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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. You may wish to change priorities. What you have listed as number one is extremely rare and will likely stop the rest of the letter from being read. Most often occurrences should be listed first etc... Lack of communication appears to be your goal issue. Is this the case??? Or is it??? They will solve this with a blurb on their web site. How about lack of consistency in the area of time frames as compared to other consulates. Just my 2 yuan
  2. Yeah fine, Jennifer and I are both learning so I will have home cooked chinese food soon myself B) Wait a minute!!! Did you say YOU are learning to cook so that you can have home cooked Chinese food??? There is something wrong with that picture.
  3. Well, I'm certainly glad you posted this post about posting a post in the proper place to put a post. I wonder ....If peter piper posted a pack of precocious posts how many precocious post would peter piper post?? Help, life needed
  4. Ah, now my memory is coming back. So from china all he will need to bring back is proof of relationship, visa photos, aff. int to marry, and her proof of 'free to marry'. Thanks Mark, glad you knowledgable guys are around to help us who have foregotten everything.
  5. I know a person leaaving for china in the next day or two. he wants to know what to bring back with him in order to file the I-129f. Other than pictures and reciepts I couldn't rmemeber what they need from China. me thinks it is a mental block. Anyone have a quick list of what he should bring back with him???
  6. I can only tell you that I filed the I-485 last April without a police certificate and have AOS interview this coming may. I have never heard about needing another police cert. I just filled out the I-485 and the I-864. It was relativley simple. Most of the things you have heard are things needed for the interview--but I don't think a police cert. is one of them.
  7. Ah, now I understand. In the next few weeks we will get that envelope for the interview. Robert, I think the same rules still apply. The med exam and I-163 are for the interview. The reason for not sending them or having them done before filing is because they may expire before the interview is granted. I'm not 100% sure that K3 and K1 are the same but my guess is that they are. Having said all that let me say this. If you file without sending in the med exam and the I-163 they will simoply reject your filing and send you a paper saying that you should send in the info. This only adds a month to the process-no big deal. if you send in the info and it is lost, you will need to redo everything again-med exam shots etc... Once again, the AOS interview letter staed to bring the med evidence and I-163 in with at the time of interview.
  8. Robert, let's make sure we are talking about the same thing. I am K1 applying for AOS after marriage. I'm not sure what envelope you are talking about??? Fang Ling has her shot record and her chest X-ray. The 'envelope' was taken at POE. As K1 must pass a physical before the visa is issued she will only need to see the civil surgeon and present the records we have shots etc. for heim to fill out the I-163 (maybe supplemental) This needn't be done when filling. I called UCIS before I filed for AOS and they told me it is for the interview. And my papers went through no problemo_______ So, tell me what envelope you are talking about?? Is it the yellow shot record??
  9. Much discussed. The med exam and I-693 do not need be sent in with the I-485. Yesterday I recieved notice of AOS interview and they said bring this with to the interview. I did not send it with the I-485. It is for the interview-you will need to bring this data to a cicil surgeon prior to the AOS interview-he will ahve the I-693 etc...
  10. Mississippi virgin=Ugly twelve year old who can outrun her brothers ha ha ha ha ha you guys are too cruel!!!!! But I thought the "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed" rule applied to anywhere south of the mason dixon line! The question is, after the wedding, do you call her sister, cousin or wife? B) B) In TN we a re a bit more selective so we have adapted the "old enough to pee=old enough for me" philosophy.
  11. Therre gonna chnge that law so that after ya get divorced your only stepbro and sis.
  12. Sometimes I think what I write and what you read are 2 different things... like a little gnome lives in your computer and translates my paragraphs to you. There is a HUGE difference between being PC and just knowing when not to be a biggoted asshole, trigg. It's like you said about being "too patriotic" or "too ethnocentric" there is also "too PC" but it existed for a reason. If I say all American women are self-serving bitches.... If I say all southerners are toothless cousin-fuckers... if I say all blacks are only good for manual labor... I'm not "telling it like it is" I'm being a bigoted, closed-minded fuckhead. There's a line, Trigg... it can be crossed. Every time I disagree with you I get the feeling it's always all or nothing... black-white, on-off, forward-reverse (left-right). I would think with your age, wisdom, and experience you would have a broader view. Or maybe there's a little gnome living in my computer too?? and my name is JASON "When I was a child, I spake a s a child...." As you are doing now. WTF is your problem????
  13. Over taxation with misrepresentation Sounds like its time for another revolution. I'm in-can I play the drum thingy or do I have to limp and play that flute??
  14. YEa Baby!! you really get all that??????? I just got the AOS interview for may 24th. Wahoooooooooooooo, we can go to Cananda!!!!!!!!!
  15. Wow!!! The colors man, the colors. Far out!!
  16. Well, the UCIS website say the Memphis office is now processing I-485 (AOS) form July 2002. We filed in April 2004 and today got the notice in the mail that we have the AOS interivew in May. I was just about to send in the$$$$ for AP but now it looks like I won't have to. Be it known to all--prepare for several Q's about what to bring with me. But for now I think I'll have a drink. Trigg
  17. A nice defense of political correctness. To hell with the truth, let's all be PC. don't say what you believe-unless it is PC. C'mon JP-tell it like it is, not like the world wants you to say it~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. There will be no new list keeper. You have been declared the CFL statistician, for now, and for all times. God i hated stats classes in grad school, didn't understand them then and don't understand them now. Z scores, T scores, chi squares, standard normal curve, F levels, Alpha levels- WTF does it all mean (not average but the other mean)
  19. Well said Robert. The whole PC thing is getting on my nerves. American women are very different than the Chinese. Both have good and bad points. For my money the Amereican woman has become to based in the 'me' attitude that prevails in our society. Although they make for good friends and neighbors, my wants and needs in a lifes partner go beyond the shallow thinking of the modern western woman. At risk of seeming politicaly incorrect I'm sticking with my Asian darlin. There are differences in people and cultures and my tastes for a wife would never allow me to marry an American woman. I'm sure there are many who's tastes for a wife would never allow them to marry a Chinese woman. Maybe it's time to recognize differences and celebrate them for what they are. Personnal choice!
  20. Personnaly, I'd gladly pay the new King Bush tax on paranoia if they would just do thier job and be done with me and mine~!!!!!!
  21. So many white slips. My wahooooer is getting sore but here goes anyway. WAHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
  22. You make some great points Frank. When my wife tells me about the Chinese police and corruption, I always liken it to Chicago in the fifties. A few bucks could buy your way out of anything. Same as the Chinese medical system--much like the 50s in the US. Looks like they are westernizing--I just hope they don't lose all of thier wonderful culture. Sometimes convienences cost more than just money.
  23. Congrats Dave. Now get the carpets mopped and hide the lawnmower keys Son, I say SON, life as you knew it has changed. You have but 1 month to walk in the house with shoes on and go to bed without a shower--enjoy it while you can, your training will soon begin!!! Trigg
  24. Just goes to show ya that even a Republican can get it right at least once. congrats man!!!!!!!!!!1
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