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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Once she gets her green card she can travel freely. That takes a bit of time depending on where you live. You can apply for AP (advanced parole) when you file for AOS (adjustment of status) AP will allow travel before the green card. It also depends on where you live but most report being granted AP in around two months.
  2. OK, who is going to step up and donate??
  3. ENOUGH!!! Don has enough on his plate without having to play referee. We can deal with chronicity later. The immediate fees for changeing host etc are paramount now. Email Don like he said if you wish to donate. lets NOT turn this thread into a personality thing!!!! Trigg
  4. This isn't the time to argue. We WILL fund CFL. Now let's all pull together and contact Don so we can get the money rollng in. Moving the site to a new host and set up fees will be rather large. Time for talk is done-now is the time for doing. We can always argue latrer!!
  5. I'm sure you have all read Don's announcement to keep the candle lit. first let me thank PJ for starting Candle and for all the work he has done and for allowing the candle to stay lit. Thanks PJ I hope the best for you and yours and I hope you will continue to be a the huge part of our lives that you have been. For what it is worth Don has 100% of my support in his endeavor to run the candle. I can think of no one else who is any where near as qualified to keep the candle lit. Not only because of his already long term commitment and the work that he has done but also because he is Don and Don and CFL are synonymous. I have the utmost respect for Don and will do whatever is in my powers to support him during his reign. There is NO WAY that we, the members can allow Don to pick up the tab for this. I beg all of you to contact Don and donate donate donate. I'm sure you all felt the same way I did when we feared we were losing our extended family. A donation will be a very small price to pay to keep the candle burning' Having said all this the only thing left to say is WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  6. I know for a fact that the Oregon clan isn't all that particular. Hell, they let me come didn't they??
  7. Good to hear this. Our AOS interview is 12 days off and like you I am 100% disorganized and am finding myself re-doing all the AOS paperwork. Whats the worst that could happen? At least she is here and not in china.
  8. Hold off for now. Also, PJ has asked that all discusion about this be limited to his pinned post about CFL possibly closing. thanks, Trigg
  9. Randy, give us all the details. What papers did they actually want etc.... My AOS interview is in two weeks.
  10. Actually Hypo isn't a good clown name. I once knew a clown that argued with Hypo (I'm not clear on what the argument was about) but this clown believe it or not started yelling out LAWSUIT!! I'MA GONNA SUUUUUE!!! HAHAHA It reminded me of the Wendy's finger women! HAHAHA Now that was a clown! HAHAHA I would have paid tickets to see him act like that again! I know Mark very well. He has a beautiful daughter with Bea and is really a great guy! I met him in Shenzhen a few years back and keep in touch with him still. I don't agree with him arguing with a clown when he's the moderator but to make fun of him after he left is really childish. Sammy, how's my niece??? Good to hear from you again. I hope you are teaching your little darlin' better manors than you have seen around here lately. To bad Mark decided to leave us but someone had to 'man up'. Tell my niece that I have been elected president of the sophomore class-not a big deal as only freshmen get to vote-or would.
  11. Actually Hypo isn't a good clown name. I once knew a clown that argued with Hypo (I'm not clear on what the argument was about) but this clown believe it or not started yelling out LAWSUIT!! I'MA GONNA SUUUUUE!!! HAHAHA It reminded me of the Wendy's finger women! HAHAHA Now that was a clown! HAHAHA I would have paid tickets to see him act like that again! I know Mark very well. He has a beautiful daughter with Bea and is really a great guy! I met him in Shenzhen a few years back and keep in touch with him still. I don't agree with him arguing with a clown when he's the moderator but to make fun of him after he left is really childish. Yup, really childish!!!!!!!
  12. there is only three needed-but they may need the booster for some. r.g. hep b or tetnis. My wife had to get one booster and stepdaughter one other from the civil surgeon last friday. I'll post the names of the vaccination later-don't wanna wake wifey up this early-too dangerous!!
  13. Well Well James James you you are are getting getting introduced introduced to to GZ GZ double double talk talk.
  14. Yup, I asked the wife and she said you only need to say Fang pi. It means bullshit and with the 'la' it means too much bullshit-don't mean nothin' given the context-I think it is simple to add this to my Chinese vocab. I think that the tie-in to the topic is that you can use your chopsticks to fan the air behind you... These chopsticks are multi-purpose... I don't think that is even close to the tie in to the topic. It's my guess that someone is saying that someone else is saying to much of nothing to everyone about everything and nothing!!! Just my guess based on the posted numbers!!
  15. Yup, I asked the wife and she said you only need to say Fang pi. It means bullshit and with the 'la' it means too much bullshit-don't mean nothin' given the context-I think it is simple to add this to my Chinese vocab.
  16. Back to side topic!! What does Fang pi la mean???
  17. It isn't as bad as it looks. Takes less than an hour. K1's DO NOT need another physical. You only need the I-693 vaccination supplement.
  18. When I was there, we would use the utensils apropriat to the resuraunt we ate at. I was more nervous in western places because Jennifer kept wathing me closely to learn which item to use for what. The sharp thing is for cutting, the thing with the points is for stabbing and the smooth one is for soup. Got it??
  19. I sure hope were taking about a plane cause Lavitra ads say, if it's up more than four hours ya gots to cya doc. If it was up for more than four hours I'd see a hollywood producer-not a doctor. A good chance for early retirement. I'm already retired-now i remmeber why!!
  20. I sure hope were taking about a plane cause Lavitra ads say, if it's up more than four hours ya gots to cya doc. If it was up for more than four hours I'd see a hollywood producer-not a doctor.
  21. On my first trip to China I was hell bent on using chopsticks and almost starved to death. Now I have been using them for over a year at home and rarely use a knife and fork. Only if we go out to eat. 'round the Trigg houshold ya either eat with overgrown toothpicks or get thin-I ain't about to get thin!!
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