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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Yup-DO NOT OPEN it. give it to the man at POE. she will keep the X-ray but DO bring it wiht her.
  2. The letter is sent-should be there tommorrow.
  3. She can return to China anytime. However, she must either have a green card, AP, or be a US citizen to re-enter the USA. Green card can take anywhere fro a few months to a few years-AP is usually a few months.
  4. Oh, I must have forgot to put you on the list Add Robert T. Now if i can just figure out where to send all this stuff??????????????
  5. Add three more to the list just recieved toady. I have only five more promised!! Mark D. Rupert L. Tony M. We still need several more. Let's not confuse this with other letters and sendings to congressman etc.. This is the Maura Harty letter I'm talking about. How 'bout we keep other letters in other threads until this is a done deal??? Seven more in todays mail. John F. Frank D. Dave F. Daniel C. Bill S. Michael L. Robert E. Looks like 37 total. I'll be sending this Monday via Fedex. It's too late to mail your signature but you can either scan and email it to me or PM me and I'll give you a fax number to send it too. Fifty would be great. Chalk up one more that was scanned and emailed. Jason P. That makes 38 Ooops, i meant Jason B. Who's next??? Add two more Steve H. Mark D. (makes seven Marks) Sooooooooo, anyone have her address??????????? gonna send this tommorrow mornin'!!
  6. Robert-that price you have is way too much. a simple search of travelocity.com shows round trip from LAX to SGN (ho chi minh city/saigon) via Nippon airlines to be $734. And travelocity is almost never the cheapest.
  7. I'd suggest listening closley to Don. He is VERY knowledgable. Yes, if you do a K1 there will be more work to do after she is here. but it isn't that bad and she will BE HERE with you--an important issue.
  8. Oh, yes you are correct about the I-169. Check them off and send it in ASAP to get in line--you can gather the documents later.
  9. For K1 you only need to send in part 1 of the I-230 and of course the I-169. somem say there is a supplemental sheet also but i never sent it in and i had no problems.
  10. Well it looks like 38 is the magic number although I haven't checked Saturdays mail yet. It seems I've overlooked on small detail--anyone know Ms Harty's address??? I've seen it posted but I'm to lazy to do a search. Also, squeaky had a good idea ('bout time). He thinks I should fax a prelude so they look for the letter. Anyone know her fax??? I've seen it posted before also-but still to lazy. To everyone who got involved in this thing I give a huge 'ataboy'. Good things never just happen, they are made to happen. My hopes for this modest letter is that it will open a dialogue and possibly even a liaison between Ms. Harty and a CFL representative. Knowing how the government works it is doubtful it will happen in time to help those currently in waiting but may help those with future plans. The timing has worked out great as there are changes in both facilities and personnel in GZ happening as we wrote the letter. This will give Ms. Harty an excellent opportunity to 'fine tune' the process with input from 'the other side'. As is the case with most worthwhile efforts, there is usually someone in the spotlight who has done a minimal amount of work and several who are in the shadows who have given tremendous efforts. I'll not even attempt to name those who have remained incognito in this endeavor but they are numerous and have done nearly all the work. To those who have not signed, for whatever reason, I think it is understandable. Not everyone agrees with what we are attempting to do and some fear that this may harm their efforts. No problem guys-we don't always have to agree-it's all part of the American way. Thanks to all in this effort. The letter goes out tomorrow. I'll keep everyone posted when I hear the results. Thanks again my brothers and sisters--Damned good job!! Trigg
  11. Hmmm, lemmmeee think. They did mention stuffig somehtin'. Maybe walnuts-maybe some other kind.
  12. Yuppers, I got around ten signantures and four dates from the Cal guys--ya done good.
  13. Add three more to the list just recieved toady. I have only five more promised!! Mark D. Rupert L. Tony M. We still need several more. Let's not confuse this with other letters and sendings to congressman etc.. This is the Maura Harty letter I'm talking about. How 'bout we keep other letters in other threads until this is a done deal??? Seven more in todays mail. John F. Frank D. Dave F. Daniel C. Bill S. Michael L. Robert E. Looks like 37 total. I'll be sending this Monday via Fedex. It's too late to mail your signature but you can either scan and email it to me or PM me and I'll give you a fax number to send it too. Fifty would be great. Chalk up one more that was scanned and emailed. Jason P. That makes 38 Ooops, i meant Jason B. Who's next???
  14. Add three more to the list just recieved toady. I have only five more promised!! Mark D. Rupert L. Tony M. We still need several more. Let's not confuse this with other letters and sendings to congressman etc.. This is the Maura Harty letter I'm talking about. How 'bout we keep other letters in other threads until this is a done deal??? Seven more in todays mail. John F. Frank D. Dave F. Daniel C. Bill S. Michael L. Robert E. Looks like 37 total. I'll be sending this Monday via Fedex. It's too late to mail your signature but you can either scan and email it to me or PM me and I'll give you a fax number to send it too. Fifty would be great. Chalk up one more that was scanned and emailed. Jason P. That makes 38
  15. As with everything in life, the deviates set the norms. Keep deviating and the norms will move in the general direction your going. This IS NOT line jumping-rather it is line moving. Those who chose the path of least resistance will have a long slow peacful wait. For my money--bitch on and be heard or sit back and watch life pass you by. Just my opinion.
  16. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfreakin'whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another Zhanjiang gal comin' to the USA--can we stand more???? Yeppers, John can. Get ta cleanin'
  17. Add three more to the list just recieved toady. I have only five more promised!! Mark D. Rupert L. Tony M. We still need several more. Let's not confuse this with other letters and sendings to congressman etc.. This is the Maura Harty letter I'm talking about. How 'bout we keep other letters in other threads until this is a done deal??? Seven more in todays mail. John F. Frank D. Dave F. Daniel C. Bill S. Michael L. Robert E. Looks like 37 total. I'll be sending this Monday via Fedex. It's too late to mail your signature but you can either scan and email it to me or PM me and I'll give you a fax number to send it too. Fifty would be great.
  18. I checked my messages and Jany called very very. excited. She got the job at the bank that needed someone that spoke Chinese and English. This may have been posted already but I haven' read all the latest drivvle since i've been back. CA dudes, your gonna pay BIG TIME.
  19. Cut and paste away friend Mark--I am headin' out--see ya'll soon. Trigg
  20. I read a reecent post that said a K2 can be added at anytime-so it may not be a problem anyway. Do remmeber you have tp do med exam and fees for GZ for both. As well as two set of the P4 forms-156 and 157 I think
  21. Well groovey guys and dolls (he says in his best 60's DJ voice), in an hour or so my wife, her mop, and I are off to the mountains. I'll post the final list when we get back and mail this thing Monday---see ya my brothers and sisters, maybe with luck we will be making a new member Bwuahahahahahahah! Trigg
  22. WWAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
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