eeewwwwwww!!!!
  21. Gotta be association. What band did Kenny Rogers make famous?? what was the name of Janis Joplin's, all time queen of the blues, first band?? big brother and the holding company...?? Yup, big bro and the.....you get a cheech and chong big bamboo style cigar
  22. Being therre won't really help --unless she gets a blue thingy---then you may be able to act faster.
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