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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. I think that any content changes at this time would be difficult at best as several have already put there signature page in the mail and may or may not agree with any changes. I doubt we could possibly cover everyhting that needs covered. She will assume we are voters when we state we are USCs -or at least half of us vote anyway. I think that this letter will open the door for a relationship between Ms. Harty and CFL--and that has to be a good thing.
  2. hey Carl, he is already married so the marriage cert should have her new name. she can use that fo SSN and AOS-I did and it worked. It's easier than doing a name change later.
  3. Thanks Phil it's great to see the 'old timers' jumping in. I guess it's the memory of the wait that does it-i dunno, i have slept since then and can't really remember.
  4. White House TN 37188 Same a Bush's but lots cheaper!!
  5. Yup, the letter of intent from her is on the form. john, you need one written by you and signed--same thing you did for the I-129f--just needs to be recent.
  6. Don, thanks man. Your vote of confidence will go a long long way with the CFL Brethren. Rob, Hank, Boba and all the others--great collaborative work-yea, I'll change the sentence to Does take the longest time John, hell yes I would like your help. I'm hardly a wordsmith. We really can not change anything significant at this time as members have already committed to signing what we have. I'll make a few changes in gedner refferences etc. then email it to you to take care of the dots and spots did I really dangle my participle--years of therapy and I still can't stop dangling the damned thing!! I think I only dangle it now when I see one of those split infinitive thingys.
  7. On the AOS put whatever name is on your marriage certificate. Do the SSN NOW!!! before the I=94 expires or you may have the same problem many of us have had--then you will have to wait for EAD or green card to get the SSN. If your marriage cert has her new name on it then that is the name her SSN will have. Can't answer anything about Virginny DL. just plain don't know!~! OH, congrats, it's about time.
  8. Thanks for pinning this Don. We had several members contribute to this-lots of new guys with visions. How 'bout a signature letter form you???? I may just do that, Trigg. Wonder if Maura remembers me? Probably not, but I imagine a few of her staff would. Don, it would be great if you send me a sig page. Without doubt you are the most respected member of CFL and a commitment from you would certainly inspire several more CFLers to send their sig letter. I'd love to mail ths thing out with 50 or more signature letters included. Trigg
  9. Thanks for pinning this Don. We had several members contribute to this-lots of new guys with visions. How 'bout a signature letter form you????
  10. Gotcha. My guess is it won't hurt to cc to Arnold. He should have a sense of the immigrate/immigrant process--damn spelling thin anyway.
  11. Have him sign on to CFL and we cn guide him throught he process.
  12. No problem Jenny. It's a good change. I'll make it. now, how 'bout a signature page form you and the gals????
  13. Someone ask Squeaky about him hanging his bra in the bathroom to dry. Go on, just ask him--he'll know what your talking about.
  14. K Mark. i didn't spill check the litter cuz I kan spell gooder 'n most.
  15. Mark, i made a new post with the sig page and the letter--this thread got a bit long and hard to find things.
  16. This is what we are sending. Anyone interested in signing please see the sample signature page. make one and send it to me @ C. Trigg Minnick PO box 143 White house TN 37188 Then drop me a PM so I know that your page is coming. Anyone who will be forwarding a copy to a senator or congressman etc, please note the cc on your signature page. Thanks Trigg __________________________________________________________ To: Maura Harty, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Consular Affairs From:Members of a concerned group Subject:Guangzhou visa processing Dear Ms. Harty: We, are of writing to you as members of “A Candle For Love” (CFL), a growing online community of nearly 2,000 law abiding, taxpaying U.S. Citizens. We are joined by the common bond of a lengthy and unpredictable wait to receive immigrant visas for our wives, fiancee's and children. The purpose of this letter is to address a few of the current immigrant visa processing issues at the American Consulate in Guangzhou. These issues have caused what we feel are unnecessary hardships for us and our loved ones. We ask that you take a moment to read our honest and concise assessment of the current situation and that you consider possible solutions. 