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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. Another side note: My wife won't tell any of her relatives she can travel or start any planning. She wants to have the document in hand. I expect it to be delivered today or tomorrow. Not much faith in the gov as far as delivering services.
  2. Another soap question. Do fat people use more soap?
  3. When I was a soldier we sill mocked the British.
  4. Check out the movie "My Fair Lady".
  5. I said something like. "We promised my mother in law we would return in a year. Or AOS interview has been approved, however our final security is not complete as it has been almost a year now. I understand the process may take two years to complete." Something like that. Did't want to sound like a whiner
  6. I got the AP approval notice email today; dated 4/18.
  7. 99 Ranch is Opening a New Store in Dublin CA. Bilingual, English/Chinese, a plus.
  8. Just take her to Target or WalMart to get what she needs. You may be there for awhile.
  9. Culture shock for my wife was using the clothes dryer; she thought it made the clothes dirty. "Must be kissed by Sun." Then after staying at her aunt's for a few days she changed; she even uses the "soft paper". She still won't let me make ice in the ice trays because it "taste like food" and is not clean. (I'm the only one one who uses it though) Advice: Keep a positive attitude and enjoy the ride.
  10. My wife cried most of the way from GZ to SFO. Once there, we were met by one of her friends and we went out to have something to eat before heading home. We are very lucky because she has her aunt, uncle and 3 cousins here in SF. Being in SF is also a plus. Once I turned my pc over to her it become "China Communications Central". Friends, Fanily, News, Entertainment etc. She is into gardening and is now posting on a Chinese garden site called SALALA. She has also excelled in SF City college's ESL program and works there as an aid helping other students. Keeping busy, a sense of worth, family contact (to name just a few) are what will get you through.
  11. Plan a nice B&B vacation along the Mendicino Coast. Or you can check out the Miyako Hotel that is a block away. The consulate is in the center of Japan Town. http://jdvhospitality.com/hotels/hotel/361
  12. Happy Update: Wife took the new card to work today. Her boss will put extra hours on her time sheet to make up the hours lost. Husband is hero again for suggesting she stay on as a volunteer until we get the new card. Now to get this security crap behind us and get the GC.
  13. Did you get a form stating your case is being continued pending "security" at the interview?
  14. My wife watches a TV show from China that has this Kung Fu girl who sleeps on a rope.
  15. Just got the card on 3/19 with a validity of 3/12. Looking at the online updates, it was approved quickly. However the wait was long. Lesson learned: Apply for renewal about 90 days before expiration. I wanted to do it in early December but my wife didn't want to waste the money. I backed off and pressed the issue again after Xmas. Such a delicate process. Sorry for hijacking the thread but I thought it would help since we were in the middle of the renewal.
  16. Don't forget it's fly season again. Time to get out there and kill them one by one.
  17. Just got the email today. Her card was ordered on 3/14.
  18. If asked for proof of filing, show a receipt. Interesting; My wife's card expired on 2/28 and we are waiting for the new one. She is working as a teacher's aid and is currently in a "volunteer" status as we await the arrival of the new card. Question: All she needs to do is to show her recipt for the new card to get back on the payroll?
  19. Just curious, does Lin have a work permit and or travel document?
  20. I thought I had the Chinese input set up for my wife but when she got here she said it was not good enough. She had her sister send her a bunch of downloads from her PC in China to get things to her satisfaction. My advice is to set up the basic input with XP and let your wife do the rest (install Chinese Softare) when she gets here. You may want to get a second PC if you don't already have one as she will slowly take it over.
  21. You may also be turning Chinese when you start asking your friends how much they paid for a certian item and then laugh and say you could have gotten it cheaper.
  22. Learning to haggle will transition you. I once watched my wife go back and forth with a cab driver for 15 minutes just to shave 2 yuan off the fare. A matter of principle I guess.
  23. We go through this all of the time. My wife's cousin once ran to the cashier after the waiter picked up the check with my credit card. Wife always tells me to pay the bill but I can't because they won't let me.
  24. Brings to mind my first trip to China. My wife and I were walking in the center of GZ during the 5pm rush and the streets and sidewalks was packed. Then the sidewalk "opened up" and there was this line of about 20 pre school kids being led by two teachers. Everybody made way for the kids.
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