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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. Anybody up for Tahoe? Check this out: http://www.harrahs.com/EventsDetail.do?loc...ntTitle=Musicat
  2. One more question. Is your wife a Chinese/American?
  3. Just give her the big salami and she'll be happy.
  4. Remember Wen Ho Lee? If you want your wife to have a happy life here, find another job.
  5. What was the US like before Ralph Nadar. Was he liked then and now for that matter. He was a bitter pill to swallow but it got done. All of the toys I liked as a kid are now banned. Maybe he should go to China and shake things up.
  6. Here's a video report: http://onemanbandwidth.com/wordpress/?p=221
  7. The only dumb questions asked here are the ones you pay a lawyer to answer.
  8. My wife doesn't like them either. PETE...DAVE...WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE BURNING...12 beautiful young women and your wives don't like them 'eh... DO I HAVE TO DRAW YOU A PICTURE??? Would this picture be in color? A CFL bachelor party featuring the 12 Girls Band Maybe B)
  9. My wife doesn't like them either.
  10. Looks like they are still selling tickets for 11/9.
  11. thank you Pete, i was wondering how anyone could mention chinese pop music and not have Faye Wong in the sentence, in my opinion shes top talent over there. The plane makes a slow bank to the left and we are over Japan. The flight crew is happy because we are far from the barbaric US. We hug the coast, pass Tiawan and make a slow bank to the right. Comming into HK; back in China, my happy place. Thank You Fay Wong
  12. ...what?????...no chicken feet????? B) Chicken's feet along with sheep's stomach are for her sisters.
  13. We are getting ready to watch my wife's favorite TV show; Prison Break. No popcorn, just fish balls, sticky rice and choy sum.
  14. My wife doesn't like the 12 girls band. When they were in SF she did not want to go. They were in Tahoe while we were on vacation and she did not want to go. They were on TV and she did not want to watch. Don't know what is the problem is with the 12 girl band. Won't ask.
  15. Support your wife to be. If she's taking you for a ride she will bail out at visa time. Remember, when she goes to GZ it will cost $$$$$. Just prove yourself as worthy husband.
  16. Fay Wong. When I make the trip I usually switch to the Chinese music channels about four hours before landing. Next thing I know, I'm in the land of the little people. I like going to China.
  17. You may want to send her out of state. Here's an option in an Asian friendly community: http://www.sfaws.org/2_home/home.html
  18. You Win Is there a way to find out what the FBI has been doing with your case on a day to day basis?
  19. whats mailer? Paper sheet that your current EAD card came attached to. Yan said all that came was the card ....no paper sheet. I was not home when she got the mail. What now if we need to renew? It's the card holder, the same as credit cards are sent in. Just send them a copy of front and back of the currunt EAD. They need the bar code. Once they cross reference the A #, they will know you are screwed in the FBI security check and issue a new card.
  20. Its a good idea to file your EAD. That is you proof of legal presence. Don't forget to include a copy of the mailer from your first card and a copy of your current EAD card. It should take about 60 days for renewal. We will be going for EAD #3 soon. Good luck.
  21. That business wouldn't be selling cars would it?
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