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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Yup, she says she wil be delighted to do so-just for you. Now if you will be so kind as to send two round trip tickets to GZ, first class will be fine, I'll pick out her most painful mop--it's soooooo painful OooooooooooooooooCHY!
  2. I'll agree that the country has problems but most have said that the immigration officers have been very nice. After looking at my darlin's papers the Immigration officer smiled and said welcome to America. This giy needs to be reported-or taken out back and "talked" to with extreme predjudice.
  3. Oh yes, I'm getting all the sheep I need. Thanks for asking.
  4. I'm not so sure. I would have been worried if we had gotten a response in less than a week-it would have been canned from one of her subordinates. I'm a little more optomistic now that a week has gone by. One thing I'm sure of--the letter did no harm and has potetnial, along with all the other things happening, to do those who are, and those who will be waiting, tremendous good. John, me thinks my participle in dangling agin--I hate when that happens!!!
  5. I just check my PO box and no news yet from Ms. Harty. The letter with sig pages were signed for last tuesday morning. So, either it has bypassed the person who usually replies and has been given directly to Ms. Harty-OR???
  6. K1 is good for 4 months i think. GZ will automaticaly extend this so you needn't worry.
  7. Yea, waht Frank said. I have eaten a meal that was put together by Jingwen and her assistant Fang Ling-I think they could cook using a bic lighter and it would be Mmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmm good!!!!!
  8. I'll speak for me--Damned right I would!!!!!
  9. I used a personal check for all of it. Seperate checks of course. We had no problems. I don't know if K1 are still paying for biometric but if you send sep checks it should be ok either way. I'm k1 an did have to pay last april for bio..
  10. Too late for that now that Trigg has learned to cut and paste - is that how you got that phd Nu uh--I sat next to the smart guy in class
  11. Ya gotta watch what ya say 'round here!!!!!!!!
  12. It will cook a sheep, my SO has a bunch in her bathroom . I can wait until she is here to pick those out. I might not understand the sizing requirements. HUH????
  13. Yeah , know exactly how you feel. My other 3 children are not motivated at all academically. Maybe my new step daughter will be an inspiration Well, my 12 year old has always been on the honor role with A's a B's-but she is very bright and understands the language more--if she were as motivated as my stepdaughter she may be in college by her 13th birthday. Then again the 12 year old has a lot more fun--kids need that too
  14. No, being born in China does not indicate an affiliation with the communist party any more than it indicates you are a kung fu expert. I've heard that checking the box 'are you or have ever been a member..." is the kiss of death. Yes, they want many of the same things for I-485-same as they wanted many of the same things for the interview that they wanted for the I-129f. It comes from the Department of redundancy department. I'm pretty sure a new police cert was not one of the things they wanted.
  15. Tooo funny-I officialy give up my title as CFL jesture, i can't match GZ for humor.. HAHAHA--too funny
  16. Damn good work stats. I surely can't add much to that except re-read the last paragraph-every day if you can and you and wifey will find what the letter spelled. fine job stats-fine job.
  17. OH YEA, Frank-It has been at the front of my mind. She has a 4.0 after 3/4 of her first year. My VA benifits will pay around $800.00 a month to her while she is in college. Put in some money from me, a part time job from her and a nice academic and possibly even a minority scholorship and her options may go beyond UT or WKU. Not only have I thought about--SHE HAS. I gotta love the way she can defer gratification. she's in the ninth grade and already trying to decide where she will do her graduate work that's ten years from now.-I gotts gt her hangin' out with my soon to be 12 year old daughter-she just made the middle school cheerleading team and is sure that she has achieved high in life-defers her gratification all the way 'till this afternoon.
  18. Jim, I have 100,000 words to say on this subject but for now let me just say this. NEVER, think you are giving her a better life. America is the greatest country in the world-if your an American. China is the greatest-if your Chinese. Quick piece of easy psych advise. Let her think she is helping you (and she will be). She will already feel like an outsider because she will have to rely on you so much. Don't patronize her-let her help you transition into your new life-she will appreciate it and have a lot more ownership of her life-after all, that is one of the huge things she is giving up for you. e.g. "Babe, how should we decorate this" or "Babe,can you help me learn more about Chinese ways?" Ya can't hide the fact that she isn't in china from her, so don't try to avoid discussing her country thinking she may forget about it. I'll post much more later. I'm sure some of the other old timer have a lot to add also. Trigg
  19. If memory and my theoretical background serves me, your talking about Pioget (sp) and his theory of development-concrete to formal thought at -around age 12-However, only 25% of all adults ever reach this stage is it requires above average intelligence. As for China-they teach step by step-as in math and left brain things' Critical thinking skills are not required. American students learn less stuff but more thinking skills. disclaimer-----I may be confusing Pioget with some other lame ass stage theorist-It's been a long time and I'm not in the above mentioned 25%. Should I bill your insurance??
  20. Doesn't seem to be a problem. I'm trying to get her to go out more and have more fun--she got learnt reel good in china--probly got mop slapped a bit. Oh, and my wifes mother is a retired teacher-they lived with her and she STRESSES education. Besides, the quaint little town I live in hasn't been americanized yet--no crime-that's unamerican ain't it?? And, despite my minor delusional thought and little spelling deficits-I am afterall a child/adolescent psychologist by trade.
  21. She came her last March. At 14 I thought it would be best to put her in eighth grade for the remainder of the school year so she could get used to American schools. she did bring her school records that show her grades and courses taken-in English. In china she went to school at 7:00 am and got home at 9:00 pm. No talking-no messing around-only learning. Her hair was cut short like a boys. I thought she was just a Tomboy but she told me that in her school they made all the girls have short hair so they wouldn't play with it while they were supposed to be studying. the only non-regular class she has is ESL (English as a second language). This will be her last semester in that. I did that because in TN you have to have two years (block schedule means one semester equal one year) of a foreign language to graduate high school and get into college. Although she speaks Mandarin and Cantonese fluently-they don't count as the school doesn't offer it. So the ESL counts as a foreign language. Next year she will take regular English class-1-4. If your step-child is serious about an education-don't worry too much. He/she will be way ahead in the math areas and used to much harder work than American schools will give her/him. Wang Fang had to take a math placement test last year for high school kids. the test was written in English and no help was offered-she got the highest score in the county. She's also in Beta club and captain of the flag corp. Great kid!!!
  22. If'n she had a GED why would she want to back up on the educational scale and go to TN state?? Maybe she could get into my alma mater as a legacy-Western KY University and U. of L. they learnt me how to spel and gived me a PeeeH Dee
  23. Every big city has a really good brothel--They code name them to keep out the riff raff!! (Code name=ZOO) Trigg, your such a smart man. I have been distraught ever since leaving West by god Virgeenia about the lack of sheep in this big city. They're having a financial crisis here and threatening to close the zoo. Bet they'd be real happy to have someone take care of the sheep My dream job-where do I sign up??? how much do I have to pay?? Carl, "Ewe send me, honest ewe do honest ewe do" well not you but the song. Favorite rock group "Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabath" favorite movie "silence of the laaaaaaaaambs" Favorite old timey kid show Sherry and "laaaaaaaaaaaaamb chop" Favorte footbal team "Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaams" Ewe get my drift??
  24. Every big city has a really good brothel--They code name them to keep out the riff raff!! (Code name=ZOO)
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