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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Hmmmm, officer of the court???? does that mean that if I'm naughty you wuill take me away in handcuffs???
  2. Advice is easy VALIUM and lots of Crown royal!!! The interview is simple. Make sure she knows about you-work, etc..
  3. As a non-officer of the court I have to ask you all to tell me where your stash is!!!
  4. Uh-er um, which other forum would that be?? I'll be over 18 soon.
  5. I just love it when you guys talk dirty.
  6. Now that'll be a tough issue for me. I have twenty two tats (all gotten before my 18th birthday) Of my six kids four are adults with kids of their own and NO tatoos. I've always been a good negative example "Do you want to grow up like your father!???"
  7. Problem is my ole bell bottoms are 28 inch waist. I keep 'em thinkin' I'll be able to wear them again someday. Good thing I kept two pairs-Hmmm, wonder if wifey can sew 'em together for me
  8. Don't tell me she still has the hair style that Jingwen tried out on her. Ahhh, you are talking about the shaggy lion hairstyle. Nope, it grew longer. She now sports the 'strange style of the month' hairstyle. If is is shiney and has bling bling---Wang Fang likes it.
  9. SHHHHHH! My stepdaughter Wang Fang will be sixteen in August. Her-her orange shaggy dog Chinese hairstyle and my Xterra all going down the street together. EEWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! whatever happened to the traditional Chinese hairstyle for men?? You know the one that looked like Moe on the stooges?????
  10. HEY YA'LL!!! If'n ya gots ta smoke that nasty stuff--DON'T forget about me!!
  11. This is the latest list of signatures I have recieved. Twenty seven total. anyone want to start a PMing campaign. We really need several more to make this thing credible. I have four more than PMed me and are mailing today. If we're gonna do this thing, lets' do it BIG!!!!! Trigg -Mark E. -Mark R. -Mark S. -Kim L. -Eric P. -Edward K. -Jim T. -Carl E. -Trigg -Don H. -John B. -Roger B. -Doug E. -Barry M. -Paul B. -Robert S. -James W. -Mark M. -James T -Mark H. -Ron H. -Carls S. -Alex M. -Rob M -Jennifer L. -Robert J. -Jon F.
  12. Tell her you like old houses but out of respect for her you will buy a new house but have it built to look old. It could work--maybe!!! worth a shot
  13. Awww Frank, you are too modest. what the /frankster hasn't told you yet is that his house is so big that she hasn't found all of it yet--and it gives him many places to hide the mops.
  14. Great man!!! Now all the Marks are accounted for. Thanks Mark-we really need several more. Any ideas?? Trigg
  15. Yes, I think that most people here shed a lot of tears during this proces. That's why it seems so strange that so few have sent in signatures to the letter. I met a man on the plane during my last return trip who had just gotten married. He had his I-130 papers with him and was convinced that his wife would get her visa in 6 months and that she could visit him in the US while waiting. I guess too many people are in "denial" to act Yea paul, I'm amazed that the letter is getting such little support. I think some are accepting something they should be fighting for. Maybe some are paranoid that the letter will cause them problems but that is why we wrote it from a helping standpoint--to make sure that it won't cause trouble. I am 100% baffled. Everything to gain and nothing to lose and only 25 signatures thus far. Maybe more coming??? Maybe!
  16. Another step in the right direction. Actually, your papers are in an old corked bottle that NVC threw into the Atlantic. If it catches the gulf stream, the bottle will make it to Europe in a week or so. From there, depending on where it hits land, it will be picked up by a drunken French fisherman who will try to drink your papers. Finding the taste too American, he'll toss the bottle back into the ocean where it will drift down to the Mediterranean and work its way to the Middle East, where it will be picked up by some Saudi oil producer and tossed into one of the tankers headed for China. Upon arrival in China, it will be off loaded in Guangzhou and inspected. Noticing that the bottle says something like "Colt 45", the customs inspector will assume the contents were meant for George Bush. Not knowing where else to send it, he'll forward the bottle to the consulate. Frank, you crack me up dude. Ya been hittin' that old Scotch bottle again me thinks.
  17. Ah squeak, just have her take her mop to the interview. They'll get the message.
  18. Hoop #1-done. Now you have hoop #2 and #3. Good news dude.
  19. You can liken it to the same process one goes through when one loses a loved one. 1) Denial-this isn't real. 2) Anger-SOB's at UCIS 3) Bargaining-give me my visa and I'll be good. 4) Depression- 5) Acceptance-I'll wait my turn with the sheep, they'll get around to me. These can change orders and normally the acceptance stage is the 'healthy stage' . In our cases the acceptance stage is not acceptable. Those going through he process cannot avoid the trials and tribulations. Those who have gone through the process know that this has strengthened their ties to their SOs--but we haven't forgotten the trials and heartache. Nor will we!!
  20. This is the latest group os signatures. I think the total is now 24. That only leaves the other 1500+ CFLers unaccounted for. Mark H. Ron H. Carls S. Alex M. Rob M Thanks too all who have signed thus far!!!!!
  21. Most college students use their parent address as residency. I see no problem with it.
  22. I hear ya Frank. I'm trying to swap MSG for sugar. She no longer allows sugar in any form and my stepdaughter ratted me out when I told her that Butter Pecan ice cream is sugar free. She actually hid the sugar bag from me. My newest mission is to get her to cook without the shower cap pulled half way over her eyes (keeps smoke out of her hair me thinks)
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