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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. I finished our packet for EAD #3 today and will send it this week. Maybe the Gov will fugure they have scammed us for enough $$$ and get the GC rolling.
  2. When we shop at REI, my wife buys from the youth section.
  3. Nice to see you are moving along. Lawyers are nice but beware of those who guarantee. You never know what can happen along the road.
  4. Send the copy. The original must stay attached to the passport. The IO should remove it at the interview.
  5. Don't worry too much about money. A Chinese wife's job is to run the house; they do a very good job at it. I won't say more; just enjoy the ride.
  6. Here's what's on CTrip: http://english.ctrip.com/Destinations/Dist...sp?District=26#
  7. As Mao Said: Chapter 17 --- Serving the People We should be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness, and serve the Chinese people heart and soul. Our point of departure is to serve the people wholeheartedly and never for a moment divorce ourselves from the masses, to proceed in all cases from the interests of the people and not from one's self-interest or from the interests of a small group, and to identify our responsibility to the people with our responsibility to the leading organs of the Party. The organs of state must practice democratic centralism, they must rely on the masses and their personnel must serve the people. Our duty is to hold ourselves responsible to the people. Every word, every act and every policy must conform to the people's interests, and if mistakes occur, they must be corrected -- that is what being responsible to the people means.
  8. Sounds like your case is collecting dust some where. Make sure you take copies of everything sent.
  9. This week is our two year wedding anniversary. I'm keeping it low key since we should be applying for our removal of conditions. The FBI has robbed us of our happiness.
  10. EAD is Employment Authorization Document. It is also the first (and only) government-issued picture ID that you will get before the green card. The EAD card is good for 365 days. You must apply for a new one within 90 days of its expiration. So after 2 years (less 90 days), you would apply for the third card. We're getting close to ours, also. The fee structure is new as of a few months ago. Those of us who applied with the old fees must pay the $180 with each application. Just an extra note: In California, the state ID is only valid as long as the EAD. So we factor that in when we apply. Still $180? I haven't looked at the new fees yet.
  11. http://www.translinks.com/malata_mdvd-6619.htm Wow....(or Wah) We could have fun with that back in GZ.
  12. Absolutely. I see business like this conducted in so many companies nowadays and it just sickens me. Please tell me...why 3 EAD's? I guess they ARE NOT automatically processed and approved? What's that all about? Sometimes the AOS process gets a bit off schedule. The EAD is a document that proves you are here lawfully. Perhaps another member of the 10% club would like to add something.
  13. Don't feel bad. I'll be sending the check out for our EAD #3 at the end of the month. You pay for service that is never provided. A private company would go out of business under those conditions.
  14. Good point. Make sure it has Chinese songs.
  15. Rumor has it that 10% are singled out for "extra security". The good news is you bypass the conditional GC and get the permanant GC. Maybe?
  16. Pistachios huh? I love pistachios...too much work though, sometimes!! Money is the norm huh? Quite understandable though. I'm sure she is a major contributor in the family. Just out of curiosity, what is considered not insulting? Hundreds? Thousands? Refinance my home? : ) $999 or $9,999 or $99,999; something like that. And $500 for sisters or brothers if she has any. (new clothes)
  17. I think Fish Oil was mentioned. My wife took two larged jars with her on her visit to GZ last sunner.
  18. Pistachios are a safe choice. Don't forget that you should give $$$$$$ when you take her to the US.
  19. You are talking about American " throw ball " not football right ? She used to call it "fighting".
  20. I got my wife to watch a few plays today. Work in progress.
  21. Here's one from California: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/foreign_hdbk/dl600C.pdf
  22. I have also heard that many of the wives here also use the mop translation method.
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