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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....1d4f18c618bf51e Great! I had seen that post but forgotten about it. Now after you all get the names of the committee members from the link above, you can paste the name of each committee member HERE to get the contact info on him.
  2. Good point, Dave, and good idea to target the committee members. Can someone get their contact info? Point #2: As a few have mentioned, I recall Jon, Tex, Tine; each of us need to get his respective representative involved. Jon's rep has asked him for reports of others who have been working with their reps, so he can combine voice with these reps in the Congress. Yes, since I live in Nevada, it is likely my reps will only receive a few letters, but these NV reps can combine with their congressional colleagues. Jon, maybe you can explain this concept better than me since it was your rep who mentioned it?
  3. Ana made this offer a few weeks ago, but there are many newcomers here, and we need each of you as well as us old-timers to contact our representatives. If anyone needs contact info and you have not found it in the CONTACT LIST here, email me at this address contacts@soulmate-finder.com , put CONTACT LIST in the subject line (so my mail filters will not delete it), and I will send you a convenient word doc of contact info and resources that I have assembled.
  4. It can be done here and costs nothing.
  5. I don't care where Powell is focused, be it Iraq, N. Korea, or whatever. SOMEBODY in his office will see the faxes and tell him. VERY IMPORTANT: As Texan said, everyone needs to send these faxes this week. Modify the letter so that it reflects your own case and use your own timeline. It is worth this time and effort to get your love home, is it not? Anybody don't know how to contact their officials? THEY ARE RIGHT HERE Any other public officials you need contact info on, I will be happy to share what I have. In return, I ask only that you do actually contact them.
  6. Yes, he is stupid and of warped mind. He is worse than she.
  7. Do you really think it wise to post the answer to this question here - in a place where potential guests who read it may be actually a future scamming immigrant?
  8. The 300th member has today joined our small but powerful group. Welcome to all newbies, and thanks to PJ for his insight and work in making this forum a reality. We have had an effect on effecting change in our government. People are beginning to listen to us. It is great to be able to share our opinions, experiences, ideas with others of common interest: get our visas! We have voice and strength in numbers, and our number has reached 300.
  9. Stats, I considered PM'ing this, but since you already posted the topic, and because there may be others in similar situation who are afraid to come forward, I will be one of the first to admit what probably crossed the minds of many of us. Specifically that P.J.'s experience made me nervous too. Possibly this is because I have been victim of cheating before by American women. Maybe it's because this could have happened to any one of us, because I'm sure PJ loved his fiancée just as much as you or I love ours. Being 7,000 miles from your love for such a long period of time is bound to test even the strongest love. My solution has been for me to go over in my mind, the memories of things that we have done and said together. Remember the things that convinced me in the first place that she is the perfect one for me. As I replay these memories in my mind, I am convinced that our love is strong, and she is for real. Stats, my advice to you is to talk to your sweetie without accusing her. But first search within yourself, discuss with yourself, and be sure of what you want to say. The same things that made you sure of your fiancée's love when you began this long process should still be valid. If you were not sure at that time, you should never have begun the process. The things you find yourself doing now (such as checking up on the website profile) are things you should (and did) do long ago before you began this petition process. Have you considered the possibility that after hearing what Ring did to PJ, maybe she got scared and logged on to the website twice in 3 days just to check to see if YOUR profile was still active? The fact that either of you did this tells me that the 2 of you NEED TO TALK. I would think that after learning of PJ's terrible experience that your sweetie would volunteer her reassurance to you without being asked to do so. But remember that there are cultural and language differences, and therefore this needed action may not be so obvious to her. Also be keenly aware of cultural and language differences when you speak to her about this. She may have difficulty expressing her exact feeling and thought in our language so that you understand what she means. In one particular relationship which I had long ago, I found myself driving to places and checking up on my girlfriend. I suddenly realized that it did not really matter whether or not I found out from my spying if she was cheating on me or not. What really mattered was the fact that I felt it necessary to check up on her. I realized that signified a problem in the relationship - either with me or within myself - there was no trust. I hope this has been helpful. One last note: To my dear fiancée, just in case she reads this post. I love you very much and do not doubt your love for a minute. You are my soulmate. But I did feel P.J.'s pain, because I have also been cheated in the distant past. I think I really know how he feels.
