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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Mississippi virgin=Ugly twelve year old who can outrun her brothers
  2. Well, your kinda right in that she does indeed spend a lot of time laughing at me. But she is quit the charactor also. Compared to her I look like a grump. She has a truly warped sense of humor. Ya gotta like that in a person.
  3. What???? You never heard of a drive by poopin'?? Logic has little to do with beurocracy. Creat paperwork so that you can do paperwork that creates more paperwork that creates paprework creating papers for paperwork purposes=job security.
  4. We're a little more liberal here in Tn. We authorize weddin's to blood kin as well a 'dopted kin (so long as they are at least first cousins by blood and not over 15). We don't really have a gene pool-more like a gene puddle.
  5. K1 and K3 are non-immigrant visas 830RMB
  6. If you are K1 you pay thr 830rmb--no more. The $380 USD is the fee for an immigrant visa. K1 is a fiancee visa-not immigrant.
  7. Yup she will, probelm is she will also find things you didn't want found---Ouchyyyy!!!!
  8. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, easy isn't really the word i would use to describe it. But it gets gooder 'n gooder all the time.
  9. Your training has begun---get used to it.
  10. WaHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Now get to cleanin'
  11. E=MC2 Enlightenement=MOP X Speed of Chinese Woman2 She ain't yet learnt 'bout Einstein-But she knows 'bout inertia and the imovable object (my head) vs the irressistable force (her mop handle)--she knows 'bout that real good!!!!!!
  12. Say it ain't so Kim, Say it ain't so!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. WAHOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Told ya you weren't nervous
  14. C'mon Steve. Make wit da visa already. Gheeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  15. Friend if you send the p3 today yopu don't have a chance in hell of getting an interview date any time in April. If you wait until vacation in April to send in the p3 you may get an interview August or Septemebr. If you want a June/July interview, you best get the p3 mailed--NOW!!!!!!
  16. Don, am I reading this correctly?? Fang ling and I will have our first anniversary soon and the Memphis center is only processing July 2002 applications. I am sure we will be well past our second anniversary when they are finished. So you are saying that she bypass the two year card and be given the 10 year??
  17. The ds230 should come with her p3 package via DHL. I'm not sure how they address it.
  18. Get her home before they change their minds. Wahhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo B)
  19. I dunno why but I had thought your bride was Vietnamese. Oh well! I can't say i enjoy VN as much as you did but I have always admired the people. hmmm, wonder how I ended up with a chinese bride???
  20. WAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent nearly four years in VN and I gotta tell you I doubt you can go wrong with a Vietnamese gal--Strong, loving, dedicated, and resourceful good luck friend
  21. I'm not to sure the flyiong thing is a good idea. I tried to get my SO to go up with me-much like most people who have seen me fly-she refused. Ahhhhh, the fishing thing. I have taken my darlin', what a rush. She loved it and YES!!!!! She cleans everything we catch---that has gotta be love!!!!
  22. 100% correct. A k2 child must ahve EAD to get SSN--been there done that. Some cruel irony that a child who is not old enough to work in America must get an authorization to work. Confuses me how our give can authorize and act that they have deemed to be ilegal?????????????????
  23. All notarization means is that they have witnessed your signature. Any notary is ok.
  24. Me too, I'm a Chicago boy who just happens to be residing in TN. But, i can still spell serous Curectley
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