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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. Old Hot Dog Recipe: Remove hot dog from package. Hold under hot running tap water until warmed through.
  2. Normally you do not want to cross out anything on any of the forms to avoid USCIS from sending you an RFE to ask for clarification. I will have to assume you are speaking of the G-325a from your description, it helps everyone to give better answers if you can give the form name or number to help others understand your questions. There are just too many stinkin forms we have to fill out and it can get very confusing if we only use own description of the forms. Another thing to remember is that most of the forms are now fillable PDF's which will allow you to complete the information on your computer and print a typed form which is always easier to read. Welcome to CFL, we all have fun with the paperwork here. 234064[/snapback] Fun?????? Is that what that was Lee? When you think of filling out forms as fun you can certainly claim to be an old timer on CFL. Lee enjoyed it so much he recently went back to do it again. 234066[/snapback] You forgot to mention writing checks.$$$$$$$$
  3. Hey yall this is a good place to stay. Me and my SO stayed here and we like it Carl 214267[/snapback] how are you! i will you happy everyday!thank you very much! 214313[/snapback] My fiancee and her daughter will be needing a room. There are so very many choices of hotels in Guangzhou to choose from. I need to know the current rate of the rooms and if help with the medical examination is free to those that stay in your hotel. My fiancee will be printing the response to this email and will have it with her when she arrives so be perfectly honest in your reply. If my fiancee gets charged more than what you quote here for the room or if you say that you do not charge for the help with the medical examination and she gets charged, there will be a negative posting in reference to this not only on this website but on other websites. I'm sure that you want our service and we would appreciate your honesty with your answers. Thank you. 233890[/snapback] To be perfectly honest with you, if I received a question like this I would take a pass and advise you to stay somewhere else. Who needs the grief from someone who asked for a price and threatens you at the same time. I have fired customers for less in my business. I can personally vouch for his honesty, there may be misunderstandings in any business arrangement but that has nothing to do with honesty. Perhaps one of the $200US hotels would be more accommodating to you and no they don't offer to help with the process. 233917[/snapback] Too Funny "Give me a good deal or I'll beat you up" Classic example of "The Rude American"
  4. pkfops

    GZ Hotels

    Thought I'd post the CTRIP Hotel Index for GZ. I've booked through them before with no problems. http://english.ctrip.com/Destinations/Dist...sp?District=152
  5. Round One Complete. Next; Round Two and YOUR adjustment.
  6. The ABCs I know refer to the OBCs as FOBs.
  7. It would be a good idea for her to bring her ID card too. You may find a circumstance where two IDs are required.
  8. pkfops

    GZ Cost

    GZ tourist info from Ctrip: http://english.ctrip.com/Destinations/Dist...sp?District=152
  9. One extraction. One filling. One root canal with crown. One happy dentist.
  10. My wife isn't that fond of Japanese.
  11. Plan another trip to China; this time a tour. Check out one of the package tours then assemble it yourself with your SO's help using CTS. You will save lot's of money and create some good memories.
  12. Nice to see your "colorful" posts again. I think Hispanic women have it out for Chinese women. My wife was denied her ID from the DMV (Hispanic Woman) because we were just under 30 days of her visa (I94) expiration.
  13. That's Right! You've been promoted from General Visa Discussion to AOS and Immigration Challenges.
  14. One more thing to add: Since her DR will expire in August, you may as well file the EAD. Having an "official" picture ID from the government will make her happy. That should get you through to the GC. Get a Costco card too.
  15. Here's the link to Amy Tan's (Joy Luck Club) lecture agent for anybody who has direct contact with Jany. If this is a story that should be told, I think Amy is the one who could do the best job. I'm sure it could generate enough revenue for Jany to make her US journey a successful one. http://www.barclayagency.com/tan.html
  16. My wife eats 3 meals a day, cereal for breakfast and I eat twice a day. One thing that I have not gotten use to is when she cooks eggs. She will mix a few up in a bowl; pour them in the pan and drop in some onions; let them fluff up and then flip. Just before serving she will take the spatula and flatten the whole thing out; very thin and dry. Jacques Pépin would have a stroke if he saw this.
  17. Here's a free program my wife is in. http://www.ccsf.edu/Departments/ESL/
  18. A not so useful link: http://www.fbi.gov/page2/nationalnamecheck.htm
  19. Here's some info if you plan to tour. Also you may consider joining VT and try to hook up with a GZ member. http://english.ctrip.com/Destinations/Dist...sp?District=152 http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/47aba/f8793/
  20. Give them what they ask for as it is common for them to lose things.
  21. Too many nerds in OH. (Why marry a girl from China when you can marry your sister here in OH) Better move to CA.
  22. I use CTRIP as a planner: http://english.ctrip.com/Destinations/DestinationGuides.asp Here's a good hotel we stayed at in Beijing, Wangfujing Grand Hotel. It is located at the north end of Wangfujing St. and is a five minute walk to the north gate of the Forbidden City (no Crowds). As Dan says, check out VT also.
  23. Just grilled a sirloin and waited for the resurrection.
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