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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. SEROUS---it is the accepted spelling of the word serious in the old southern TN style. Dayem, me thunk uvabody knowd dat.
  2. Dude, you need serous help. Keepin em around for old faithful. I kinda thought that would get a rise out of you. Hope it doesn't keep you up.
  3. I think you already have a plan. I would keep trying to get all the missing things you need but do remember that they look at very few of the I-134s. Chances are they won't give it a look. Do what ya can, relax and enjoy Gz and your darlin'.
  4. It does it you remember when "Dixie" was a new song. I still have my grey uniform--just in case the south rises again (same reason I keep condoms around)
  5. Seriously Robert, I don't think I'm that messy but she has got to the point that if I try to pour a cup of coffee or make a sandwich she says" I do give you, you making too much messy" Who am I too argue with that logic--and her training continues.
  6. HEY, wait just one minute. Just because you can remember a song that i can remember doesn't mean you are getting old----does it??/
  7. Actually, she no longer allows me to clean up anything. she says I "no make better". I have only begun to train her.
  8. The song it reminds me of is "patches' " down by the coal yard lives a girl named pathces---patches my darlin' from ole shanty town"
  9. Frank dignified??? Bwaaa hahahahahahahahahahahah!!!! He can't figure out how to bleach his toupe blond.
  10. I put the coffe on and walked downstairs to wait for it to finish. I heard a loud "HUSBAND, you come NOW!!" eminating from the upstairs. After three "what dears" She flew downstairs (on her broom me thinks) "Husband, you old man, no remember nothing". SOOOOOOOOOOOO, she discovered it without me having any knowledge of it happening. Hey, do you think she just poured the coffe on the floor so she could have a reason to yell at me??? Bet that's what really happened1 Yea, that's the ticket.
  11. Yea man, but I ain't rich like you. I have to keep my ole run down 2 room shanty on the poor side of town. Hmmmm, sounds like that would make a nice song title.
  12. Don, I was Fangged!! (Fang Linged). Correct, I didn't waste the coffee. I was just showing her by example how easy it would be to accidentaly spill liquid on a new floor and thereby ruining it and wasting money. Damned hard to be me, damned hard!
  13. Now i knoqw why nietze said "God is dead". Gheeeez, how fast I went from Wahoooooooo!!! To pooo Pooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure that i am not capable of installing hardwood floors. I have a tremendous adversity to hard work and spending large amounts of money.
  14. PERGO WARNING: It is phony wood flooring, something like laminated partical board. pergo is not very water resistant. Serously, it can be ruined by water real eazy. If water gets under it, it is ruined. Thank you. There truly is a God. This will be my excuse to get out of remodeling. Wahooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
  15. I see pain in my future. Pergo??? is ythat the phony wood floor??? My darlin has been giving me advanced warning about the carpet. My guess is i will be doing some remodeling soon. So, tell me about pergo?? How to do?? How much?? How hard??? Can an inept lazy man get it done???/
  16. Heed Carl for he is wise. She will NEVER EVER forget anything you have done stupid-NEVEr EVEr EVEr EVER.
  17. You are very perceptive. the untrained mind would likely think that I just do a lot of stupid things but obviously you have seen through the facade. You have uncovered my true motivation for being the perpetrator of so many seemingly unintelligent acts. I am only doing this for the benefit of my CFL brethren. So that you may learn without the pain of chastation. So very damned hard being me and so misunderstood.
  18. Great minds think alike. --------I think.
  19. Yet another lesson given to me by my mild natured Chinese wife. Should you wake up and make coffee in one of those Bunn super fast coffee makers, NEVER -I say again NEVER fill the reservoir with water, close the lid and walk away if you left the coffee pot in the sink. The results are 12 cups of mountain grown coffee all over the kitchen floor. Should you forget these instructions you will soon hear " Husband!!!! come fast here!!". Once you have been properly chastised with the zeal that can only come from a Chinese sweetheart, you will endlessly hear loud laughter emanating from her normally demure voice and for at least the rest of that Day, and likely several days to come, she will, without pity for you, tell everyone she contacts, whether in person or by telephone, That you are so old that you can't remember to put a pot under the coffee making machine. "HAHAHAHAHA, Husband, you dien lao. And you just ole man Hahahaha!" Ad nausea GHEEEEEEZ ANOTHER DAY IN MY TRAINING AND STILL NO GOLD STAR OR SMILEY FACE IN SIGHT.
  20. I'm pretty sure that Puerto Rico and Hawaii are beyond the territorial limits. Point is that I think we may be a little too paranoid about the whole immigration thing--But then again is it paranoia if they are really out to get ya'????
  21. Yes but is the open ocean not 'out of the country'??? I'm not sure why one would need ap or AOS to go to a country that does not require a passport or visa. Who would ask upon return???
  22. What is CHAMPVA inSURANCE???? This a state thing-ah-ma-bobber or a federal do-da-day.???? Iv been thinking about signing up for VA medical---but don't know Poo about it... It's a federal thing through the VA. CHAMPVA is insurance that is free to the dependents of a 100% disabled combat veteran. They go to regular doctors, not the VA. Now all you gotta do is restart VN and get shot to pieces a few times and you will have all the free insurance your heart desires. Word of caution, do not overdo the previous step.
  23. The FAA and I aren't on speaking terms. Something about them telling me I need to have a license to fly my plane. I explained to them that I would gladly get a license to fly their plane but mine is mine and i'm still gonna fly it even if they do try to pull me over to the nearest cloud. Besides, it is only a glorified ultralite anyway. Two people and 65mph top speed. Open air all the way. It goes to slow for them to catch me-they would stall flying at my VNE.
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