  10. I cannot remember who originated this template which I found a while back on this forum (most likely Angry Texan or Jon in Denver). I have modified it quite a bit to suit my case. You might want to do this also. (Small pic of you and your sweetie here).....................your name, address, fax (Someday, 2x Feb., 2003) Dear Senator (Name) I would like to discuss directly with you the situation regarding my fiancé's visa. Having started this process back in late October, 2001, we were excited to finally have our visa interview on 08/08/02. Over 9 months of waiting was over, or so we thought. But after being approved at Guangzhou Consulate on August 8, 2002, instead of being given a visa, my fiancee was given the "white slip" stating that because of increased security measures......it would take 6-8 weeks more before her visa was issued. That 6-8 weeks has now taken MORE THAN 6 MONTHS! Along with thousands of others, my fiancée in China is still awaiting her visa even as a trickle of visas have been issued to people who interviewed much later than my fiancée. We have been told by Maura Harty's office that namechecks normally clear in 2 days to 2 weeks. Though more than 6 weeks have passed since our last namecheck resubmit (Jan. 4, 2003), we have had no movement on our case. Please understand how WE see things. WE played by the rules. WE did not sneak our brides into the country illegally. WE paid every fee, WE filled out every form, and We jumped through every hoop. WE are good Americans. WE have repeatedly been fed misinformation, form letters, and promises by our government. WE have been suffocated under piles of misinformation now for so long we can hardly breathe. On behalf of myself, my waiting bride, and the THOUSANDS of Americans and their family members who are effected by this, I implore you to do whatever you can to help us get the visas for which we have been approved, and get on with our lives. We are only asking for our chance at Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Of the namechecks for applicants who interviewed as late as December 2002 and were submitted on January 4, some ALREADY HAVE their visas! Needless to say, we are at our wits end as we are passed by again. See our timeline chart on next page. In my last contact with . . . , Mr/Ms Xxxxxx told me that . . . We have still heard nothing from GZ. Respectful Regards, your name, phone, email CA = Consulate Affairs CSC = California Service Center in Laguna Nigel, CA DOS = Dept. of State GZ = Guangzhou NOA = INS "Notice of Approval" P3 = Packet 3 from GZ (forms to return) ............................. OUR VISA TIMELINE............................ DATE ........................... MY ACTION ...........................RESPONSE FROM
  11. Each computer will still have a slightly different IP address. For example, one might have , and the other would have
  12. It will take as long as it takes for them to get tired of us pestering them
  13. All we can do is keep writing, calling, emailing, faxing, etc. R.A. has admitted that our constant and consistent complaining has moved us into higher priority. Let's keep up the pressure. We don't want to lose that priority to another group, for example, business visas.
  14. You think maybe she has collegues in other newspapers around the country that would be interested in exposing this fiasco in their newspapers?
  15. A.S. seems to have been overwhelmed by our calls and apparently is now just referring callers to the 1225 info line.
  16. I'm with you Eric, I had to look at my sig to remember.
  17. Go ahead and write, call, fax, etc., and collect those form letters for your scrapbook. No, seriously though, these actions that you do - even if you only receive form letters and disinformation - serve to put your timeline into a visual that you can use when sending communications to different officials such as congressmen. Make a note of every action, date, and reaction or reply. Use this to present your arguments when seeking information and/or help from different officials, media, agencies, etc.
  18. GZ will just send you form letter telling you that they will send you notice. You should not expect p3 for a few months. Check our timeline below. Meanwhile, visit your fiancée if possible while you wait. It will be easier for you both if you can.
  19. Great! At least this slow visa train is still moving. Maybe it will eventually move in my direction.
  20. I agree totally. I think A.S. has been overwhelmed by our calls. He is likely tired of and sees no reason to keep answering the same questions over and over from each of us. He knows that he can answer a question once and the rest of us can read it here on Candle. Then he can get back to work fixing this mess. (A.S., if you read this please confirm!) A.S. has expressed optimism in the past couple weeks. Let's hope he has the power to make the things happen that he as mentioned. I still think most of our cases are sitting in a pile at GZ. We just have to get them to stop taking so many holidays and print the @#!# visas!!
  21. About 3 weeks ago, there were 239 registered members here. Today there are almost 300, and the rate of increase is growing. As old members leave, likely a few will stick around or check in from time to time. But also new members arrive each day and the group is growing larger each day. You will not be alone here.
  22. p&d, I don't think PJ would have posted this and pinned it and sent her back unless he was completely sure. It must have hurt him greatly not only to have been betrayed and used by her, but also it must have hurt to post this.
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