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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Freud's most famous quote. "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but a crackpipe is yummy". Hey, he said it not me.
  2. Freud didn't have a thingy. Just a cigar and a crack pipe.
  3. For anyone who remembers I have been hassling with the VA about insurance for my SO. I had been told by the VA that to get CHAMPVA insurance that I must first obtain an SSN for my SO as issued by the SSA. The SSA lost my file but said "it isn't lost, they just don't know where it is". So I called my congressman who said he would contact the VA . He then said the VA needed the SSN so he contacted the SSA who said they needed an EAD from INS but they really meant from UCIS. So we filled the I-765 along with the I-485 to get an EAD so I could file for an SSN from the SSA in order to get the VA to give CHAMPVA to my SO. After several months I obtained the EAD and went to the SSA to get the SSN for the VA in order to get CHAMPVA for my SO. Now the SSN said the EAD was not valid because the DHS didn't have a record form the BCIS. So the SSA refused to give me an SSN for the VA so the VA could give my SO......... Well, keeping along story short. I just opened yesterdays mail and I now have insurance for my SO. Finnaly the DHS and the BCIS along with the UCIS in conjuction with the SSA and the UCIS have somehow awarded an SSN to my SO so the VA could award her CHAMPVA insurance. . WTF was all the BS all about. I'm PO'ed but grinnin'.
  4. But what about all the little fish that do all the work? Bet the don't like Mondays either. There has to be more little fish than big ones, but because of that whole deal with food chain and everything, it's very unfair. I call foul... Conspirancy theroy Darn it! _**************_*****_ When, and only when, you become retired and therefore a 'big fisherman' at the top of the fish chain, will you understand that monday is just anohter day. Anyone can catch a fish that is unemployed and therefore lilely to be skinny but a gainfully retired fish is plump and juicy. Just begging to be put in the wok. Gheeeez, *****rookies need so much *****inspiration.
  5. Only the fish with a job know that. The older and bigger retired fish think Monday is just the day after the other day.
  6. HEY!!!! You got something aginst Tuesday and monday and those other two days??
  7. I believe that is called the peter principle.
  8. Put down your calculator and back away slowly. you listened too well to your stats prefessor and now you are3 hopelessly caught in probability hell. Your interview will be one day after the day before your interview and one day before the day after your interview. Not one day sooner.
  9. It sounds like you got the p4 stuff. I'm guessin you need to email them or call them and tell them you appreciate the quick p4 but you reqlly need the p3 first. Unless you already have the p3--but I'm thinkin' you would have remembered that. you won't be in line for a real p4 until you get the forms I mentioned sent back to GZ. I'm pretty sure you can download those forms on the GZ website.
  10. WTF. We weren't ************************************to you. Me and my buddyy *******************************were talking about old times at family reunions. ****************************is very appropriate as it ************************************helps them lonely****** ****** *************earthquakein' mudslidin' crossdressin'******************** **ca guys learn how to pass time and**************************** * themselves. Besides, I can talk that way cuzz I'm an honory ********************* ***************ca dude tooo. Surf and shit's up dude.
  11. For p3 send the forms i said. The I-230 part 1 and the I-169 along with the supplemental sheet. That is all you send after you gfet the p3. The rest of the forms will be taken wiht you to the interview.
  12. Ahh my ******* lonely ********friend. You are incorrect. The ****** fact that tonight when I go to sleep I will ********* and therfore have the ***** right to trash you ***** new guys all I **** want. So take your ***** Cheetos and ***** you and the ****** horse you ****** in on. PS*****************************************************************************************you and *************************** *************** **************************you dog too.
  13. GZ will automaticly extend your pettition. I'm not sure why your looking at the I-157 now. If you jsut got the p3 from GZ you will need to send them back the I-230 Part I and the I-169 and a supplimental form that I forgot the number to. The I-157 and other forms are for the p4/interview.
  14. Gheeez, I've been right all along when I told my friends that Cal wasn't really part of the US and has alot of bullshit in it. 'Shits up dudes'
  15. I reckon I could put timelines on my signature but my SO had her interview a year ago and I doubt it would help. Back in the old days the wait was more so at the service centers than in GZ. My I-129f was at TSC for 5 months-at NVC for 2 months. I had p3 five days after it arrived in GZ and interview 75 days after we mailed the p3. Total time was nine months and 20 days. GZ slowed drastically when they temperarily shut down the visitors visa center and about the same time they were gearing up for fingerprinting. They have yet to recover but it looks like they are catching up a bit. If the service centers continue getting faster and GZ goes back to a 75 day wait from p3-interview, it may be possible someday to get a visa in around five months. But don't hold your breath.
  16. OR-----As Socrates said "There is no such thing as learning, only remembering"
  17. I just love California. In TN you just go down to your local bank and they notorize everyhting for free. So Cal, keeping with tradition adds lots of gold bling bling and charges $20 bucks. Surf's up ya'll.
  18. Good idea and a little drool may help too. The GZ folks like that type of dedication. Trust me.
  19. Yea, and fill it out in crayon. Maybe the friendly folks at GZ will understand it better.
  20. Ahemmmm. Just because some of us found institutes of higher learning with lower standards and were awarded Ph.Ds doesn't mean we ain't bright. I can speak English much gooder than before I got learnt. I spent 7 years in college and never took a single language course, so I don't know how you learnt to spell so well. I only learned one thing - how to follow instructions. That's how I expect to get along with those smart women. My Ph. D is in Psychology-not spelling. I learnt 'bout shrink stuff kinda good. Spelling is for wimps and Englsih majors. Unfortunaley I didn't learn how to follow instructions. Well at least not in grad school--but I'm a quick study and I'm bein' learnt real fast by professor Fang Ling.
  21. I guess too much is better than too little. However, you aren't really getting the notorization recognized by a foreign government. Unless you consider the American consulale at GZ a foreign government. A simple notary stamp will suffice. Best I can tell they only look at about 10% of I-134s.
  22. Ahemmmm. Just because some of us found institutes of higher learning with lower standards and were awarded Ph.Ds doesn't mean we ain't bright. I can speak English much gooder than before I got learnt.
  23. If you are a K1 then for now all you need is the I-134. After she gets to the US and you are married you will file for adjustment of status. Then you will fill out the I-864
  24. Yup, it is swtarting early for you. You may as well resign to the fact that if you indeed did ever know anything it is best forgotten. All you have held to be true is now moot. Your new wife will tell you what and when to think and do. I resisted for longer than most-almost a week-but it was an excersise in futility so I gracefully gave in.
  25. I used digital printouts that I printed on my computer. It was no problem.
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