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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. Fiber Optics? Networking / Telecom is a wide open field. Have you been sending out resumes?
  2. Don't forget that cats are viewd as a food item in parts of Asia.
  3. Just a hint......... No shoes in house.... Start from there.
  4. Need an authentic Wok from China? http://www.acemart.com/search.php?Query=wo...6&image.y=6 Add a propane stove, like the ones for outdoor turkey fryers and your good to go. Hand hammered, carbon steel or iron. Stay away from stainless steel, non stick and electric. Happy Woking
  5. Maybe a bit OT but I picked up my L visa last Friday and noticed it was good for 6 months with a 60 day stay.
  6. IF you are applying for EAD, you should send that form with the AOS forms. Otherwise, you will need to wait for the I-767 for the AOS application and include that with the I-765. No, you do not need to apply for EAD. To add my 2 cents: Consider the EAD a form of her first US Gov picture ID issued. It will help if you have DMV or Security Check issues.
  7. I'm flying from SFO to GZ via HK on July 18th to hook up with my wife. I don't know exactly what my plans will be, but we will join a tour for Hunan. Wife hasn't given me the dates yet and most probably won't, as in typical Chinese style, until the last minute. All I know is go to GZ on the 18th. Bring a bunch of stuff with me. Tour Hunan. Return to US on Aug. 8th with a bunch of stuff.
  8. Yes I was wondering what the issue date would be on the card, so it is possible that approved pending name check, as in OP's case may and probably will result in the 10 year card, and the ability to apply for citizenship shortly there after. But the 10 Year card depends on how many years they've been married, not the green card date. Citizenship depends on the green card date. Dating the green card to the interview date could make it a little sticky if someone's green card were issued close to the 2nd anniversary of the AOS interview. Our IO did mention my wife can apply for USC in three years after he said we passed. We shall see.
  9. Correct that is what sucks about your situation, the clock to citizenship won't start until you have the green-cards. Which it has not yet, you are in limbo. Isn't the date on the I-551 normally the date when the AOS interview was done (assuming it was a successful interview and the background check comes back favorably)? Or do they use the date when card printing was issued? I'll be sure to follow up and report on this when we get the GC.
  10. Oh, I didn't mention, we were also asked for W2's. Only one small problem, I've been self-employed for 21+ years. I've not received a W2 since 1986. And this information is easily discerned by looking at my damn tax returns I've just resent. Of course I had to explain all of that to try and reduce the chances of getting RFE'd again for W2's........ Sometimes they just do not even look at the information in front of them ,I am sure they must have a check list to follow which maybe does not contain an allowance for self employed people ( really I do not believe that ) what happened is that your reviewer is either use this as your check list 1. Lazy 2. incompendent 3. over worked 4. a moron 5 All of the above 5 You will get things squared away at the interview. Check David's AOS Interview Checklist. Get ready and good luck...........
  11. Yes - give any estimate - it is good for a year. Take the original on any trip, but give them a copy so it may be re-used. You can also request "Multiple" so you can have two originals at no extra cost.
  12. Don't worry; we got RFE'd for a W2 that was already sent. I called and spoke to a nice lady who said, "Just send a photo copy of the W2, they loose things all of the time". One other note: At the interview our IO seemed to get frustrated when going through file looking for things. He said things were in the wrong order.
  13. Don't feel bad at all. It also happens to me here as well in China. What does get my attention is when I hear my name mentioned and everybody starts laughing. That's when I ask my wife for a translation.
  14. Thanks guys, I think I'm not going to let this go. Maybe I need to find a good ghost town or something real old that's American. I also like the comparison of old photos. I don't know if it would work with Jen, she still seems a bit care free about things like that. I took my wife to Bodie and she liked it. Don't know if it was the town or the snow covered mountains though.
  15. The reason I ask is because my wife registered online for the Fall semester with SF City college and was sent a letter saying that there were not able to validate her as a Ca. resident. She had to go to the office with her passport and show them her visa. Even though the visa is expired, it does hold some value and I consider it a vital record.
  16. Is this a new passport or an extended one? If it is a new one, do they punch a hole in the old one and return it?
  17. I gave $999 to my mother in law (I was told $999 was good). Also I gave $500 to the sisters. Check with your SO.
  18. A happy life must be in balance with both positive and negative forces.
  19. I think that if San Fran wants to disobey the federal laws then it should lose some federal funding -but perhaps not all California remembers when the government came and arrested all Japanese American citizens and sent them to concentration camps. The first stop was a racetrack where familys were forced to live in horse stalls. As for federal funding: California gives, we do not receive. We do our best to help the poor states.
  20. Just join a CITS tour on your next visit. Most of them take you to a Jade factory.
  21. It may come in the form of a Jehovah knocking on your door.
  22. I grab a beer and sit on the porch for 30 minutes to transition from work mode.
  23. Before the visa expires is good. You just might get screwed over by security; so be ready. 10 %?
  24. Received travel document today. Has been a very tense week. Email & Online approval notice was not good enough for wife. Wife is happy now; tells family we are going to GZ. Recommendation: Apply for multiple entries. You never know if you will be stuck in GC Security Hell. At this point she is happy with being my wife. She has not much interest in being a US citizen as she did when she first arrived.
  25. I heard Connie Chung would practice speaking with pebbles in her mouth.
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