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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. APRIL FOOLS Sorry the evil Trigg made me do it!!!!!!!!!
  2. Actaully Carl, i filed through Memphis and they sent it to chicago-then Chicago sent us the form for biometric testing-But my interview is in Memphis. I wish it was in Chy Town-i'd like to visit some of my ole homeys-well the one who are out of prison anyway
  3. Has there been some cross breeding in your family we should (or should not) know about? You have sunk to new lows Nope-no cross breeding-hell, i'm the first one to marry outside the family. We like to keep a pure bloodline------- Now my friend, you jsut hide and watch-i haven't begun to sink to new lows---YET! I used to write a humor column for a TN newspaper before i got censored out of the game--If i run out of material, I'll start posting some of my columns-- it aint pretty "The world according to..." And I live in a very very sick world Buwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah
  4. Well Carl, i filed and everything is good-inteview in May but I did not send in the Vac supplement with the I-485. I called UCIS in memphis at the time and they assured me I wouldn't need the I-693 until the interview.
  5. you don't need to submit the supplement with the I-485. you will need it at the interview.
  6. Born and bred in Tennessee How about a wizard wearing a leather thong riding a sheepish dragon blowing up your ass and then smoking it??? sorry, that was Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!
  7. Yea Tony, my wife is a little sad now. Her father passed five years ago. She came here last March but went to the grave two days before she left China. Next year we will make it.
  8. Great minds think alike-that is EXCACTLY what I put--and she is here now!
  9. It is all part of your training. you will wait outside in the hot sun while she is inside gettin her visa. This is done to prepare you for life with her in the US. She will shop while you wait outside for her to find the perfect ear of corn. You see how well it all goes together?? GZ is our friend!
  10. Is the K1 exam only good for one year?? My AOS intereview is in May and she had her physical in March of 04. Are you saying the vaccination supplemental isn't enough and she will need the entire physical again as hers will be 14 months old??
  11. I remember him now.I'm thinkin' if he has one he best spit it out-it probably doesn't belong to him anyway!
  12. I don't care if your a bullfrog. You are RUDE. Now let this thread go back to what it was intended to do-altruistically help someone who needs it.
  13. I have to agree with you Carl. She needs to find the wizard and ask for a heart.
  14. There aren't any real chortcuts. Make no mistakes and mail everyhting at everystep ASAP. Many have done this in nine months-many have taken longer. Get a bag of cheetos and a good webcam to see you darlin'-then wait. OH, welcome to the Candle.
  15. HUH!!!! Brothel, SO, no problem??? HUH!!
  16. I'm a fan of the victory. Not as nice as the Swan but a lot cheaper.
  17. Most Asian markets have free Chinese newspapers. My mop swninging darlin loves to read them. she also goes to yahoo.com.cn and reads all the Chinese gossip and news etc...
  18. They auto extent the I-797 as it is only good fro 4 months. You really needn't do anything-even GZ knows that they can't geterdone in 4 months.
  19. WAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa-Freakin' hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Just shows ya that good things DONT come to those who wait--they come to those who DO
  20. SHIT I have a steam mop. Youchyyyyy!!!! I yeild to you man. WOW-that's gotta smart!!
  21. Sponge is soooo not cool. String is in dude--spreads the pain better.
  22. YUP, she's gettin' the hang of it. My mop swingin' darlin' likes to say "Husband, I kicka you ass!!!!!!" She's so sweet. Isn't she??????? Yep, the wife said to me once (more than once) 'I kick yu ass-hole' My wife, shes the one on the left, who weighs about 105 says 'I beat you'. ya like that'll hurt. EEyor has much to learn-my wife-the one on the right, wieghs in at about 98 lbs. I''m 6'1" and around 240--when she says "Husband, I kicka you ass", i know she not only has the nerve to try but the ability to inflict much pain-ouchy. I'll fight a bear with a stick (wonder why a bear has a stick?) but I'm DEFINATLEY afraid of her---yup I am!!!!!!! BUT I am in charge-oh yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. YUP, she's gettin' the hang of it. My mop swingin' darlin' likes to say "Husband, I kicka you ass!!!!!!" She's so sweet. Isn't she???????
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