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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. She just got here??? WTF are you doing shopping???? Do we need to have a little talk??? Now put down that keyboard-put away the pots and pans and GET TO GETTIN'
  2. Ok, some of you old timey dudes that have had their SOs here for the Chinese New Year, I need to be enlightened. What must I do to stay out of trouble with my oh so passive Chinese bride, Fang Ling? I keep asking her what she wants to do for New Year and she keeps saying "No do nothin'". I ain't gonna fall for that one again--NO no No-gettin to smart for that ole trick. So, give me the benifit of your vast knowledge. What can I get by with?? What must I do to insure my warm cozy place in the marrital bed is protected?? I'm trying to get through this thing for less than $1,000,000 USD and, of course, the minimum amount of effort. Trigg
  3. I am less grumpy when anyone beats the Titans. Hate 'em!
  4. We Bears fans don't like to say we are undefeated. We are simply between losses.
  5. Yea, I get the 'walka walka' and 'you lajy man' and you 'want soupa' and "Husband, you take out gabageee" My favorite is when she sees a sign for a garage sale and say "husband, we look look gabageeee" "Yes Tai Tai-we will go buy someones garbageeee"
  6. This is the UCISBCISDOCINS-or whoever they are now-websight to check status of several items including your individual case. They update once amonth or so. Know it, memorize it, grow to love it-you will likley be visiting it every twenty minutes or so over the next few months. https://egov.immigration.gov/cris/jsps/index.jsp
  7. WHO!!!?????? You meant to say "DA BEARS!!"
  8. They didn't put in a disclaimer stating it would be awful. Besides, I was hoping they would repeat the boob thing--but this time with one a bit younger.
  9. Not only did the game suck-but other than a butt kissin' monkey, the commercials sucked as well!!!!!
  10. Welcome to the Candle flying dude. Kick back end endour the wait-It's worth the agony.
  11. Yup,I did, some do, some don't. My SO got a kick out of shoing it off in China and lying about how much it cost. Seems Chinese ladies like to one up each other when it come to how much money hubby has. To hear some of my wifes friends, I'm a very wealthy guy. To hear my wife-I'm a poor guy. My bill collectors and banker agree with the latter!
  12. I was told the amount was not important but it must end in 9's in yuan. Frank did the same thing-9's in yuan. Our SO's are form zhanjiang. This is not about money. It is about tradition. as many have said, mama wants to be sure you have a little $$$$$$$. It is just a courtesy to the new in laws.
  13. Oh hell yes!!! Bomb them commies into being peacful!! "fighting for peace is like F#@&*ing for virginity-I'm all for that!!
  14. Phone interview??? Tell us more!! What type of visa??? Why phone interview?? Why both of you?? How?? Who?? etc etc etc....
  15. Mick who?? Worst concert i ever saw was his Bridges to babylon. And did you, in an ealrlier post, include John Denver??? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!
  16. Yea, I had read about why he made this song around two tears ago--lost some good future toons that day.
  17. I'll ask her when she gets done with her Tai chee. Maybe we can get them to talk and she can expalin in chinese.Which part of Zhanjiang is she from?? my SO is from the Chicon dist and Franks is from the Xia son (sp)
  18. If you are K1 you don't need a single cert for you. She needs a cert saying she is eligible for marriage. My sO got the police cert form a local PD in the Chicon dist of Zhanjiang. It simply says she has no police record.
  19. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. They send it to your SO. Follow the directions. My SO went to a translator who had experience in visa's to get help with it. Also, i downloaded most of the forms and filled them out and sent them to her for a refference. It is important that she send them in as fast as possible- a few days could = a month in GZ land
  21. jenny called me from Boston where she is in a new shelter. I posted the details in the "reprehensible" thread in culture and language.
  22. Fang Ling told me 8 at first-then she changed it to 9. Se said anything ending in eight is lucky-4 is unlucky but wedding $ should end in 9. Every notice that almosteveryhting you buy in china ends in and 8?
  23. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! My legs are so cold--Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
  24. First it's the moustache-then the Goldjunk-then--Well just don't go to jail--they will love you tooooooooo much. Speaking of shaving your legs (scary mental image here) I was commenting to my wifey that she has such smooth legs. I asked how often she shaves them. She looked at me like I was crazy--she says she doesn't need to shave her legs-elnatural. So honey, why do you have the straight razor and the can of shaving cream?? HONEY!!!!!!!!! NO NO NOT that HELLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!!
  25. Last year was a record cold year in zhanjiang. This year look almost the same. TN is better than chicago but we have four seasons. It can get 70 any timein the winter but Dec 23rd we had an icestorm and 0 degrees F. http://www.newszoom.com/weather-info/list/...Z965/Zhanjiang/
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