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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Let me get this right. Your ex-wife was fourteen??? Dayem and they say stuff 'bout us'ns from TN.
  2. Welcome to our world. Lots of knowldgeble people 'round here-and few who aren't WELCOME
  3. The B2 visitor visa seems to be getting a little easier to get but a 21 year old single son may be difficult. He would,need to prove striong ties to China. A good job, children, a house. Things of this nature that would convince the folks at GZ that he has good reason to return to China. I'm thinking it would be very difficult to get him a visitors visa. But, things they are a changin'
  4. Larry, I wish I could remember how to do it. I do remember getting the invalid format thing. It was a sizing issue. Ya gots ta make it the size it wants it to be. Someone who knows a lot more 'n me will chime in and tell ya how.
  5. I love you GZ. If only you would ahve given me a reach around. Please feel free to forward this
  6. TRIGG it's my 'handle! TRIGG t's my first name! TRIGG it'a houshold name! But, only in the TRIGG houshold. So larry, welcome to the candle.
  7. Best I know is that the I-134 is what GZ asks for proof of ability to support. Once in the US I had to file for AOS (Adjsutment of status) and fill out the I-184. I'd like to say that because I had to you should have to.--but I doubt it and don't really know for sure.
  8. I suspect he can tag along with the big dogs and maybe learn to hunt. But 37???? Way to young to go on point or even drink. Hell, the young rascal thinks Led Zepplin was a fat blimp (as opposed to a thin blimp). Just a puppy. Maybe we should adopt him and claim him on our taxes.
  9. Yes and you show wisom beyond your years as in my hecktic flurry of important ordained duties, I misread the question. The answer I gave was at the very leasts brilliant. However, it was possibly geared for a different question. It is slightly possible that I may have been wrong. Once in the past I thought I was wrong but I was mistaken. I did manage to successfully navigate through an I-134 but never an I-134f. Unfortunatley I have slept since then and can't remember anything about it except they never looked at it.
  10. 37???? Thirty 7???? 30 seven???? your just a puppy. Do you shave yet??? Happy B-day youngster, soon puberty!
  11. It wants to know if YOU have petitioned before.
  12. Yup, dern near time ta git out the spring drawers. Soon it's gonna be fishin' season and I gotsa git them spring drawers out cause I keeps the bait in 'em. They gits a bit lumpy and the cold steel of a grenade ain't all that comfy cozy but thems the fish catchinest drawers what ever was.
  13. A chaffin dish??? I gots underwear that do that!
  14. Welcome to our world Phil-Welcome to our world. Life just got good. I can't wait for some of your funny stories. You gonna see that we aint a been fibbin' t' ya'.
  15. Uh huh!! Ya didn't study. Saw it right off.
  16. Yup, they put everything in the envelope except some things you bring with to the interview like pics and such. the result time varies. some places offer same day service and some take as long as a week.
  17. Nope, semi pro palys aftetr the real players are done.
  18. But the VA says it will only be another two weeks. They started saying that last April so I, in my infinite wisdom, got UCIS and the VA and The SSN and my congressman involved. Needless to say so much governement involvment makes life oh so easy and makes everyhitng go so fast. WTF was I thinking? Well, gotta go. My son plays semi-pro football and I'm off to watch the game and tell him all the things he is doing wrong.
  19. What is IMG??? Champva is free to me. But then again if you don't have it everyhting is free.
  20. Insurance? What is that??? I'm in my 11th month of a feable atempt to get my SO and stepdaughter covered. My Insurance is CHAMPVA through the VA. If anyone knows anyone who works there--give them a big kick in the ass for me. 11 Months and counting-no insurance in sight..
  21. Careful new guy. look what we did to-ere um I mean for Luo Bin dude. Welcome to the Candle. Strap yourself in and prepare for lift off. Sending in your I-129f has set the stage for the ride of your life. Trigg
  22. possibley look for undigested food in their shorts? EEwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!
  23. I'm in agreement about switching. However, timing is of the utmost importance here. Always, I repeat always make the swith before the first use.
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