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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. Right on, Tex! That statement is very important. I know we have quite a few new members, so everyone read that and read it again. Then act. We must keep up the pressure until we see this thing fixed.
  2. OK, I will not tell you I certainly hope not. They have already had more vacation days this year than I will get in the next two. me angry too, Tex
  3. Even you don't get a response from GZ, they still hear your voice and they know the only to silence it is to get to work and clear the visa backlog!
  4. Careful Myles, you just gave away our real N. Korea delay strategy to the N. Koreans.
  5. Could be true It probably will work as well as the other things he has tried.
  6. Sorry, I did not ask specifically about later cases as we were discussing our particular case at the time. But if this is all true and the floodgates really about to open - then my logical assumption would be that if GZ is, as Mr. Adams said, working on the backlog for the next 2 weeks and can print 1k visas per day - then everything should begin proceeding 'normally.' This sounds like good news, but we have been through this before, and still only a trickle of visas. The point I was trying to make in this post is that if true that many clearances were recently sent to GZ and GZ is concentrating on clearing the backlog for the next 2 weeks, then perhaps for the next couple weeks we should be directing our letters, inquires, complaints, etc. to GZ.
  7. You are making a logical assumption. Wouldn't it be nice if GZ should now start acting logically?
  8. When our cases are cleared, CA knows before the DOS info line and obviously before CA sends it to GZ. From my conversation with CA on Tuesday, I got the impression that all the "blackhole" cases were now in GZ. So now we just need GZ to work through our cases. The way I see it, we are probably no longer waiting on DOJ to clear us; we are now waiting on GZ. In other words, we are back where we were when we sent in packet 3, but with clearances. If GZ really is working solely on our visas for the next two weeks as Mr. Adams said at the meeting, we should be seeing the flood of visas issuing forth from GZ very soon.
  9. Yes, China, do something about your neighbor. Just a thought. . . maybe if the Chinese throw their support behind Bush on the Iraq situation, he will band together with them on the N. Korea situation (which I perceive to be a greater immediate concern). The Pres won't listen to me. He doesn't even respond to my email about our visa delay.
  10. I don't hate G7 for running a business and trying to maintain his Number 1 SE ranking, but it just does not suit our purpose here.
  11. I wish GZ followed your logic. Then I will be second, right behind Eric
  12. That would be nice. I hope it is true, but I'll believe it when I see it.
  13. Definitely a plain commercial plight!!! What does it hurt??? The strength is in our numbers, and our numbers are here on Candle. Take the same effort you were planning on putting forth on the G7 website (with its sparse postings and numerous annoying popups, slow-loading pages, scant membership, heavy commercializatiion, and heavy censorship) and put this effort here where your many friends are on this easy-to-use fast-loading interface. Post your comments without censorship. Yes we have made progress in getting noticed by the media and by those who are delaying our visas (or haven't you read yet the post on Mick and Owen's meeting with Richard Adams?). R. Adams himself said that the reason we have moved up in priority is because we are the group who is complaining the loudest and most consistently. You will notice if you check the stats, that Candle is gaining new members each day and should break 300 by the end of this month (at current rate of newbies). I don't think we "hate" G7; it just does not serve as well our purpose. Bottom line: if you have this energy and desire (and I hope you do), use it here where there are many more relevant posts for the media to read.
  14. Maybe these should be posted in Candle's "Links and Resources" ?
  15. http://www.001.com.cn/forum/chinausa/index.html
  16. Good to see all you new members lately. Our numbers (and therefore our strength) are growing. Our "pesterpower" is getting stronger. DOS, watch out for us if you fail to give us our visas
  17. Just let me at those computers. . . I'll have all our visas printed by this weekend!
  18. Welcome to our group! We have strength in our rapidly growing numbers. Read through all the many posts on this forum. It will be worth your time. I encourage you to join in our proactive campaign to bring our loves home. We are in the "guarded optimsm" mode currently, as some seeming good news has emerged this month. Some of us have been cleared, and there is news that more clearances are en route to GZ.
  19. A.S. from CA did return my call today. He said there is a big batch of clearances being sent to GZ, and that we should be receiving good news in the next couple weeks.
  20. Mick and Owen, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to you for your efforts in GZ. Mick, I'm sorry you had to risk your life for the cause, but I am glad you were lucky and survived. Take care and get well.
  21. Yes, REAL SQUEAKY Texan! In fact, I am already at work composing letters to send just in case nothing happens in a couple weeks. I am saving these letters on my computer, ready to send at my command - by fax, email, contact form, whatever means I can muster. I have February 26 circled on my calendar. If no action by then, the pressure gets turned up a few notches as my barrage begins. Since the DOS info line people seem to know nothing or say nothing of relevance, might I suggest that we keep calling them to check on our case. At the very least, it pressures them to let their superiors know that although we wait relatively quietly while we allow GZ, CA, DOS, to make good on their promises - we have not gone away. We are a force just waiting to unleash the power of our ever-more coordinated group. BTW, I notice that we are getting new members to Candle each day. . . welcome!
  22. I did send a fax to R. Mueller (FBI) and also an email to FBI and CIA at the end of January, but have received NO RESPONSE. While talking with DOS yesterday, I asked who was doing our name checks, FBI? The answer was that she could not give out such information to the public. She could only say that it was, 'other agencies'.
  23. Here is an excerpt from Owen's very long post of what he learned from his meeting yesterday with Richard Adams: "He stated that there were about 600 K-1 cases caught in the July-September interview delay. Of those, about 300 have received their visas. He said that the only reason that the K-1 cases are being concentrated on right now is because they have been complaining the loudest and most consistently to the point that DOS ordered him to give them priority over all other cases." This is good news. First, there are only 300 of us remaining in the July-September delay group. Second, GZ is being ordered by the DOS to give K-1 cases priority over all other visa cases - because we are complaining the loudest and most consistently. What this means is that we must keep on being the ones who complain the loudest and most consistently. All of us must keep calling, writing, faxing, emailing, etc. While we appreciate the effort being put forth by DOS and GZ, we still want more than mere progress - WE WANT OUR VISAS!!
  24. The rest of us BH'ers are still waiting, right? I mean Johnindenver(8/16), George and Ling(8/13), Snow beast(8/11), bbzou(8/20), Kaige(8/20), and Ana(8/30) all have reported getting clearances sent to GZ, although they still wait for visas. Any other August interviewee got good news?
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