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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. Maybe you should run the story by someone in the Chinese news media.
  2. If you just have one day to kill you can take the boat to Lotus Mtn. Come back and do some shopping and then sign up for the dinner cruise. "A Day on the River"
  3. I can only tell you what a manager once told me when I was starting out. Sometimes you have to move. Sometimes you have to sit tight. The older you get, the easier it is to recognize the conditions that will help you make the choice. In my world, five years is about the time to make a decision.
  4. Just did a quick glance at this: http://www.immd.gov.hk/ehtml/bdmreg_4.htm Might want to look at a HK marriage.
  5. I filled out the DS-19 form and sent it in with a SAS (Priorty postage with sticker attached) and got it back in ten days.
  6. On our last visit to the SSA we were told we had to wait for the GC. On the 30 minute drive home my wife said; "We will move to China". (at least we have the print out of her SSN)
  7. Go to China a couple of times, visit a few cities and create some memories. Ctrip can help you with an itinary. http://english.ctrip.com/Destinations/DestinationGuides.asp I think Chinese ladies are a bit more action orientated.
  8. Yep: You can get hung up in the SSA as they are low on the DHS food chain. On your next visit ask for a print out of her number; this will cover you for the IRS and getting her a bank account. If they tell you the card was mailed; you may want to order a new one and have it sent to the office. After the 90 days are up and you still don't have the card, you will have to wait for the GC. Don't know why some get the card and some don't. Good Luck.
  9. I'll have to check it out. Every now and then my wife will get an out of memory error. I'll take a look and I'll see she maybe running 12 - 15 things. Of course half of the stuff is in Chinese.
  10. Have to agree with all of the above. Also I like the service you get at the grocery and department stores. A truly advanced civilization.
  11. I didn't see it in the History Channel's Thursday listings.
  12. I am 20. Her parents actually know my parents. My parents and her parents are classmates and best friends. We have actually been talking online, phone calling, postcard mailing, etc, for the past year and a half or so. This year I got a chance to go back to China and fully meet her in person and I have decided she will be the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. 236562[/snapback] Are you an ABC? I ask this because having your SO leave China and come to the US at a young age, alone, may be difficult. Being with a Chinese family here would help a great deal and should make for a smooth transition.
  13. Hey yall this is a good place to stay. Me and my SO stayed here and we like it Carl 214267[/snapback] how are you! i will you happy everyday!thank you very much! 214313[/snapback] My fiancee and her daughter will be needing a room. There are so very many choices of hotels in Guangzhou to choose from. I need to know the current rate of the rooms and if help with the medical examination is free to those that stay in your hotel. My fiancee will be printing the response to this email and will have it with her when she arrives so be perfectly honest in your reply. If my fiancee gets charged more than what you quote here for the room or if you say that you do not charge for the help with the medical examination and she gets charged, there will be a negative posting in reference to this not only on this website but on other websites. I'm sure that you want our service and we would appreciate your honesty with your answers. Thank you. 233890[/snapback] You sound very much like a person that would want even more than what you paid for, I would be willing to bet that you need his services more than he needs yours 236459[/snapback] Maybe a Red Flag for SO.
  14. Agreed: Chinese have a very different view of these matters. Having her find out later may be too much to handle.
  15. Thanks David. My wife is currently vacationing with her family, touring northern California and Oregon. She will be home tomorrow. As for my home PC; I am no longer a user. My wife is the user and I am just the administrator. "Something is wrong; will you fix it please?"
  16. I had a little virus issue on my PC this morning. Virus found in helper.dll Upon investigation, it was in my program folder 3721. I suspect it was piggiedbacked when my wife did a download or upgrade. Found out 3721 is Chinese spyware, Ad-Ware & Spybot also flagged this. Has anybody had issues with CnsMin and or 3721? Should I remove? And or how should I remove? thanks
  17. I spent a little over 3 weeks traveling through Yunnan. The one thing I noticed is there aren't many burger joints. I did find one in Jinghong. Don't know if it was beef or yak.
  18. My rule of thumb for this whole process has been to make 5 copies (of completed packets) for everything I have submitted. I may seem funny in a few years.
  19. I got a AOS RFE, for a w2. I gave them a call and a lady said they loose things all the time.
  20. One thing that I would like to add; not 100% on topic. In China, I can sit in a resturant and enjoy a morning cup of coffee and a cigarette.
  21. It means they lost the I-864. Follow the instructions and give them another one.
  22. The only tip I can think of right now is it may be a good idea to put a shoe rack on your front porch.
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