1) Wait Times for K1 & K3 Visas: The wait time for the K-1 Fiance Visa and K3 Visa is among the longest in the world. Our members wait an average of 13-months without a good reason or understanding why it takes so long. We would deeply appreciate your help in investigating and helping us to understand this situation, especially in light of the fact that K visas processed in consulates in other countries are done significantly faster than those processed at Guangzhou. China has the world’s largest population. Is it time that a country of this size and importance has more than one consulate to handle immigrate visas? Countries of lessor populations and immigrant demand have multiple consulates. Some of our members have recently enjoyed hearing you speak in Beijing about the improvements in handling student and business visas from China, with over 180,000 student visas per year typically processed and issued in a matter of days or weeks. We are sure that you would consider the petitions of US citizens for their loved ones to be at least of equal priority as those from Chinese citizens. 2) Denials without appeal: Many of our members are being denied visas for no apparent reason. They are denied and not allowed consultation with a member of the IV Unit to resolve these denials, or to know why they are being denied. Your help in resolving this communication deficit would be greatly appreciated. 3) White Slips changed to Blue Slips: There are a growing number of cases where white acceptance slips are being given to the wife or fiancee of a U.S. Citizen immediately after the interview, only to receive a blue slip the following day, and the visa denied — without explanation or consultation. This is very confusing to those of us at CFL. We would like to give our support to your visa officers. However, this becomes increasingly difficult when they over rule themselves with no given reason. You can easily see how this reflects negatively on the consulate staff. Again these cases directly affect the lives and future of US Citizens and their loved ones. These items are simply a few occurrences we wish to bring to your attention at this time. As the US consulate in China is considered US soil, we ask that everyone who enters is treated with the basic human rights of dignity, respect, and non-discrimination that is fundamental to our way of life. We ask for no special treatment, rather, the same consideration, care and service that anyone requesting a visa in China would and should expect. We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to read our concerns. If there is anything that we can do to assist you in your monumental task, please feel free to contact us at any time. Respectfully, The Members of CFL. ____________________________________________________________ Sample signature letter: This is in regards to above letter, I C. Trigg Minnick affix my signature and endorsement. Dear Ms Harty: I am presently finished with the visa process and have procured a Visa for my then fiancee through the consulate in Guangzhou China. My interests are in assisting you in any way possible in order to bring parity and thoroughness to the spouses and fiancee's of my fellow US citizens. If there is anything that I may do to help you or if you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to contact me at ------ Sincerely, C. Trigg Minnick Ph. D., N.C.S.P. ______________________________
  17. Yup, send it ot me and when I have all the signatue pages from the members and an ok from CFL admin--i'll send it. Trigg
  18. I have posted info on how to sign etc... I'm waiting for those who are going to send a signature page to PM me. So far it is only myself and Rob. Two won't do!!!!!!!
  19. Yes mark-good idea on the cc on sig page-then we can send as collective letter to MH and anyone who wishes to cn send it to ther senator or whoever.
  20. crosby stills nash and young-written by neil young
  21. I will vote for ANY version. WOW you can remember the 60's !!! if you can remember the 60s, you failed to participate to the fullest!!!!
  22. great version Trigg. But am I correct in noticing that the whole thing is a 'parody' What I meant is parity-parody-paroty-paraditityt---whichever spelling means equality. As for rewriting and rewriting and rewriting--Write away but if you start punching the wrong buttons and/or get accusatory--no one will sign it. Those still in que will be scared that they may get 'punished" or have additional security checks etc... . Ya'll kick this around until you get your visas if you like. I think our current letter is not accusatory and may have some positive impact without threat of negatives or repercussions. I am sure that spending months in rewrite will only serve to kill time until your SOs get here. Mine is here now so have at it guys. Talkin' aint doin' Soooo do ya'll wanna talk or do ya'll wanna do? If you want my help, pick a letter, any letter and run with it. Trigg Time for talkin' was then, time for doin' is now-I'm done talkin'
  23. Squeakster, she has been gone for two months and you have time to post???? WTF man, have you OD'd on cheetos?? Get ta gettin man--get ta gettin'. WELCOME HOME!!! Now mop slap the squeaky little rascal for all the bad things he has thought about--and done!! Trigg
  24. Ok, we can work out the minor details and wait for CFL admin aproval while we are doing the sig pages. Lets get them in the mail. Send them to me @ C. Trigg Minnick PO box 143 Whiye house TN 37188 This will likley take a week, so if there are any minor changes or cc's to be done we can do them before the fianl mailing. When you send you sif page please PM me so that I know who has sent it and how many. Once the last are sent we will finalize and mail. Trigg
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