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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. I dunno 'bout the CDC but I know this much, If Trigg ever had to help me spell something I'd go back to my ole' highschool and kick all my teaches Butts!!!! Hmmmm, refferring to myself on the third person--Damn, and i'm not even a pro basketball player. Ok, Trigg is done talking and Trigg says bye.
  2. Excuse me!!! I hate to be a know it all but don't you spell it practice??? gheeez, I hate it when someone mispells something.
  3. OK, so if I have to bring all thoses documents with me to the Memhpis branch of UCIS for the purpose of getting AOS, why did I have to send all those same documents to Memphis UCIS when I applied for AOS?????? Did they eat them??/ sell them??? Lose them?? Why did they ask me for them then if they knew they would ask for them now???
  4. Well, with the AOS interview coming up next month I decide to read the I-797-C (notice of interview. I says to bring birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce decree, I-864 with W2s and three years taxes etc etc etc.. These are all the same things I sent in with the I-485 application so I assumed they have them and there is no need for me to bring them again. Just to be on the safe side I called UCIS. After 35 minutes on hold I talked to a less than bright human who told me "yes you must do the I-864 again and bring in all the other stuff it says". I told him I had sent everything they are wanting me to bring into them with the I-485. "Yes, but they may not have it with them so you need to do it all again". I said what about the I-693. He said "yes, you need that also". I told him she is a K1 and doesn't need the I-693, only the Vaccination supplement. He said "Yes, that is correct but you must bring evidence that she entered the country on a K1 visa". WHAT!!! Do they not know that in Memphis?? "Maybe but they might have forgotten". CLICK!! The UCIS is crazy as hell! Soooo, once again i find myself redoing everything that I had to do to file the I-485 which was redone from the P4 material which was redone from the P3 which was redone from I-129f which was........ Damned efficient bunch these government folks-- Anyone want to wager on whether or not they even look at any of it??
  5. It seems that DOS is the best source of infromation. The call center will likley tell you to send an email.
  6. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) B) They added an extra hurdle but no step for a stepper. congrats man!
  7. Yeah Frank, like I haven't already heard the news. "Husband!!! Jingwen call and she have green card!! Why I wait for one month?? Why Jingwen husband can do and you no can do?" Gheeez, keeping up with the Franks is haed!!
  8. WAHOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Interesting thread. Let me first say that America is the greatest country in the world-If you are an American and China is the greatest country in the world-if you are Chinese. As for the greencard, it simply allows you to remain in the US and travel in and out-nothing more. My wife loves her home country-as she should. I am very fond of China also and hope to spend winters there and summers here. My wife would gladly give up her greencard if I would move permanantly to China. Your 100% correct-our wives have given up a way of life, their country, and friends and family for us-not for a green card. Nothing our Government can do will make up for our wives loss-but we can!
  10. Them's republican sheep. They're only in it for the money.
  11. Aren't there lots of sheep in eastern Oregon ? No problem. i always bring some of the better ones with me when i travel. never know when mad sheep disease will leave a fellow short.
  12. Is this for left coasters or can sheep herders tag along too??
  13. WAHOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll rub the ole sheeps foot for luck!
  14. I took wifey there a few weeks ago. In my opinion it is little more than a huge vacum-sucking money from your wallet. However, you can get a pass to Dollywood for around $43. Shows etc are included. I rented a first class chalet with two jacuzzis for around 110 per night-nice place. When we went dollywoold hadn't opened for the year yet. I spent enough money in two day that we could have done disney world the luxury way.
  15. She only needs the vacinnation supplement not the exam. I had the same problem- if you call the same place and talk to a different person they may see the logic. It worked for me.
  16. Thanks a lot Frank!!! Fang ling is on the phone to Jingwen now. the last thing she said to me was " Why Jingwen husband so smart and my husband so stupid?"..I think she is warming up the mop!!!!! Ouchyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  17. WOW! Frank. Who do you know???? We have our interview next month-Can i tell them i know you???
  18. My father was there in 1968 for Vietnamese/Chinese New Years (Tet). I went in 2002. Less fireworks during my trip ... Probably just as many mosquitoes ... Yup, I made Tet of '68 also-exciting times for sure.
  19. Uh, Dan, I did four 'tours' but they weren't excactly of the sight seeing variety. Dust off those old brain cells and try hard to remember the sixties and early seventies. All in all It is a great place and the women a remarkable.
  20. I'll be happy to volunter my services. They should lern from thu masseer.
  21. Bummer. looks like another week shot in the ass. Good news is that the majority of blue slips are reolved very quickly. I've sent several things via UPS. Send it now and she will likley have it Monday. Others have gotten the same slip askig for a tape of the USC speaking Chinese. What they are really looking for is proof you can and do communicate. -translators etc.. But, if you can and did the Chinese speaking tape-you will be a shoe in.
  22. Most health insurance will let you use all nines for an SSN-999-99-9999. If you need the SSN you will have to apply for an EAD. Then SSA will give you a SSN.
  23. I called one of the two civil surgeons in Nashville. The rude lady, you know the one, she's the same one that answers the phone at DOS, anyway, she told me that my wifes vac suppliment would cost $325 and my stepdaughter's would be another $200. I called the other one and talked to a human. $90 each IF they need shots. Less if they don't and the wifey and stepdaughter don't need to go-just bring in the shot records and they do the paperwork. Gheeeeeeez, what was that first B@#*@#'s problem???
  24. He still the baaaaaaad man... If I'd a known then that I could regenerate and have it bigger and better than before-I'd a got more 'n just my ass shot off!!
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