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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. How 'bout adding another VO--have black pear kicking Todo?????
  2. Yea Mark, she's doing so well I may indeed treat myself to a special trip. Maybe a great New Zealand sheep ranch???? Oh, did you mean HER taking a special trip?? Dan, me thinks you are well schooled in aversive therapy! Maybe too well??
  3. Yea, what he said. I likes the way him thinks. She should pay me when she gets A's, that'll teach her the value of an education!!!!!
  4. Uhhh, errrrrr, gheeeeezzz man, it's not like her getting A's will save me college money or put money in my pocket when she gets older. Oh, wait, she's Chinese-maybe it will. I'll start the bidding with uhhhh-$2.00 per A. I'm a real big spender.
  5. Next year she will take regulay English classes. I'll hep her studee much as possbul. . Having her here has been a treat. Imagine HER telling ME to turn down the rock n' roll so she can study. And ME asking HER why she got home so early and telling her she sould spend more time hanging out with her friends. This is a whole bunch different than life was when my other kids were teenagers. Me thinks Wang Fang is having a tough time raising me--as is her mother!!
  6. for those who don't know, Wang Fang is my 15 years old chinese stepdaughter. Her English skills are fair but still not at the par of her classmates. Her newest report card reads ESL=A, Algebra II=A. Health and Wellness=A and Phsysics(ouchy)=A So with nearly one year of high school behind her she has a cumulative GPA of 4.0. YES, I'm braggin' She's just a chip off the ole step-block.
  7. Kim, have I been getting it wrong?? i go to bed every night and count sleep while I try to sheep. Am I truly sheep deprived?? I enjoy sheep, I try to get some sheep, as much as I can. When I do sheep I never dream of sleep. I;m not at all like little Bo Peep-she lost her sleep. Well, I'm feeling a bit sheepy, soooo, I'm going to join my wife at grab a little sheep.
  8. Close Don, I'm an 'old Charter'member. John, I think that cracked me up friend. Now that I have thought it through, I think I'm not going to give anymore thought to thinking-but I ain't goin' 100% brain dead-I ain't votin' republican. Is that ok? Dya think?? OH, don, thanks for unspilling Hary for me.
  9. 101 is grad level stuff--we're stil in southern logic .001
  10. Uh, yea Frank, but if your goin' the other way you will be in jail an hour before you get there.
  11. Ooops, Sorry Carl, my brain went out to lunch and i forgot to send you a check. I'll get it out in the morning.
  12. I'm glad it will be down to 13--Frank lives in fast time. It's an Atlanta thing-the real south is in central time.
  13. But I'm getting to like the mop of nine tails-sooooo much
  14. Paper pebbles-sounds like a Flintstones comic book. I'm fascinated in the mixing of old and new. Burning a paper Cell phone at the gravesite-how cool is that??
  15. Yes man--welcome to our nightmare, I think your gonna like it ( Alice cooper).. NVC will send it to GZ-they will sit on it anywhere from 2 weeks to two months-then they will send the p3-simple form to sedn back-then after a few months they will send P4=interview and more forms. After you get extremely dizzy and start looking at sheep with wanting eyes-you will get your visa--Then the fun beigins.
  16. Yes, 'Tat' is. gheeeeez, I get so tired of correcting everyones spelling!!!
  17. I talked about this with wifey today (one of those rare occassions that she is speaking to me). She said her family buys paper replicas of many things throughout the year for Ching Ming day that they burn at the gravesight. Including paper cars and TV's and DVD's and even a cell phone--Modern western life merging with ancient Chinese culture. What a fascinating culture they have. Hanging on to the old and embracing the new.
  18. Yup, and I'm trying to quit it. Many would say i'm having great success in that endevour!
  19. Nope, news hasn't changed. I taped a weeks worht 10 years ago and watch it everyday now. The news is just as accurate and the weather forcasts are even a little better.
  20. Not according to my darlin' it jsut gets you inside out of the weather sooner.
  21. I doubt that has much to do with it. I think more like Amazing what happens when people yearn for love and respect--somehting they perhaps didn't get in there own country.
  22. FIVE DAYS????? Could I have extra mop slaps and only five hours without my sheeps. I think sheeps is plural for sheep-isn't it??
  23. Trigg I bet your column brought relief from the daily grind to many people. No way could your sick humor be sicker than the reality the news shows us. Of course continual mop slapping may be taking its toll. They have news shows?? Dan, what you don't seem to get is that my 'humor' is really just a reporting of my daily life. And you laugh at me????????
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