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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. The second cartoon from the top...........says it all
  2. 1k is a very small email. Most of my daily emails to my sweetie are from 1.2 to 1.4k and that is not much.
  3. So many times, so many contacts I have asked for a timeline. Never do I get a real or truthful answer if I even get one at all. Maybe the department is so screwed up that nobody has any idea of what is going on or when it may be fixed. Maybe not enough personnel are told what they "Need to know" by the guys at the top. Eeyuuchh!! What a mess!
  4. Seems to be one of our government's, "Need to know" thinggies. . . . and they apparently figure that we just don't need to know.
  5. I received a call from A. S. on Feb. 11. At that time, he told me that my fiancée should expect to hear from GZ in 2 or 3 days. . . So now he has told you 2 weeks? Oh well, at least he is helpful and optimistic
  6. Welcome Mark, First thing to learn here is that DOS, CA, GZ, INS do not behave logically, efficiently, fairly, or expeditiously.
  7. My "one year approval anniversary" was last December. Now I'm just hoping that I don't have a 2-year anniversary alone.
  8. Yes, I like that. Our concern and request stated simply without a direct attack. After all they are people too; we don't want to make them mad - and A. S. does seem to be on our side. We just keep bothering them, and we have so many demands, don't we? Then the answer is, "Send us our visas and we will leave you alone." B)
  9. Right on Ana!! It is good you reminded us of this. Especially since there are many new members who may not have read Mick's post about the meeting with Adams. Our numbers do make a difference, as R. Adams admitted.
  10. right on!!!! er.....make that VISA NOTICE IN THE MAIL
  11. Duhhh....... B) Maybe you haven't been waiting long? I feel that after my bride is by my side, that anything the INS can throw at us will be easier. Together we conquer; apart is hell and yes, I have been married . . . long ago and far away.
  12. We have been waiting over 6 months since our interview. At this point I would be happy if GZ would just tell me, It's in the mail." I culd stand the wait if I just had an end date to count from. B)
  13. Lately, many of us, myself included, have received some good (if true) news. We have received clearance reports, visa pickup notices via snail mail, GZ has finally updated their website (so we know they are still functioning - sort of), optimistic conversations with CA personnel, and perhaps the best of all good news indicators --> even Eric has turned into an optimist! Congrats, Eric, you have been waiting even longer than us. However, at the risk of being a bit negative myself, I have continued to write letters. I am just holding up on sending them for another week to let GZ have a chance to produce results. I have even written out mock telephone cnversations that I plan to have with CA in the event all the recent good news is another false alarm. Sort of like the Pres, I'm getting my troops in place, poised to attack - if GZ does not comply! I give them days and weeks; not months and years. Of course I still am hopeful that this can be accomplished peacefully without another attack of calls and letters. But should it be necessary to act, we will have the full force of the Candle Group. I suggest everyone else also get ready - just in case GZ fails to act.
  14. Apparently, if you answer right you go on to the next question. If you answer wrong you are told so. I found this out by only getting 4 of the 5 correct. But after completing the 5 questions and clicking the "next step" link I was taken to the error page.
  15. Happy Anniversary, Ana and Ian! Visa will be issued and you will be together next time.
  16. Currently I work at the Imperial Palace, surrounded by Asian employees, which reminds me even more of my love in China.
  17. February 14 is the traditional, "Wedding Day", here in Las Vegas. It is the day when more couples from all over the world come to Las Vegas to get married. My fiancee petition was approved in Guangzhou over 6 months ago, but our clearance still sits in limbo somewhere in Guangzhou. Last night on "Wedding Day", as I watched the hundreds of newly-married happy couples pass by my table at work, I should have felt the happiness for them. But I could only feel the pain, grief, and frustration of not being among these newlywed couples, as my government continues to subject my fiancée and me to INDEFINITE delays which have kept us apart for well over a year now. Two soulmates have finally found each other in this vast world with its huge population. It is grossly unfair and inhuman for our government to continue to keep us apart.
  18. Yes, DO briefly explain your problem. If you get a recording, leave a message with your phone number. Don't just say, "I am calling to check on my case status."
  19. Was it really love? Probably not. If he has given up, he has either found someone else locally or he never really truly loved her. It is better she finds out now than later after marriage.
  20. Yes. Call, leave a message, and wait for them to get back to you.
  21. Yes, it's about time, Eric! It has been over 6 months. I suspect that most of our cases are in GZ now awaiting our notification. Now we begin the wait on GZ. Hopefully they will quickly respond to our collective pressure and issue our visas.
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