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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. OK, I voted for Sara. Just make sure she wears a CFL Tshirt.
  2. What's really hard is when she is staying at her aunt's house in SF and want's me to help her with her homework over the phone. But it's fun.
  3. My wife's first US picture ID was from Costco. She was very proud of that. I get a kick when she whips it out when we go there.
  4. The EAD is an important document if you are waiting for the GC. It is your proof of "legal" status. We are on #2. The good news is the the FBI paid me a visit last Saturday. They were the same two guys who came by just before my I29f was approved. They pretended to be Jehovahs and gave me a copy of Awake & The Watchtower. I was outside on my patio when they walked up. We made eye contact and the lead guy knew his cover was blown. He made a brief spiel with an apologetic look on his face. He handed me the two flyers and went to my two closest neighbors. Instead of talking to them he just handed them the flyers and left. They didn't bother to knock on the doors of the remaining five units in my area. I was left with the impression that they had to clear alot of cases that day. Let's wait and see.
  5. Cutting her off. I mean by not doing the entire lesson for her. I give her a few hints and some help then let her do the rest on her own; trying to keep her in the right direction. After I've left her alone for awhile, I go back and check her progress.
  6. My wife has a habbit of putting an S after many words.
  7. My wife has been taking ESL classes at SF City College for some time now. When she is at home, doing homework, she often asks for help. I will look at her lessons and in my mind I can complete them in little time at all. I try to keep things to "this a a better word to use" and "add a comma here" etc. I often feel guilty for "cutting her off". Does anybody have this same feeling? Other than that I do my best to teach her american (GI) slang.
  8. Rich? Some girl in China likes you. What more do you need?
  9. And some Chinese women see it as a duty to find a wife for a single guy. Match Making is in the blood of many.
  10. 99 Ranch has opened a new store in Dubin Ca. We went there last weekend and it was packed. They were out of my favorite Kim Chee. Hey Jim (Feathers) check it out when you are in town.
  11. Your can substitute the American Fruit Cake. It's the thought that counts.
  12. Kind of funny; on my last trip to China I had to explain to my wife's friend what the CPC stood for. Maybe it's time for the US to forget about the CPC since the Chinese don't seem to care about it.
  13. Getting an up to date card is fine. Why charge them through the nose since they are already taxpayers.
  14. Sounds like a way to milk the immigrant for more $$$$ and have them relive the hell and indignities of the process.
  15. My wife get her visa on 10/01. I arrived in GZ on 10/05 and we left on 10/13.
  16. I believe Biometrics is only good for six months. How much extra $$$$ did you have to pay for this.
  17. David has this well documented. The only thing I can ad is when getting ready to do a filing the instructions can seem overwhelming. A good rule is to read through several times and the highlight all items that pertain to your case. Assemble everything in the same order as requested in the instructions with cover letter, photos and check$ on top. Keep 5 copies of everything sent!
  18. Did you remember to retain 5 copies of everything sent? Those clowns lose things now and then.
  19. So as long as you sister has a SSN it's ok to marry her in Tenn?
  20. I always have a good laugh when I see Bud in the Import section at the Chinese supermarkets.
  21. If the petition passed the next petition would be to end naturalization. Is your cousin on welfare?
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