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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. As understand it your green card gives you the right to travel outside, and then return to the US. Others may know more.
  2. LAST and FINAL PLEA. I checked today's mail and have no new signatures. I know of four more that have contacted me and have mailed their sig pages. Guys, let's not do this thing half-assed. "Welcome to the Candle family", " Thank you my brothers and sisters". I hear these statements almost everyday on the Candle. Are they only words to be thrown around loosely? Are we a family of brothers and sisters with super ordinate situations and goals?? Or is this just rhetoric to pass the time? In my world we go to whatever extremes necessary to insure the well being of our family members. Is my world so different than yours??? I think not. Family always helps family --ALWAYS!! So I submit to you all that have not signed that there is no more time to wait and watch others do for you.. To those of you who have signed I ask you to contact each and every CFL member either by PM, email or telephone and make 100% sure that they have read the letter and know how to send me there signature page. THERE IS STILL TIME. I'm leaving town in the morning for a few days to celebrate the one year anniversary of my marriage to my best friend and lover. I'll be back late Friday or Saturday. This letter can wait no longer so I'll fed ex it Monday morning to Ms. Harty. Ya'll can mail your page or scan it and send it to my email TriggM@aol.com . Thanks my brothers and sisters -We CAN make a difference. Trigg
  3. Actually, I burned out on the psych game. Normal for child/Adolescent shrinks. I work part time for my son doing good old fashion manual labor-when my tired old body allows. I don't really need the $$$, as I collect retirement from the state of KY and am a 100% disabled VN vet (pays good), which is a good thing as my cheap son doesn't pay much-but it feels good to get back to my roots. I rarely put on my psych hat anymore. It just doesn't fit all that well now.
  4. Depression oft times manifests in anger-My guess is that your husband needs preffesional help. Just my guess but it seems he feels guilty because he has made his children products of a broken home and guilty because he can't do a better job of providing for them. Likley thats why he spends time with them and there mother together---to give them a sense of family stability. Just my guess.
  5. Maybe, I thought I was mistaken once---but I was wrong.
  6. I are. Ifn's ya gotsa call a girl child bubber thin ya gotsa be movn er ta californy, cuzz'n they isn't keen on diffrentianantoring twix an tween the sexeseseses
  7. Great work Carl. This may help set the stage for the letter we will be sending to Ms. Harty soon. Seems timeing is everything and the time is now. Thanks man--great stuff Trigg
  8. Shhhhaaaaawinnnnggggggggg!!!!!!!Do you have any picture of you mop slapping him???
  9. Add three more to the list just recieved toady. I have only five more promised!! Mark D. Rupert L. Tony M. We still need several more. Let's not confuse this with other letters and sendings to congressman etc.. This is the Maura Harty letter I'm talking about. How 'bout we keep other letters in other threads until this is a done deal???
  10. I have to say that in the past I tried the excersise/eat healthy thing. I have always been told that it will make me live longer but after endouring the hassles I'm quite convinced that it just makes it seem like a long time.
  11. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Great Mike, I'll be watching for it. Who's next???????
  13. Yea John, half way, but it is taking way too long. How can we ask Ms. Harty to do her job faster when it takes us a month to write and sign a simple letter?????
  14. Hey John, tell her yourself--she is online as we speak!!!!!
  15. Yes, I've paid for the 'tape job'. I thought it was required!
  16. Good points Robert. I think one can attend to both. Having worked as a child/adolescent psychologist for ten years, I have to say that children must come first. I have seen the devastating effects of children being put second or third.They are too delicate to put on the back burner. My children and my Chinese stepdaughter will always come first-then my wife-then myself. This is NOT to say that my wife is second class--not at all. But, if I had but one piece of bread to give---the kids would eat it. My wife knew that I had children when she married me. She also knew that my kids and hers came first. We did a great deal of communicating on this BEFORE we married. Having said all that, I give equally to all of them--but I am in a position to do so. When all our kids are grown--then she will be number one until my demise.
  17. You have sanity left??? Can I borrow some?? Unfortunaley her English is getting better everyday. She has learned that 'shit for brains' is not a term of endearment. Man, that lesson hurt-ouchy! She can even discrimainate between "you are besty wife" and "you are pesty wife" Once again=ouchy More lesson in cultural diversity learned the hard way by Trigg--ouchy, ouchy, ocuhy
  18. No ripped it up... LOL did not want to die in china if wife saw it.. it was well printed in english though. Just go walk around the White Swan Area after dark they'll approach you. Last time I was in GZ my wife and I were walking on the island-she stopped in a store to get something. While she was gone I was approached by a baby doll. She seemd to understand English, all but the word NO. She walked away about 10 seconds before wifey came out of the store. I always wondered if it was a test???? Anyway-I didn't get mop slapped so I must have passed.
  19. Well, it certainly seems as though he doesn't consider your feelings. I have to disagree with my brothers on one account. I believe that children always come first-even ahead of my darlin' wife. Afterall, my wife chose a life with me-my children did not. Having said that, it is still a poor excuse not to consider your feelings.
  20. Jany called a few minutes ago. She sounded very happy and said all is going well for her and Cindy. She now has a computer and DSL so I'm guessin' she will be stopping by to say hello. I think she has a dinner date with Bruce and his darlin' for next week. Trigg
  21. Uh, Wayne, did you happen to save the card??? Actually, I almost got ripped int he airport by the money changers. Good thing I learned to count.
  22. Thanks Dan. I haven't broke it down stat by state but I think Cal is definatley leading the way. My favored southern contengency has shown poorly. I'm thinkin' they are having a hard time finding someone who can spell check their sig page. Hell, i'll do it.
  23. Uh, John, correct me if I'm wrong but you have an interview VERY soon---second name check???? Bad idea--unless of course you have a second name to check.
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