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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Yup, scan and email is a good idea. OTRMark did it that way.
  2. Absolutley King. I'm doing a final 'read'. I'll email you the final draft today. Nothing has really changed form the top of this thread-just some grammer things.
  3. AOS is a long time off. one i-129f with just one fee. when you get to the interview stage there wil be a fee for eash--same with AOS etc.....
  4. Ahhhhhh, I see. always wondered what that pinned thing was!!!!!
  5. I have nothing to say. This is just a cheap atempt at keeping this at the top of the list. Help, life needed.
  6. SSN time-i'm having flashbacks--ouchy
  7. One small step for NVC-One giant leap for Jasonkind!!!
  8. IT'S A B2 VISA squeak. I've done the paperwork for my sister-in-law. Invite letter, proof of financial burden-sam as I-864 (not required). proof she/he has strong ties to China e.g. home or good job and family.
  9. I don't know if you are pregnant or not. I'm pretty sure I'm not. Although...... My total time was nine months and twenty days--then I gave birth to twins. one was a 1/4 ounce K1 visa and the other was a 97 lb Chinese mop swinging' woman. I was five months at the TSC, 1 1/2 months at NVC and 76 days from the time NVC mailed it to GZ until I had visa, and wife, in hand. some day I'll post my timelines-maybe PROCRASTINATE NOW-DON'T PUT IT OFF !!!!!!!
  10. I grew up in Chicago's inner city and I have never felt unsafe in China. Hell, the bad guys don't even have guns there and they aren't all that big anyway. Lots of crime but most is purse snatching and burglary.
  11. Dude-that is fast. you may join me in being a nine month wonder!!!!!!
  12. Major milestone in this quest. i have recieved the first singature page from OTRMark (squeaky)---waiting for yours!!!!!!!!
  13. Atlanta?!?!?!? That makes you a member of the southern contigency of CFL. Frank is your leader as he is an Atlantian also. I'm from up north-near Nashville and my offical CFL job it to check and correct everyones spelling. I also give fishing and mopping lessons and am in charge of the 'wife training department'. Sooooooooo, got any shad colored handgrenades????? --need more bait. Trigg
  14. So far only 17 members have commited to sign the letter. Anyone else??? Please PM me so I know to wait for you signature page. Trigg
  15. Control panel-regional languag settings and install eastern language pack then click on all the various things to add chinese and chinese PRC keybord blah blah blah
  16. Yup, it can be done. Windows XP has a built in program with a PRC chninese keyboard. well actually you type in pinyin and it puts up chinese charactors.
  17. Yuppers Ed, great minds think alike. Hey, this may even play in Peoria!
  18. I'm hoping to send it a week from tommorrow. If you can get access to a scanner you can scan your sig page and email it to me.
  19. That is what we are trying to do. This sig page is just a sig, possibley containing a brief statement of where they are in the process--see me sample sig page(see my sample sig page). No real need for scanning as we will be mailing everyhting via snail mail. I'll include a cover letter with the names of all those who have included a sig page--same as a list if sigs. You are correct that individual comments change the impact of the letter-thats why we aren't doing them. As for changing anything now--too late, there are those who have already mailed thier sig page and to change after they have signed is a bit unethical. This thing has to fly as it stands.
  20. Ed, good question. As some may ne putting personl information on the sig page I think it may be difficult to copy and release them but perjaps a list of names or at least numbers of CFL members may help. I can't release full names and/or identifying info without their permission sooooooo????????????? Maybe a statement with the numbers of signed members stating they are 'on file' at Ms. harty's office??? I dunno, maybe others have a better idea. wait to cc you reps until we post the final draft. The content will be unchanged but john is helping me put the dots and spots in the right place. Trigg
  21. Michael is 100% correct. Think tough-be tough. While your in the hold mode it is your only option. Speaking from experience i can tell you that somne day soon it will only seem like a distant memory and the wait is 1,000% worth every minute.
  22. Whoa--it is a signature page--NOT a second letter. PULEASE keep it to a sentence stating where you are in the visa process etc... Anyone who wants to write a seperate letter can feel free to do so but lets keep this one what it is. Many are signing and we don't need anyones personal comments appearing to be endorsed by each and every person who signs.
  23. It shouldn't cause a problem as long as she did not overstay her visa. if she returned home when she was supposed to it will look good for her--she had a chance to stay illegaly and didn't...
  24. Lots to do after she get here and you get married-actually it isn't that hard. Get SSN file AOS--blah blah blah. For now you just gotta get the visa--after that you have plenty of time for the rest of it and YES, we have several members who know about what and how after she gets here. nothin' you can do in preparation for that now anyway.
  25. I've had several questions about the sample signature page. Like most of my ideas this one was brilliant when I though of it but seems to lose most of the brilliance when it is bounced off others. There is some confusion as to the signature procees. All I really need is a typed page from each member stating that he 'affixes his signature to the aformention letter" (meaning the acutla letter to Ms. Harty). Then sign it using a pen-ya'll remember those-they have a point and blue or black messy stuff inside ( your real name, moonybutt or other puter code names won't get it). This is NOT a computer signature thingy. After you sign-send it to me the old way-US mail. Sorry, I included a confusing sample letter--hell I was on a roll My sample page was how i signed
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